Language Barrier

Miyusaki Grimm

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It was a rather cold day as Miyusaki Hitachiin walked along the frozen corridors of the Durmstrang Institute. Her new home for the next two years. She was freezing. It might have been summer right now, but she was used to the warm climate of France, not the colder climate of anywhere here. She pulled her jacket closer around her body and nodded at some students as she walked. They all looked at her funny, because they weren't used to seeing Asian's around here. Most like her went to Beauxbatons or Salem, even Hogwarts Scotland. Of course up until a week or so ago, she had been enrolled at Beauxbatons. But after the talks with her future husbands family finished, she was sent to go to school here. Both parents felt it important, for them to get to know each other. She had a note from his mother to give to him, apparently he hadn't been responding to her letters and so she thought that this was the best way to get her message to him. She was very adamant that Miyu find him and give him the letter as soon as possible. Why was it so important? He knew about this arrangement right? They wouldn't go behind their own sons back would they? She sighed. She didn't even know if she was ready for this yet. She had only just lost her previous match and so she was still in grief. He had died in an accident three years ago. She had been preparing to meet him her whole life, even learning to speak English and Japanese so that she would be able to help him with his business, but now she was stuck in a country where half the population couldn't even communicate with her. She found the Professor's hard to understand, because they all spoke either Russian or Bulgarian. Miyu sighed and straightened out her back. She was a Hitachiin daughter. She was trained to do what was expected, to discover what her partner needs and to then provide it for him. Thus was the training she had grown up in. Whatever he needed her to be, she would become it. If he needed her to stay away, she would, if he needed a friend, that is what she would become.

Miyu pulled a prefect aside and asked if he knew Xavier Grimm. It took awhile for them to find a common language, but once they had, she discovered that Xavier liked to hang around fire places, so he was most likely in the student lounge. She nodded her thank you and headed in the direction that the boy had pointed out. She had to go up a couple of stairs to reach the third floor and she found that it was slightly warmer up her. So she loosened her grip on her coat slightly and pulled off her gloves as she entered the Student Lounge. There were a couple of people sitting around the room, but there was one boy was lying, sprawled out in front of the fire. He was kind of cute for a caucasian to be honest. A soft smile crept onto her lips and she walked over to him and nudged him slightly with her foot. She hoped that this was the boy she was after. It would be alittle embarrassing if he wasn't. Miyu smiled at him and pulled the note out of her pocket, handing it down to him. When he read it all would be well, and she could start sussing out his every need.​
Xavier sighed blissfully as he stretched out in front of the fire. He was like a moth to flame. He had to rest by the fires this school had otherwise he'd surely turn into a snowcone. The pure-blood didn't know what his parents were thinking. He hated winter and winter months and snow and cold and the flu. He liked when they would holiday in the Southern Hemisphere, to New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Australia. They were such warm places, even if he was never actually able to mingle with the people. Xavier didn't hate Durmstrang, it was a very nice school. He liked the classes and was doing quite well, but he didn't like the weather. It shouldn't be this could. It was a crime. There was snow blowing outside and inside the stone castle was nearly as bad. There were only a few rooms, such as this one, that had fire and warmth in them. It seemed that most other people here liked the cold. They were obviously insane.

Xavier removed his gloves and threw them onto the coffee table and undid his coat. Now he was beginning to heat up. It was about time. Xavier's eyes opened slowly when someone nudged his foot. "Go away Kiefer..." He muttered, rolling over. He couldn't think of anyone else that would be bothering him when he was by a fire. Everyone knew that Xavier loved fire and it was only Kiefer that bothered him about it. A privilege of being a friend. He looked around when he saw a note. What was this? He looked at the owner of the hand he was looking at and his face twisted in confusion. Who was this? He nodded and took the note, which had his name on it. "I didn't realise my mother found a new species of owl." He was speaking Swedish, but he figured that the girl would be able to understand him. He didn't mean to be rude, but he really hated his mother.

