Lance Vladimir

Lance Mordred Vladimir

Active Member
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt

Full Name:
- Lance Mordred Vladimir (His parents were obsessed with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and decided to name him after two of the knights, which were Lancelot and Mordred. But at the last moment, his aunt told his parents that it would be mad to name him something so 'barbaric' and they should change it to Lance.)

Date of Birth:
- June 22 (His parents were expecting him (and his twin) to be born on July. But there was an argument between his mother and father, and it almost killed him and their mother. Thanks to the doctor, they were saved.)

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
-Hair Color: Depends on what color he wants to dye it.
-Eye Color: Blue
-Trendy and always in.
-Fair skinned

-Lance loves rock music (he plays guitar and can sing the audiences' hearts out). He can be really wild sometimes (even as a child). But he could also be a really kind big brother to small kids. Being the first to be born (by 8 minutes) Lance acts bossy around his identical twin brother, and so this characteristic began to apply to other people too.

-Father: Died in a railway accident when Lance was 6 years old.
-Mother: She works as a doctor in the muggle world and it was a little difficult to force her to allow her children to study in Hogwarts. (She wanted them to study in a prestigious muggle school (doctors in the muggle world are quite rich)
-Siblings: Cole Dylan Vladimir (identical twin brother)

- None. Lance doesn't like animals.

Blood Status:
- Muggle born

Interests or Hobbies:
- Lance likes singing and playing the guitar.
- Playing muggle sports such as baseball.

- He is really confident.
- He could be a really good leader when appointed.

- Too bossy.
- Scared of corpse and the idea of death.

Describe your character in three words:
- Leader, wild, funny

Favourite place to be:
- In New Zealand

- In the muggle world, Lance had some sort of a rock band that consists of kids his age who are talented in different kinds of instrument.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To be useful and known in the wizarding world.

Plans for your future:
- Lance wants to be part of the Ministry of Magic when he grows up (something his mother would really hate)

Your Patronus:
- A lion, because it symbolizes strength and wisdom.

Your Patronus memory:
- His days with his father (Lance was closer to his father than his brother)

Your Boggart:
- His father's corpse (Lance accidentally saw his father's corpse in the morgue (and it still was messy))

Your Animagus:
- A cat

Mirror of Erised:
- His father standing behind him, smiling like he used to do.
Hey just a couple of questions
Does Lance get along with his mother?
What was his band called? :D
Is he glad to be different? (A wizard)
Does Lance get along with his mother?
-Yes, since he was really responsible. (parents won't really care what their children do when they're responsible)
What was his band called?
-His band was called The Band :lol:
Is he glad to be different? (A wizard)
-Yes, Lance is glad that he has magical abilities. But there are other reasons though that makes him have second thoughts on going to Hogwarts.
Ok now I have more.
What reasons give him second thoughts about Hogwarts?
And what house would he choose to be in if he could?
What reasons give him second thoughts about Hogwarts?
Lance has doubts about himself entering a wizarding school because he had no knowledge of it until the invitation was given to him. He's scared that people would discriminate him for being a muggle born. And he didn't disobey his mother until this decision about the school he's going to attend.

And what house would he choose to be in if he could?
Lance would probably choose any House but Slytherin. As a muggle born, he doesn't really know lots of things about Hogwarts. He only heard some stories about the school. And one of these was the story about Slytherin students becoming 'bad guys' when they graduate.

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