- Messages
- 7,769
- OOC First Name
- Mia
- Blood Status
- Unknown
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Dederick
- Wand
- Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
- Age
- 49 (2/2013)
Out of Character:
- title by Madz
Briar was getting ready for this years yule ball. she and Madlyn had received a package a few days ago. and it contained two dresses. It was clear who's was who's. hers was the pink frilly one and her sisters was a yellow simple one. on the evening of the ball they had got ready together. the dresses fit them both well. and briar added a few accessories to hers to try and break up the pink and frills. this years dress was a lot different to last years. it was bright and light where as the previous year it had been heavy as she had been terrified that someone would see her scars and work out what she was. now she not only wore her scars proud. she had gained more lacing their way up her arms, and even a bold one on her face. there was also a new one on her arm that wasn't healed yet, she had to go to St Mungos over the break to try and get in fixed up a little more. and she had a feeling that the healers would once again be trying to force wolfsbane down her neck. she had let her hair go naturally crazy she slipped on her sunglasses and she was ready.
she looked over at her sister and smiled. they would have to get a picture to show Iris before they headed down. it was her last ball and she was going to make it a good night. "are you ready?" she asked. her sister as she waited by the door to the dorm.
they reached the great hall. and briar looked around. even after seven years in the school the christmas decorations still amazed her. it was funny to think that this was going to be her last ball in the castle. she looked at he other students trying to see what the other seventh years were doing. but she only managed to see jeremy who appeared to be waiting for someone. she smiled at him as she passed but didn't stop to talk. tonight she and her sister were going to have a good time even if their dresses stuck out amongst the elegant clothing of the other students. she was used to making a statement. and she knew her sister wasn't new to standing out. "what do you fancy doing?" she asked her eyes already making a beeline to the food though she let the option up to her sister. she was always eating, and she could wait if madlyn wanted to do something else first.