Xavier read the letter and nearly fainted. His mother was marrying him off to some Japanese family he had never heard of in his life? It 'was not his decision'?! Apparently, he should be honoured to be thought about. Personally, he would have rather his mother to forget his existence. She was only doing this because she was a cow and she was far too proud to have grandchildren that weren't pure-blood. Xavier looked up at the girl. This could not be happening. Unfortunatley, he knew better than to defy his mother. Even his father wouldn't do something that stupid. He threw the note into the fire and looked at the girl in front of him. He didn't even know Japanese. "Umm... hi, I'm Xavier Grimm. Err... are you sure this isn't a massive misunderstanding? What's your name?"
Miyu was more then confused. Why did Xavier look so shocked? Had his parents not told him about this meeting? Was there something in the letter that had shocked him. After all she did not speak Swedish. However, he kept addressing her in the language. She tilted her head. She would have to learn another language again. It wasn't that it would be hard. But she was beginning to think that she was going to have to learn every language that existed. Her track record of betrothals was not good as it seemed and she found herself wondering if it was her. If these things happened as a punishment for something she did in another life. But it really couldn't be that could it? She just kept looking at him as he read the letter. He obviously had not been informed of this arrangement previously. She thought it was a bit rude that she had been forced into this situation. She pouted slightly and mentally yelled at her mother for getting her into this mess. It was terrible to say the least. She would have much preferred to marry one of Satoshi's other sons, but unfortunately they were either spoken for or too young. It was against tradition to have the wife be older then the husband. It made sense. Her culture were all for the whole Seniority thing. Natsumi was the best example of that. Her and Kai were about six years apart. Though Hikari and Noah were pretty close in age. "This is ridiculous!" How could his parents have been so careless in not telling him about this. She was going to have to send an Owl to her own parents in reprimand. The worst thing was. He didn't even seem to be able to understand her. She hoped they could find some sort of commonality to communicate with. She sighed and sat cross-legged in front of him. Eye contact was important in a language barrier. Miyu seriously doubted that he could speak Japanese, but perhaps he could speak english. His parents had certainly been able too.

"My name is Miyusaki Hitachiin. I thought you would have known about this. I'm sorry. If I had known that you did not, I would have been more considerate of you. I have known about this for months." She told him, flicking her hair over her shoulder. It was alot of information but she had to get this all out of the way. It was their first meeting. "I will do and be what ever you wish. If you wish me to leave you alone, I shall. If you wish a friend, I will be that for you. I can tell what you need from me and when just by speaking to you. So, shall we do this Mr Grimm? If you say no, I will try to put in a word for you with your and my own parents." She told him as she held her hand out too him.
Xavier was even more confused when the girl in front of him seemed confused. Why was she confused?! She was the one that approached him. Obviously she would know what was happening. She had no right to be confused. This was ridiculous. She seemed to exclaim something in another language, not that he knew what she was saying. Couldn't she speak Swedish? Or Bulgarian? They were the most common languages here. Whatever language she just spoke was completely foreign to Xavier. He had never heard it before. Hopefully she knew Swedish or Bulgerian or Russian. He didn't really know any other languages. He didn't need to. She sat in front of him and he came to the sudden, horrible realisation that she wasn't going to go away. He sighed and sat up, pulling his knees to his chin. The only thing that was keeping him in a good mood was that the fire was keeping his back warm, otherwise he might have gone off at her, or walked off and found someone he actually liked, like Kiefer.

Xavier stared at the girl blankly. What? Was she speaking English? He couldn't be sure. Maybe it was French or Italian or something. He had no idea what she was saying, but he did hear 'Grimm'. Did she mention his name, or was she saying something else? Did she say 'Grimm'? She said so many words so quickly. It was all swimming around his head. He slowly shook his head. "Dear Merlin..." Obviously she could not speak Swedish. "Okay, how about Russian? Can you speak Russian? I have no idea what you just said to me. It sounded like you were dying. Could you just repeat everything in Russian?" He chewed on his lip and hung his head. She didn't appear to know Russian. "How about Bulgarian? It's like... the most spoken language in this school. Surely you know at least a teeny bit of that?" This was going to be ridiculously hard. Xavier made a mental note to write a hate-filled letter to his mother, not that she'd care too much.

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