Last Dance, looks like we've been Riddikulused. oh well

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
OOCOut of Character:
title by Madz :p

Briar was getting ready for this years yule ball. she and Madlyn had received a package a few days ago. and it contained two dresses. It was clear who's was who's. hers was the pink frilly one and her sisters was a yellow simple one. on the evening of the ball they had got ready together. the dresses fit them both well. and briar added a few accessories to hers to try and break up the pink and frills. this years dress was a lot different to last years. it was bright and light where as the previous year it had been heavy as she had been terrified that someone would see her scars and work out what she was. now she not only wore her scars proud. she had gained more lacing their way up her arms, and even a bold one on her face. there was also a new one on her arm that wasn't healed yet, she had to go to St Mungos over the break to try and get in fixed up a little more. and she had a feeling that the healers would once again be trying to force wolfsbane down her neck. she had let her hair go naturally crazy she slipped on her sunglasses and she was ready.
she looked over at her sister and smiled. they would have to get a picture to show Iris before they headed down. it was her last ball and she was going to make it a good night. "are you ready?" she asked. her sister as she waited by the door to the dorm.

they reached the great hall. and briar looked around. even after seven years in the school the christmas decorations still amazed her. it was funny to think that this was going to be her last ball in the castle. she looked at he other students trying to see what the other seventh years were doing. but she only managed to see jeremy who appeared to be waiting for someone. she smiled at him as she passed but didn't stop to talk. tonight she and her sister were going to have a good time even if their dresses stuck out amongst the elegant clothing of the other students. she was used to making a statement. and she knew her sister wasn't new to standing out. "what do you fancy doing?" she asked her eyes already making a beeline to the food though she let the option up to her sister. she was always eating, and she could wait if madlyn wanted to do something else first.
OOCOut of Character:
You and your titles :3

Madlyn couldn't begin to stomach what her mom was thinking when she sent over these dresses. Briar was more laced and had more frills, hers was much more simpler, still mom's surprised gift shouldn't be ignored. This time she was expecting pictures and proof of them wearing these horrible dresses. Briar seem fit in hers, Madlyn smiled when she saw her with the glasses on to accompany her gear. They weren't all that bad, really maybe she was over thinking. It was the first time she wore a belt around her waist, it look pretty and made her stomach less bulky. Madlyn grin, "Okay but we need pictures remember?" she had arrange her roommate to take a few photos. A few poses later, Madlyn grab briar and left the towers to enjoy the evening.

Twenty minutes later, Madlyn strolled right in with Briar. Decoration for the ball lit up the entire great hall. Madlyn looked up above the ceiling, everything seem majestic. Madlyn smirked, she had finally figured out the secret behind the ceiling, and the snow falling was a form of magic she was sure was either transfiguration or charm. Either way, it could all disappeared with finite, depending the strength of the spell itself. Briar darted quickly to the table leaving Madlyn to chase after wards. "I don't know we can always try dancing" everyone and anyone would be staring at them, that shouldn't stop them. Madlyn swipe a cake from the table, she treated herself to a plate of food and a cup of fruit punch. It was all delicious. The cake melted inside her mouth and the juice tasted extra sweet.

Music played in the background, but Madlyn decided she would sit down for now and enjoy the ball for a bit from the safety of her seat. She snack into her treat at the same time, she saw many faces in the crowd, one of the faces she recognize to be Andy. Oh boy, if he saw her now he'd surly would faint. "Do you know that boy, the Ravenclaw? You couldn't believe what he did to me, he likes faints every time he sees me" Madlyn spoke to Briar, he was the last person she thought she would see here out of all places. Madlyn shook her head, he must be really wanting to die now with so many bodies touching up against each other. Maybe she should sneak up on him and save him the freight for the the rest of the night.
OOCOut of Character:
I asked you what you thought it should be called and you aid Anything meaningful for Briar, so that is what it is called. have changed it as i only called it that to see your reaction. :p

Briar smiled smiled when her sister said that they needed a picture. to show their mom. after a few snaps they were on their way to the great hall.

