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Rapunzel Frost

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Outgoing, sweet, intelligent, friendly! = Rapunzel Frost :)
She is in need of...

1)More Friends.! - Rapunzel loves friends of ANY sort! She's exciting to be around! She likes adventures as long as they're not too out there or maybe just a talk in the common room or hallway!
2)A Crush ♥.! - Someone Rapunzel would watch out of the corner of her eye ♥! And someone to crush on her&Show it ♥!!!

If you think you'd like to be either of the above... please let me know!!!

Hey :D

I know that they are going to be friends, but i was wondering if we should do a beginning roleplay. You know, to set the scene when the plan comes into action :D
Hey there, I know that Ryuuji and Rapuzel had had a topic before, but that didn't really went that well as we both wasn't able to reply on it, so I'm wondering if you would still want to do an RP
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