Open La Lumière Du Soleil

Archer Thompson

Beauxbatons graduate ⋆ Model
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11/2033 (28)
Open after Kris posts
Archer was glad to be back at school, yet at the same time he wouldn't have minded if the summer break had lasted a little bit longer. Even if he loved France, he didn't mind spending his time in New Zealand. He was always glad to go home and see his family. This holiday had been especially exciting, since it was the time he'd be the only one to have all these exciting stories to tell. His little sister would be attending Hogwarts after the summer, and even though he was a little disappointed that she had chosen it above attending Beauxbatons with him, he was excited she finally got to go. The boy had tried his best to have some fun with her over the break and at the same time prepare her for school. Then came the time to let her go and realize that she wouldn't stay his little sister forever. At least not in the way that he was used to. She'd grow up, learn more and probably outdo him in magic within no-time. He just wished they were at the same school so that he'd be able to keep an eye on her. But she wasn't here and he wasn't there and that was just the way things were. Having spent the summer break in a place where it wasn't exactly summer, Archer was ready to soak up some much needed sunlight. So, he had made his way outside and found a nice spot to sit and enjoy the tail end of summer. He still hadn't seen many of his friends since they'd only been back a couple of days so the boy kept his eyes out for any familiar faces passing by.
It was hard not to want to spend time walking around the grounds. Orélie felt like she'd gone from melting in New Orleans over the holidays, to being stuck at her grandparents house, then straight to school. If she spent too much time indoors before winter came she might just lose her mind. It helped that roaming a bit was also a great way to catch up with some of her classmates, something she was reminded of when she spotted Archer sitting nearby, who seemed to be having similar thoughts about the weather as she was.