when they arrived Briar was glad that her sister knew where she wanted to head to first. "Dancing sounds good, but it looks like you know me too well" she said as they had already headed to the food tables her stomach gurgling under the layers of pink frills as she approached. Looking at the vast assortment of delicious looking food and deciding to start with a truly sandwich. she had just taken a bite when her sister who was looking at the other students pointed out someone. "you said that one boy fainted. that was him? I wouldn't expect to see him here. he doesn't sound like the most, umm, confident of people." she said. Looking out at some of the other people too. Familiar faces stood out. The seventh years like her seemed to be making the most of their last ball. And the younger students snacking on sugar were starting to get rather hyperactive. "the foods good like always" she said as the music played before finishing off her sandwich and reaching for a sausage roll. "do you have any plans for the break?" she asked. She knew that she was staying in new Zealand as she had some appointments with a healer at St mungoes. To try and heal her arm, and probably force wolfsbane down her neck. After the last full moon she understood the importance ofthat potion. She just hoped that she would comply and not try and go without again.
Sapphire had chosen something somewhat cartoony for the evening. Sapphire had on what would have been a strapless dress but the one strap that she did have was in the shape of a lightning bolt. Sapphire saw it as showing that even though she was dressed up she was still herself underneath. She saw Brair and Madlyn, the latter whom she talked greeted when they had class together. She thought they both looked great especially Brair who looked as if she went for the mark of individuality too. 'Looks like I'm not the only one who decided to show up to night." She said with a wide smile at them both. She took a cup of punch and started to sip it while looking at the stage. It was set up for the quartet to start playing near the middle of the night and the thought of it was making Sapphire shake in her three inch heels (which put her at the height of Madlyn's hip Sapphire my have grown out but she not grown up still being about five feet solid). She tried not to show it though.

"What made you guys come down to the ball?" She asked to try and make conversation and hope that her nerves didn't make her say anything stupid or do anything that would be remembered forever. Well as close to forever that it got around Hogwarts which was about two weeks before the masses forgot and moved on to the next bit of gossip. Still two weeks of having to hide her face was a lot for someone had to live here. It was fortunate though that this was the next to the last night here so if she did make a fool of herself she would be at home so no one would really point it out until she came back and even then the vacation may wipe out the humiliating moment. It was thought like this that made Sapphire feel better about what she was about preforming in front of everyone.
Madlyun chuckled. "Well you are my sisters, biological or not I think we've known each other far to long for me not to guess what you like" besides dancing with everyone would bring more attention to them. It would be fun to try it tonight, but Madlyn didn't really feel like gaining anymore attention then she already had. The ball for them was more of a place to socialize if anything. With everyone having their own lives and busy schedule, events like this she took it upon her self to mingle and have her own type of fun. It's Briar last ball here though, last of the last. "Maybe you should try something new tonight Briar? I mean you have to go on with a bang, live a little sis" she encourage. Yet she could only say so much for Briar to try anything. Madlyn would understand if she didn't feel so comfortable parading around the hall, when simply she herself would do no such thing. Madlyn grabbed a few sausage links ans drop them on her plate. With a roll she bit to the sausage and enjoyed the feast. "I'm going to Solen, mom wants to visit and she asked if you wanted to come along, I told her I wasn't sure. So what are you doing?" she heard of Briar's recent injuries and wonder if she was getting that taken care of.

Moments later they were interrupted by Sapphire, the puff dramatic change was still brand new to Madlyn. She looked nice, although Madlyn couldn't help but think she looked better before. The girl change didn't suit, Madlyn however kept her opinion to herself. "Well it's Briar last ball, plus our mom force us with these dresses" she said with a chuckle. "You look nice" she heard rumors about Sapphire being apart of a live performance. Madlyn was looking forward to seeing this as well. "Will you be playing tonight, words saying you'll be playing with your band. What kind of music will you be gracing us with Ms. Bookchild?" she asked. It be a positive light on Sapphire in a long time. Every time the zine came out, Madlyn read how poorly they would trash the girl, even when she was mute. It's sad how someone can bring you down with such hateful words. That's why Madlyn had grown awareness to the hypocrisy and did all but her best to avoid what's being said. It's by her parents guidance she had tolerance for hate, she grew learning it was just plain wasteful energy.
For Minoas it was one of those kind of things that he wasn't expecting himself join, simply enough because he was feeling like a fish out of water. His mother contributed a lot on his desicion to attend at the Yule Ball since she had sent him with an owl, a tuxedo that came along with the unpleasant surprise of a a bow-tie. It wasn't just his mother's initiative that made him dress up formally and attend to that annual event. The young Gryffindor had zero social life for the past few months. Studies, Quidditch practices and his own little stuff had occupied most of his free time. Now that the exams were finally over, he had the chance to relax a little bit and meet some people outside the library or Gryffindors common room. He was also going to spend Christmas holidays in the castle so he decided to abandon his little shell before the majority of students were going to disappear for holidays, being subsequently left alone.

