Lake Reflections

Jacob Dawlish

Active Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Jacob sat by the calm Lakefront looking over the rippling water glancing around he looked to see if any of his new classmates where around.It was week one of Hogwarts and so far he had seen his good childhood friend Hannah Jaxburthorn and Fern Munrowe his new friend he met at Scribblus Everchanging inks.Jacob wondered if he would meet anyone else around these grounds he was rather lonely on some occasions.He tossed a rock into the water and watched it sink into the mud below the lake,something in the lake began to move startled he got in for a closer look.Jacob was astounded to see a person's shadow below the lake a bit curious he called out to the shadow "Hello,anyone down there"?
"Hello,anyone down there" Summer heard a voice call out to her below the murky water.That morning she had decided to swim the waters in search of the giant squid,she figured it was a myth and was going to prove that it was.She glanced up and saw a pebble drift past her the size of her knuckle,regaining confidence in herself she replied "Yeah,who wants to know?" swimming closer to the edge she realized it was a boy wearing a Ravenclaw uniform."He must be in the same house as me!" Summer thought with glee "what fun!"
"My names Jacob!" he called down to her "Whats your name? and why are you swimming in the lake" he laughed a bit crouching closer to the lake to get a better look at her.

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