- Messages
- 390
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Sexual Orientation
- Bisexual
- Wand
- Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
- Age
- 28
NAME: Lauren Elin Davenport
- Lauren (Lawr-en): Lauren is a feminine form of Laurence and means ''bay Laurel''.
- Elin (E-lin): Elin is a Scandinavian form of Ellen.
- Davenport (Da-ve-nport): Davenport is a habitational name from a place in Cheshire named Davenport.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Stockholm, Sweden
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Cambridge, England
NICKNAME/ALIAS: Lauren doesn't have nicknames at the moment.
AGE: Ten
BIRTHDAY: May 17th, 2034
NATIONALITY: Lauren is part English from her dad and part Swedish from her mother.
SEXUALITY: Hetrosexual
ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus: Being a Taurus born on May 17th, your personality is defined by loyalty and discipline. Above all, you value your family and home life, which explains for your undying loyalty and devotion. In all matters, you keep your loved ones best interests at heart. While your family and friends appreciate your loyalty, it may be your discipline that demands the most admiration. In your work you are organized, hard working and committed to success.
ELEMENT: Earth: Your sign's paired element is Earth and in fact, of all the zodiac signs, only the Taurus has a fixed connection with Earth. Thanks to your elemental influence, your personality is as stable and firm as the very ground you walk on. In this sense, Earth can make you stubborn, but it also makes you practical. In all of your efforts and goals, Earth keeps you grounded and realistic. Embracing earthly prudence will play a key role in your future successes. However, you must avoid the overly cautious attitude that can plague Earth zodiac signs.
PLANET: Venus: Venus is the planetary ruler of the Taurus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn lends you a dose of its power as well. Being the planet of harmony, the influence of Venus can be witnessed in your social, cooperative and beauty-loving qualities. Similarly, it is the influence of Saturn, the planet of control, that links to your discipline, perseverance and wisdom. More so than any of the Taurus Decans, your unique blend of planetary power makes you patient. In situations that seem obviously frustrating, you rarely fail to display patience and understanding. While your hard work could earn you much praise, you prefer to stay out of the spotlight. Your main focuses in life are material security and family, so you find little value in accolades.
EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
- Wood:
- Core:
- Inches:
PLAY BY: Sasha Pieterse
HAIR: Lauren has blonde white long hair.
EYES: Lauren has got bright blue eyes.
LIKES: Adventures, Chocolate, Sweets, Making friends, Make her own plans and Sports.
DISLIKES: Books, Studying, People telling her what to do, Adults and Bullies.
SECRETS: Lauren doesn't feel accepted in her family, but she doesn't speak about it.
GOALS: Lauren wants to have the best time at Hogwarts and make lots of friends.
FEARS: Her father, agressive people and animals.
STRENGTHS: Lauren is very social and that is a strenght of her. She easily makes contact with others and likes to make friends and meeting new people. She isn't afraid of stepping to a person and tell what she wants.
WEAKNESSES: Lauren can be really rebels. She has something playfull inside of her that her sisters don't have. Lauren likes to search for borders and how far she can go with that. She loves experimenting with stuff and to see what the result of an action is. She does things before she thinks about it. That makes her very reckless and that is something people can irritate about. Whenever her emotions get the best of her she either shuts herself off from others or uses anger towards them. Because she had learned that from her parents.
Seeing herself as Quidditch player with a cup inside of her hand.
BOGGART: Her father coming at her.
PATRONUS: A hedgehog
AMORTENTIA: Grass, Pepermint and Gasoline
[th colspan="2"]THE DAVENPORT FAMILY:[/th]
<SIZE size="100">Lauren ELIN Davenport