He was feeling rediculously uncomfortable in his new suit and had the impression that it would be fitting better a halloween party. He had a final look at one of the mirrors that were placed outside the great hall and he had the feeling that he was strongly ressembling an emperor penguin. He only felt slightly comfortable when he saw other people wearing that kind of attire. He took a little time to listen at what Professor Kingsley had to say to them. "Yeah, they had to publish first three volumes for you to start investigating." he murmured sarcastically with a roll of his eyes about the fact that were starting investigating the author of that rumours magazine. Anything was going to bother him at that moment and that meant that his sarcasm was pretty much alive. Suddenly music started playing in the background and pairs flocked on the dance floor. He made a step backwards as if an invisible hand was going to grab him by force and make him dance.
He had never attempted to dance but he knew he was going to be bad. He was glad that he had come without a date. Weren't the girls always seeking for a dance partner?

Speaking of girls, he managed to spot among the crowd two girls that were thankfully quite different from the common type of girls. He was surprised however to see both Briar and Madlyn dressed like that. He had connected them with something more untamed to be confined within pink and yellow dresses but who was he to judge that when he was wearing a bloody tuxedo. "Good evening ladies!" he greeted Briar, Madlyn and their friend that he didn't really knew of, while pretending of tipping an invisible hat on his head with a short bow. He liked to parodies a situation in which he wasn't feeling comfortable. "Enjoying the night? Looking for a date?" he winked playfully and teasingly at the same time. "No time no see." he turned to Briar while shoving his hands in his pocket, feeling awkward just let them hanging. "I feel pretty bad for disappearing. I haven't even congratulated you for becoming a head girl so..umm... congrats!" he apologised for that. He had a careful look around him to see how the rest of the spectators were enjoying themselves. "I see that I haven't missed a lot the past two years that I didn't attend." he continued as he could see mostly people dancing. "I was expecting something like a live music performance from a band or something but maybe I was highly ambitious." he concluded and sat down at the table. "Is the food good at least?" he asked Madlyn that seemed enjoying the food already.
Briar laughed when Madlyn said that they were sisters and she would know. she gave her sister a quick hug when she said that. they were sisters no matter not. Briar liked having a proper family, no matter how much she had tried to stand on her own every time she realised that she always needed her sister, different people from totally different backgrounds, but they needed each other. "Go out with a bang? It isn't like I try not to make ripples most of the time. but what do you suggest Sis" she said wondering what Madlyn was thinking about. "Solen, that is in America Isn't it?" she said trying to remember where Madlyn said it was, either America or Ireland. "I am afraid I am staying here. I think I am expected to as head girl. plus the nurse said I had to visit st. mungos to get my arm looked at"she said. she hadn't told anyone she wasn't taking her potion but she was sure that her siblings had work it out. just then someone joined them, Sapphire a sixth year hufflepuff whom she was friends with, someone who seemed ot have undergone a huge transformation over the last year. she smiled at the girl. "I think most of the school is here, its my last ball so we decided to make the most of it." she said looking at Sapphires unusual dress. she wasn't one for fashion so she didn't comment on it but she did see some pictures in the girls skin "I like the tattoos" she said. she was looking forward to the break a she had decided to get another tattoo herself on the right foot. Then someone else who she knew very well arrived. her little Brother. "Hello Minoas, Nice to see you away from all those books you seem to be glued to" she said lightly fist pumping him on the arm. "we are having a good time. How about you" she said letting the comment about a date slip. "I am pretty sure you have congratulated me already, but thank you" she said smiling. It was great to have friends and family with her. When Minoas said he hadn't missed mush she shook her head. you missed the food, isn't that more than enough"[/b] she said, her mind like quite often was on her stomach. as if to emphasise the point she picked up a mini christmas pudding and bit into it. at the question on music she smiled. "It has hardly started. I think Sapphire will be playing later" she said looking at the Hufflepuff for confirmation.
Sapphire smiled at them both. "Thanks, why not show a bit of my individuality." She said while fingering the lightning bolt shaped strap. Sapphire took another deep gulp of punch and looked around for others that she knew then turned back to her friends. Sapphire looked at her tattooed arm and nodded. "I like them too. I'm an artist after all and what is skin but another blank canvas to draw on?" She said brightly. Another person came to join the conversation and Sapphire smiled at him. "I may take you up on that offer seeing as I too haven't got a date." She said playfully then listened as Briar mentioned that she would be playing Sapphire closed her eyes and breathed in deep. "I have been borderline panicking about the proformance all week. I swear the girls must hate me for all the practice I've had them do on top of exams." She said then let out what was left of the breath she took slowly. It calmed her down a bit. She looked around again to see if she could spot the members of the quartet in the crowd.

