lack of sleep

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Briar was relieved. she had gone her first full moon with out any disasters and she was starting to feel more like her old self and not as rilled up with worry. this morning she had cone for a run on the lawn. not a long run, only once around the lake, but a run none the less. her ankle was feeling normal although is was still a little stiff from where she had broken it, but that would heal in time. she had then cone to class where she had had care of magical creatures, and defence against the dark arts. both of which she had chosen to take NEWTS in, in defence against the dark arts thy had been practising simple spells but non verbally and in care of magical creatures she had been working with some rather active creatures. unusually for her by the time classes had finished she was absolutely exhausted. usually she had enough energy to be fully active all day long. there was a reason for this she had not been sleeping well to the last two weeks and the night before last she hadn't slept at all.
Briar left the defence against the dark arts classroom and headed to the student lounge. she had an essay to write and some spells to practice. she worked on spells without saying anything for about ten minutes. and had just about managed to get her quill to levitate most of the time without saying anything, not defence or offensive magic she knew but a simple spell she could practice the technique on and not have to have someone to work with. by this time she decided that she had better make a start on her essay. she opened her thick book and started reading a chapter on inferi. not that pleasant and certainly not a bed time story. but regardless of this she felt her eye lids getting heavier and the words started to merge together. after a couple of minutes she realised that she had read the same line five times and not understood a word of it. before she knew it she was leaning forwards using the book as a pillow and fast asleep.
Hyacin jumped excitedly. She got a letter from her mother that says that she misses her. Finally! her mother already accepted what kind of person Hyacin is. It was the first letter she ever got from her mom and hoped that everything will change. Still holding the letter from her mom, she decided to take a rest at the lounge. It was her favorite place to rest because of the atmosphere there. As she walked, she noticed a girl. She was sleeping. Hyacin turned and was deciding whether to just go out somewhere or to wake the girl up. It was the lounge,after all, it will be soon crowded by students. Because she was naturally curious, she wants to know who the girl is and asked what happened last night that she didn't have time to sleep. Before she could even stop herself, she was already tapping the girl's shoulder lightly afraid that she might be scolded. "Excuse me?" She said repeatedly while trying to wake the girl up.
Briar jumped with a start when she felt someone tap her shoulder. she looked up to see a girl she vaguely recognised. although it was not a good place for a sleep it had been a good sleep, she had had no nightmares, in fact there had been no dreams at all, just blissful, much needed sleep. Despite the usual grogginess that comes with being woken up she actually felt quite refreshed, just one early night and she may be back in a somewhat normal sleep schedule. "sorry about that, I hope i wasn't snoring too loud" she said joking. before stretching, yawning and then smiling. "I'm Briar rowan" she said deciding that she may as well introduce herself.
Hyacin's eyes went wide when the girl looked at her. She was reaaly familiar and Hyacin remembered who she is when the girl introduced herself as Briar. "Oh! I'm Hyacin!" she said, excited. " Oh yes! I remember you! you're my duel partner back when I was first year! it's been years! Nice to see you again Briar. And don't worry, I didn't hear you snore." she laugh. Hyacin was back to her bubbly self after receiving her mom's letter. "How are you? Are you okay? It seems that you're tired" she asked.
Briar saw the girls expression change as she sat up properly. it wasn't until Hyacin said were they had met that she realised that she had in fact met the girl before. "Oh yes the duelling club, its a shame that club stopped. Nice to see you again" she said. she hadn't seen Hyacin since her second year "I am sure that you are just being nice, all of my dorm mates have commented on it at least once or twice" she said reaching her water bottle from her bag. "I've been pretty good, I Just didn't get much sleep the other night. how about you?" she asked wondering how the girl had been, and trying to turn attention off herself.

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