Kyung Mi Ashlei Kim

Ashlei Kim

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Full Name:
- Kyung Mi Ashlei Kim
~She used to go by Kyung Mi, but after her younger brother, JaQuan, was born she stopped responding to Kyung Mi. She mainly did it to tick her mother off. She also did this because she did not like that she was no longer the youngest child.

Date of Birth:
- January 26, 2026

Current Age:
- 10

Basic Appearance:
- Ashlei is short and a little overweight, but this is only because she has not hit puberty yet. Her mother is tall, as is he older brother, so she is expected to get taller. Her face is round and she has medium sized lips and a big smile. Her teeth are very straight, and they are close together. She has small hands and feet. But, her hair is big and poofy. She likes it this way, and she rarely lets her mother straighten it. She likes her hair to be free. Ashlei likes to wear sweaters and boots. She does not like skirts, but she will wear shorts. She wears glasses because her far sighted. She can function without her glasses, but it only puts more stress on her eyes. She feels comfortable with he glasses.

- Ashlei is stubborn and free spirited. She goes wherever she feels like going. She is mindful of her manners because her mother is strict about how a lady should act. She does not keep up with fashion trends. She does what she wants, when she wants to do it. She is very curious about things that she does not know. Ashlei makes friends easy enough. Her mother is always encouraging her and her siblings to get along with other children. However, Ashlei can not be friends with just anyone. She can only be friends with people she understands. Once she makes a friend, she will stand by their side, and she will help them in their trials and tribulations. Ash likes to wander from place to place. She often eats standing up because she feels the need to be constantly moving. Whenever she is teased by her brothers, she simply just kicks them or pulls their hair. She is not very keen on talking about her problems. Ashlei is confident and comfortable with herself.

- Anthony Kim mother
- Cherrie Kim father
- Anwar Jefferson Kim older brother
- JaQuan Luke Kim younger brother
- Taehyun Jake Kim younger brother

- Snowy owl named Jeffy

Area of Residence:
- Napier Hastings, New Zealand

Blood Status:

- 1/4 French and 1/4 Korean

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:

Additional Skills:

- Confident
- Outgoing
- Understanding
- Thoughtful
- Curious
- Observant

- Insensitive
- Stubborn
- Impatient
- Trouble communicating her thoughts
- Forgetful
- Lazy

Describe your character in three words:
- free spirit. proud. observant

Favourite place to be:
- In her bed sleeping.


Hogwarts House:
- N/A

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Ashlei is excited to be going to Hogwarts in the coming year. She wants to make a difference in the world, who doesn't? Ashlei wants to be able to help people reach their goals. She wants to find herself in the process. She wants to experience things that make her uncomfortable, and she wants to overcome those uncomfortable things. Ashlei is not afraid to try new things, and she sees things through to the end. Her mother taught her to never leave things unfinished.

Best school subjects:
- n/a

Worst school subjects:
- n/a

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:
- N/A

Plans for your future:
- She is looking forward to attending magical school. She really wants to go to Hogwarts, but her parents sent her older brother off to Durmstrang.

Your Patronus:
- Zebra. It would be a zebra because zebras are always on the move. They symbolise balance, clarity, memory, and individuality. Ashlei does not have the best memory, but she definitely knows who she is. She is looking forward to discovering more about herself during her schooling.

Your Patronus memory:
- N/A

Your Boggart:
- Ashlei fears being alone, and she is scared of losing her family. If she lost her family, it would be as if she is losing her solid foundation. She loves and cares about her family a lot. She will do whatever it takes to make sure that they are safe and out of harms way.

Your Animagus:
- Zebra

Mirror of Erised:
- Ashlei sees herself with trophies. She wants to make her family proud. Like her older brother, she is held to very high standards, and she has no problem complying with those standards.

A page from your diary:
- Dear Diary,

Why did JaQuan have to even be born? He is the most annoying little runt ever. I can't wait to start at Hogwarts. My parents are a bit skeptical about it, but I am standing my ground on this one. I wish my parents would give me more attention. Mother only pays attention to JaQuan and Tae. It is so annoying! I was here first, so I should receive the most attention after Anwar. There are many times that I wonder if I was born into the right family. My brother's obey easily. I don't. Mother scolds me the most, and Father just lets her. She has always been the boss. It is as if she is hiding behind some sort of alter ego. There was always something different around my mother. She tells me to be careful around Ministry Officials, but I don't know why. It may be because she is really protective of us. Father told me not to ask my mother questions about before our family was started. It's so strange to me. I wish I knew, and I wish she would trust me! I am her only daughter. I deserve to be somewhat closer to my mother. But, I don't feel that way at all!

This is what I get for not writing regularly. Father doesn't want us to keep emotions inside of us. He wants us to write it down. He is a counselor, so he is very smart and intellectual. He mainly works with Quidditch players, and I love Quidditch. Father wants me to play, but I am unsure. There is only a little time left until I will start getting ready to go to Hogwarts. Honestly, I think my mother is worried about me going there. She was homeschooled, and Anwar almost ended up being homeschooled until Father sent him off to Durmstrang. Mother got mad about that one. It has been the only time I have seen my father stand up to his wife. My father is not weak. He just does not disagree with a lot of things. Father also says that I should work on my vocabulary. He thinks the reason I am so physical towards my brothers is because I do not have the words to explain my feelings. It is too hard to memorize words! I am horrible at memorizing things. There have been times that I have forgotten my brothers names. But, you have to take my clumsiness into consideration. I am always bumping into something, or hitting my head against something. Don't worry though, Diary. I have Father to take care of me during my clumsy days.

~Ashlei Kim

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