Open Last One There Is A Rotten Egg

Joshua Lynch

kiwi 🥝 | sports crazy ⚽️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
16 (02/2045)
In all honesty, Josh was bored. As much as he enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the castle, there was nothing really to do. The Gryffindor got bored pretty quickly. He wished there were more sports teams at his school. Sports was his favourite thing to do. The boy was walking around the great lawn, bored out of his mind, thinking of things to do. He looked around the place, noticing that there weren't many people around the grounds.

He looked towards someone a couple of feet away from him. He couldn't tell who the person was as they were a bit too far away from him to recognise. "HEY! PSST! YOU!" Josh shouted towards the person. "YEAH, YOU!" Josh continued to shout at the person. "DO YOU WANNA RACE?? LAST ONE DOWN AT THAT TREE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Josh continued to shout at the person, and then began to full speed running towards the tree, not really noticing if the person was also running or not.
Besides Quidditch practices, there was not much else that Mischa really had to do with his free time. There was the occasional club meeting, but even that wasn't really all that interesting. So, for the most part, Mish found himself wasting time wandering around outside or getting in some extra practice on the pitch just to have something to do. It was not like he was going to be a 'good student' and get in some extra studying or anything. What did people take him for? A Ravenclaw?

At least it was kind of nice outside, though Mish was starting to wonder what he was actually going to do with his time now he was outside. Though someone else answered that for him, a grin splitting the boy's lips at the challenge. "YOU'RE ON!" He quite eagerly yelled back, absolutely refusing to lose in a race as he sprinted after the other boy. He was going to crush this.

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