Laine Elders.

Laine Elders

Well-Known Member
Full Name: E'Laine Flanther Elders
- Birth Date: October 31, 2010
- Current Age: Eleven
- Basic Appearance: She's got blonde hair, red eyes, she's tall, and she's tann.
- Parents: Lidia Blanca Strana and Blaise Brawn Elders
- Siblings, if any: none.
- Pets, if any: one family owl- Dawn
- Area of Residence: France
- Blood status: half.

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor. She is brave, intelligent, and she admires Godric Gryffindor.
- Best school subjects (And why): she likes potions. she;s into the whole, "make a potion for everything."
- Worst school subjects (And why): she doesn't like DADA because she sees no point in ANYONE fighting.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? dolphin
- What would their Boggart be? clown
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) house cat
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? she would see her aunt alive again.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When her aunt, her mom, her cousin, and herself went to Italy for the summer.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Hello Diary
............Well, today is my 11th birthday. I am not really that excited. I didn't get my letter to Hogwarts this year. Maybe my powers haven't kicked in enough yet. But, hey, It's all good. I'll get my letter sooner or later. My mom aunt is sick right now. She isn't doing well. Let God protect her.
First off I want to welcome you to HNZ! :) I have just a few questions about your character. I'm asking them OOC, but you may answer them IC if you so wish!

~Laine's eyes are that a family trait?
~It says that she is tan...does she live somewhere sunny or is she naturally tanned?
~If she lives in France how come she will be attending HNZ...why not Beauxbatons?

You have a great start here and I can't wait to see your character grow (and definitely looking forward to having another Gryffindor ^_^ )
~Laine's eyes are that a family trait?
This is, in fact, not a family trait, not even known in the Elders family. She was born with marroon eyes. But, as she aged, they grew brighter. They have yet to figure out why.
~It says that she is tan...does she live somewhere sunny or is she naturally tanned? She has lived in California since she as about a year old. And, she loves to be at the beach.
~If she lives in France how come she will be attending HNZ...why not Beauxbatons? She didn't receive a letter from Beauxbatons, that she knows of. So, when she reveiced her letter from Hogwarts, she immediatly accepted.
Here is a few questions for you! Welcome to HNZ!!

---Why would her patronus be a dolphin?
---What happened to her aunt? Was she really close to Laine?
---Why are her eyes red?((you need to have an OOC reason if Im not mistaken))
---Tell me about Laine's family. What are her parents names and what are they like? Does she have siblings?
---Why did she move from California to France?
---Why would her patronus be a dolphin?
**She has lived in California since she was about a year old. She was always near the beach, and her parents would take her to the Local Marine Show to swim with the dolphins. She loves dolphins.

---What happened to her aunt? Was she really close to Laine?
**Her aunt was VERY CLOSE. Her aunt was like her second mother. She died of cancer.

---Why are her eyes red?((you need to have an OOC reason if Im not mistaken))
**OOC Reason: Her parents don't know, but the Vitamin Potions that Lidia was taking during pregnancy changed the color of her eyes. It messed with the structure of the eye color DNA.

---Tell me about Laine's family. What are her parents names and what are they like? Does she have siblings?
**Lidia Blanca Strana and Blaise Brawn Elders
**Lidia is a soft-toned woman with a sweet, kind, caring disposition. She was raised in France. She is strict when it comes to grades of her daughter. She is a witch.
**Blaise is a handsome, bubbly, wise man. He was born and raised in Beverly Hills, California. When he came on a year long business trip, he fell in love with Lidia. He moved in with her in France. He's tall, tan, and has white-blond hair.

---Why did she move from California to France?
**Her mother and Father needed time away after her aunt passed away. When they got here, and Laine got her acceptance letter to hogwarts, they decided to stay for good.

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