'' This is a story that I have never told. ''
<i></i>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME: Lauren Elin Davenport
- Lauren (Lawr-en): Lauren is a feminine form of Laurence and means ''bay Laurel''.
- Elin (E-lin): Elin is a Scandinavian form of Ellen.
- Davenport (Da-ve-nport): Davenport is a habitational name from a place in Cheshire named Davenport.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Stockholm, Sweden
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Cambridge, England
NICKNAME/ALIAS: Lauren doesn't have nicknames at the moment.
AGE: Ten
BIRTHDAY: May 17th, 2034
<COLOR color="black">---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'' I gotta get this off my chest to let it go. ''
<SIZE size="50">'' I gotta get this off my chest to let it go. ''
NATIONALITY: Lauren is part English from her dad and part Swedish from her mother.
SEXUALITY: Hetrosexual
ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus: Being a Taurus born on May 17th, your personality is defined by loyalty and discipline. Above all, you value your family and home life, which explains for your undying loyalty and devotion. In all matters, you keep your loved ones best interests at heart. While your family and friends appreciate your loyalty, it may be your discipline that demands the most admiration. In your work you are organized, hard working and committed to success.
ELEMENT: Earth: Your sign's paired element is Earth and in fact, of all the zodiac signs, only the Taurus has a fixed connection with Earth. Thanks to your elemental influence, your personality is as stable and firm as the very ground you walk on. In this sense, Earth can make you stubborn, but it also makes you practical. In all of your efforts and goals, Earth keeps you grounded and realistic. Embracing earthly prudence will play a key role in your future successes. However, you must avoid the overly cautious attitude that can plague Earth zodiac signs.
PLANET: Venus: Venus is the planetary ruler of the Taurus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn lends you a dose of its power as well. Being the planet of harmony, the influence of Venus can be witnessed in your social, cooperative and beauty-loving qualities. Similarly, it is the influence of Saturn, the planet of control, that links to your discipline, perseverance and wisdom. More so than any of the Taurus Decans, your unique blend of planetary power makes you patient. In situations that seem obviously frustrating, you rarely fail to display patience and understanding. While your hard work could earn you much praise, you prefer to stay out of the spotlight. Your main focuses in life are material security and family, so you find little value in accolades.
<SIZE size="50">---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'' I need to take back the light inside you stole.
<SIZE size="50">'' I need to take back the light inside you stole.
EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand

- Wood:
- Core:
- Inches:
'' You're a criminal. And you steal like you're a pro. ''
'' You're a criminal. And you steal like you're a pro. ''
PLAY BY: Sasha Pieterse
HAIR: Lauren has blonde white long hair.
EYES: Lauren has got bright blue eyes.
'' All the pain and the truth. I wear like a battle wound. ''
'' All the pain and the truth. I wear like a battle wound. ''
LIKES: Adventures, Chocolate, Sweets, Making friends, Make her own plans and Sports.
DISLIKES: Books, Studying, People telling her what to do, Adults and Bullies.
SECRETS: Lauren doesn't feel accepted in her family, but she doesn't speak about it.
GOALS: Lauren wants to have the best time at Hogwarts and make lots of friends.
FEARS: Her father, agressive people and animals.
STRENGTHS: Lauren is very social and that is a strenght of her. She easily makes contact with others and likes to make friends and meeting new people. She isn't afraid of stepping to a person and tell what she wants.
WEAKNESSES: Lauren can be really rebels. She has something playfull inside of her that her sisters don't have. Lauren likes to search for borders and how far she can go with that. She loves experimenting with stuff and to see what the result of an action is. She does things before she thinks about it. That makes her very reckless and that is something people can irritate about. Whenever her emotions get the best of her she either shuts herself off from others or uses anger towards them. Because she had learned that from her parents.

BOGGART: Her father coming at her.
PATRONUS: A hedgehog
AMORTENTIA: Grass, Pepermint and Gasoline
'' So ashamed, so confused. I was broken and bruised.''
PERSONALITY: Lauren is a special girl. She is a happy and energetic girl that loves to spend time with friends. Lauren is not a quiet type from nature, she loves to chat and is mostly excited to tell what she has experianced. She is curious for lots of stuff. Lauren can be a bit rebels, and doesn't really see consequences for her actions. Lauren is very different than her sisters, and she is kind of left out a bit and she feels that way too. With most of her sisters she has a good connection, but she misses love and protection from her parents. Lauren thinks her parents has led her down, and she has a trust issue for adults. Since she never had an good example. '' So ashamed, so confused. I was broken and bruised.''
HISTORY: Lauren is the second oldest one of the children from Bryon and Agnes. She was born in Stockholm, Sweden in her mothers hometown. Lauren has never been really wanted, since Bryon really wanted a boy. After Gabriella he had hoped for a boy, but it was a dissapointment to get another girl. Lauren never really experianced love from her parents. Lauren has the best connection with her youngest sister Camille who she likes to take care of. She was raised with a lot of punishment. Lauren was not a easy child and searched for borders already from young age. Later they moved to Cambridge, England the hometown of their dad and still live there at the moment.
Little Lauren

Little Lauren