"Archer, you look comfortable," Orélie said, dropping down next to him and stretching her legs out. She briefly wished she could kick off her shoes and maybe nap for awhile, but she wasn't on holiday anymore, even if her uniform shoes pinched sometimes. "I think you have the right idea, I'm not ready for class to start juuust yet," As much as she loved being back at school to spend time with her friends, it was always a bit of a shock to the system to go back to lessons every day. "Did you get up to much over the break? I feel like I blink and I'm back here sometimes." Orélie was always curious what some of her classmates all did with their time, since she only ever really put in the effort to keep in contact with her roommates over Summer.
Archer had missed sitting in the sun like this, with not a single worry on his mind and no other obligations. The boy had closed his eyes for a small second when the sound of a voice caused him to open them again. He chuckled when he noticed Orélie next to him, who had somehow managed to get herself comfortable within the split second it had taken him to open up his eyes again. "I am." He responded before nodding towards her. "And you seem to be as well." The boy had to admit that even if he always wished their break would be longer, he was always glad to be back at the school and see a familiar face. "Right? Why can't they just give us some extra time to enjoy the sun." Archer leaned back a bit more in an attempt to soak up some more sunlight. "Not much," He replied, knowing his classmate would be as curious as she was. "Mostly spend time with my family, helping my dad teach my sister and cousins how to fly. Things like that. Nothing exciting, really." He answered her question. His break had actually been pretty relaxing, but he sometimes wished he could have some more fun when he was back home. Perhaps he needed to get himself some friends over there so he could go out more. Since he went to school here he had never really thought he needed friends all the way across the sea, but the boy now started to realize that perhaps that had been a mistake. "What about you?" He turned his head to look at her, wondering whether her break had been more exciting than his.
Orélie smiled wanly and stretched when Archer mentioned she also looked comfortable. "Might as well enjoy it while we can," She nodded when Archer shared a bit about his break. Orélie was an only child, but she was quite happy that way, she was never very good with younger kids or babies, and the idea of having to spend your Summer wrangling kids sounded like a bit of a drag to her. Though to be fair she spent most of the school year trying to wrangle her own friends and didn't even have the excuse of family for having to do it. "Oh yeah, are they any good?" She asked, sparing a thought for Nadine and how often she practiced her own flying. "Are you any good even, come to think of it," She teased him softly. "I spent most of the Summer in New Orleans with family too and the weather is always so much nicer here." Orélie said, taking a moment to just enjoy the sun and breeze as she spoke.
Archer wished he could stay like this forever: outside with the sun on his face and not a worry in the world. At least not yet, since classes hadn't started yet. Not that class was something he worried about, but it meant having certain obligations and those meant that he couldn't always just be out and about doing pretty much nothing. The boy shrugged when his classmates asked if his sister and cousins had been any good at flying. "I mean they're pretty good, but then again they had a wonderful teacher." He answered her question, cheeky smile on his face included. In all honesty the kids had been doing rather well and he figured they'd be having no trouble in the flying lessons they would be having at their school. "Are you kidding?" Archer chuckled when she turned the question on him. "Ofcourse I'm good, I'm me." He said manner of factly. The boy knew he was being cocky, but he also knew for a fact that his classmate could handle it and would have no issues bringing him back down when he got too confident. Not only that, but he was good at flying, so why would he say anything different? "Did you have fun at least? Because I'm not going to lie I have been bored plenty of times over the break." Archer wondered whether perhaps Orélie would've had a similar experience: being glad to be with family, but feeling like that wasn't all the break was for. It was also meant for having fun and his break had lacked fun. Or at least fun with people who are actually their age and not a couple of years younger.
"Uh huh," She said, raising an eyebrow and grinning at Archer's blatant ego. "It's amazing you're able to keep your balance on your broom when your head's so inflated," She commented idly. "Hopefully your cousins didn't also learn that from you too. How old are they? You gotta be careful with impressionable kids," She wondered if Archer would bother trying out for the Quidditch team. Orélie knew Nadine loved it, and she felt a little bad sometimes for tuning her out every time she brought it up, but there was only so many times she could listen to Quidditch stats before she wanted to smother herself with her pillow.
"Yeah, I'd say it's fun enough going home, but I guess my heart belongs to France," She said with a mock dreamy expression, batting her eyelashes. "My dad hosts these ghost tours and stuff, but there's only so many times you can hear the same story before you just stop caring," She said with a shrug. "Definitely got boring after a bit. Though not boring enough to do the summer reading." She mused, feeling her heart sink at the thought of what she'd probably need to catch up on, but Orélie just shrugged, the remorse fading quickly in the warm sunlight.
Archer chuckled at his classmate's comment. "I mean, that's just one of my many, many talents." He winked at her, wondering how badly she would wand to smack him on the head right now. "My cousin and sister are eleven, starting school soon. But don't worry, they know me way too good to be unfluenced by anything I do." The boy smiled. Talking about the kids made him wonder how they were experiencing school and how they did in their flying classes. He always figured there might be some competition between them, but he hadn't asked about that yet when writing letters to his sister. "I get that." Archer responded to Orélie's comment about France. This country would always be the one he wanted to stay in. "Sounds like a blast." The boy responded, sarcasm only slightly making its way through his words. His classmate's next comment made him laugh and was something he could only ever agree with. "I don't think even being bored to death could cause me to do summer reading." He laughed. "I mean isn't the whole point of a holiday not to think about anything school related?"
Orélie rolled her eyes at Archer, shaking her head at his shameless ego. "Oh that's cute, hopefully their school can fix all the bad habits they no doubt learned from you," She said with a cheeky grin, leaning back on her arms. She liked that Archer was able to take a few jokes at his own expense, Orélie had never been too good with overly sensitive people. "You know how it is, you become a teenager and suddenly your parents are the most boring people on earth, it's just the rules," Orélie said with a shrug, smiling at Archer's sarcasm about her time at home. She was probably pretty lucky, there was some tension in her family sometimes, but really being boring was probably the only real problem she had to deal with. "You should know that we can never truly escape school stuff," She said dourly, before laughing. "It's tradition to come back to school and panic anyway." As much as catching up on school work and getting back into was dreadful, Orélie did still have a fondness for the start of the new year while everything was still fresh and she was able to catch up with everyone. The shine had usually well and truly worn off a few weeks in and she wanted to enjoy it while she could.
Archer shrugged at Orélie's words. "Shouldn't be too hard. Now that I'm here and they're there I doubt I'll still see them enough to be a bad influence." He smiled, being completely sincere and dropping the cockiness for a second, which didn't happen all that much. He liked those kids and even if he was starting to get annoyed by having to practically babysit them all of the time, it didn't mean he was okay yet with not seeing them as much anymore. "Ain't that the truth." The boy chuckled. Don't get him wrong, he loves his parents, but for some reason they just seem a lot less fun than they used to be. That, or he was becoming more trouble than he used to be. "Well that's unfortunate. I normally try to avoid school stuff just enough to not have to work hard, but still pass." Archer grinned. He had succeeded doing so for four years in a row now, so he was sure those three remaining years wouldn't prove to be too much of a problem. "Why panic though. It's not like it's all that difficult." The boy responded, not trying to be cocky and not even realizing how stuck-up his words might sound. For him getting an easy pass was fine. He didn't need to be the best, he just needed to pass and it didn't take a lot of effort for him to do so. "But at least now I know who to come to if I want to complain about school starting again next year."
"Aw, Archer you do care," She said, softening the sentence a bit when it seemed Archer might actually be being sincere for once. "You ever think of transferring maybe? Or convince them to come here, Beaux is way better, anyway," She offered. Orélie had never had any extended family or siblings that she was super close to, but she was trying to imagine it might be hard to be so far from them if you did actually care. She shook her head, mock distain as Archer reveled in being able to coast. "Not all of us can just skate on by on our good looks, Archer," She said, aiming a half-hearted flick of her fingers at his heads and clicking her tongue. "And please, like I don't have anything better to do than sit around waiting for you to come complain." She added, still fondly, shaking her head again. This boy and his ego, she could never tell what was fake bravado and what was actual big-headedness. But if Archer wanted to come vent she wouldn't turn him away. Probably.

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