What she spotted made her gulp. Jeremy was there and looking as handsome as ever, at his arm was Alyss Summers, the girl she had comforted when she was mentioned in RHI. "Well good for him." She said to herself but her eyes where sad. It seemed like Jeremy was going after everyone that wasn't her and to actually see him with another girl like that made her shatter more than she thought it would. Peace Sapphire. AS a friend your happy for him. She thought and brought the smile back onto her face though her blue orbs where glittering for another reason. "Well Kate's doing Christmas music while I chose for us to play a few songs that I've written. I don't know if they are going to be your flavor Madlyn but I do hope you like it." She said the sadness that she had felt completely sinking back into the back of her mind now, where it belonged.
Madlyn picked up another roll of bread. "I dunno do something fun, like dancing?" she chuckle because knowing Briar, dancing is so totally out of comfort zone. Her sister dancing sounded brill. What Madlyn didn't know was that Briar danced not only with someone but her ex-boyfriend. Madlyn could tell Briar random behavior wasn't because she was nearing the end of her school year. Madlyn knew about Briar neglected of the potion and as a sister there was very little she could do to help her. It's not like she could bring herself to force down he wolfbane. "Oh okay I'm going to miss not being with you" she said sighing. "That's right mom wants to visit so does Jackie and Mandela will be there to stop by" she chewed on her rolls quite content with the wheat.

Minoas looked mashing in his suit, even though he didn't seem so comfortable in that form of fashion. Madlyn greeted him normally, she didn't mention the other night to Briar, she didn't want him to get yelled at, besides as head girl Briar would be forced to do something about what he was doing in the forest. "Minoas you look great" she said giving him a look that said to keep-his-mouth-shut-or-else they'll both get in trouble. She turn to Sapphire, "No I think I'll like it, I've heard you played around the third or fourth corridors I think...while I was in perfect duty" she grin somewhat. Madlyn recognize her face expression had drop quickly, she looked over to the great hall wondering what was all that about? Madlyn couldn't pick it up, so she left it alone. She hated prying and asking someone what was wrong when she hardly knew much about Sapphire besides the tranish trashed they write about in the magazine. "Don't know about the Christmas music, I'm not a big fan of those"
His forehead wrinkled as he drew his brows together.
"I was afraid I was slowly adopting a Ravenclaw's lifestyle. If I had their password, I could just blend naturally with them." he replied on Briar's comment about his recently affection for books. "No books until next term." he reassured her, shaking his head as if he had just got rid of something really bad. For the past few months, he had turned the library into a campsite. He was even taking food from the great hall to eat it there when he was sure that the librarians weren't around. He had promised to himself that at least for the holidays he wasn't going to pass even outside of the library, let alone enter it.

"Thanks." he murmured to Madlyn, trying to decipher the kind of look that she was casting at him. He guessed that it was all about their last encounter in the library and when Briar and the Hufflepuff were focused somwhere else, he made a gesture at Madlyn, as if he was zipping his mouth. He chuckled slightly when Madlyn stated her antipathy about christmas songs. He imagined her fed up, surrounded by the company of a dozen of house elves braying to her the christmas carols. "Great, live music might make it interesting." he commented as he took a dish and added a few apple-pie rolls, sprinkled with sugar. "So, what are the plans for holidays?" he asked all of them as he took a bite of the crunchy roll with the soft, refreshing taste of apple inside.
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