Koala Kisses

Aion was more than a little disappointed when the Professor questioned his motives. He was, after all, an adult, even if he was a student, and he was more than capable with giving himself a bed time. Luckily Aion didn't have to reply, as he moved back to see Cyan jump off the counter and begin telling him of their patrols. "We just stopped for a snack, and I wouldn't think it wise if we were to stay much longer" he added, trying to join in on the charade. "It's quite inclement down here in the lower levels, it's good for people like us to keep nourished throughout the night. We didn't spend all that time tickling the pears for nothing!" He joked, his best attempt at convincing the Professor that it had in fact been a challenge to enter the premise.

The Ravenclaw shoved his hands into the pocket of his jeans. The last thing they needed was for this Professor to think they were a couple, and keeping his distance from Cyan he began to walk towards the door. "We should be going" he said, the confidence in his voice more for his own sake than anyone else's, "Excuse us".
Ryder listened to the two students and he couldn't believe the nerve of the girl to try and pass themselves off as prefects but her nerve was surpassed by the boy's arrogance. Even the way he said 'people like us' though he may not have meant anything by it, it still rubbed the Professor the wrong way. When the paid made towards the door to leave Ryder stepped out in of them. He wasn't fooled and they weren't going anywhere. "Nice try, did it not occur to you that I would know exactly what prefects are on patrol tonight and that they aren't the two of you?" They had clearly tried to take advantage of the fact Ryder was new. That may have been the case but he wasn't stupid. "The only place you're going is to your head of houses offices,"
Cyan looked at the professor and raised an eyebrow high into her multicolored hairline. "Listen, i think it's great they adopted you fresh out of school." She spoke, grabbing up the plated sausages as if she planned on taking them with her to her punishment. "And it's great that you've gotten to know the prefects so well. My understanding though was that a prefect could be out past hours. I wasn't aware we had to be assigned a patrol." She looked down at the sausages and back up at him. "And honestly, my feelings would be hurt that you didn't know i was a prefect.... if it wasn't for the fact that i didn't know you were a professor." Cyan was smarter than she'd given herself credit for. "So honest mistake that I didn't know we had to be on patrol, can we just go back to our separate dorms and call it a lesson learned? i really don't want to lose my prefect position." Honestly the lie was so good, Cyan would have been fooled - she wasn't exactly good at seeing through lies though. If the professor still didn't believe them though she had a backup plan, ready to use. The southern girl looked up at the professor, big brown eyes examining his face to guage if he believed her.
Before Aion could get through the door, the Professor blocked his path as he spoke of them visiting their Heads of Houses. His stomach did flips at the thought of having a detention so close to the end of the year, but as he heard Cyan talk about expressing his doubt, he turned his head to face her, a small smile appearing in the corner of his mouth. Although not entirely convinced the Professor would believe her, and they'd be taking a trip with him that evening, he couldn't help but appreciate her spirit. She wasn't backing down easily, and spotting that she'd picked up some food to bring along with her, his own eyes started to scan the area for something else they could bring. Picking up a jar of small hard boiled sweets, he tucked them under his arm, one hand remaining in his pocket as he did so. "I can promise that first thing tomorrow, we'll get straight on to checking the full patrol areas. This..detour.. well it won't happen again sir" he added, following Cyans lead. Even though he was a little apprehensive at the idea of visiting his Head of House, he was glad that tonight had still happened, and he'd not succumbed to being trapped in his dormitory as he had most other weekends for the last three years. He glanced down to the girl beside him, watching her every move in admiration.
Ryder didn't like the male student, he was arrogant and obviously one of those students who felt they were above the school rules because he was of age. That wasn't the way to act like an adult and he would soon learn that lesson when he stepped out into the real world. "Heres the deal kids, you're out when you shouldn't be, neither of you are prefects and are just downright insulting my intelligence by claiming otherwise but guess what, I don't care," Ryder sighed, it was late, he was tired, if they were in different houses it would mean waking up two professors and he couldn't be bothered with the hassle. "You two think you're above the rules that's great, the attitude will bite you in the a** one day and who am I to take that opportunity away from karma, just run along and we'll forget this whole thing,"
Cyan rolled her large brown eyes at the professor. What a pr*** the only way he'd ever find someone was if they were forced to marry him. With that attitude he'd be lucky if they didn't run away the first time he opened his mouth. The student bit her tongue though as she knew saying anything could also get Aion in trouble when it was really her fault in her mind. Tan moved away from Aion and out the door waiting for him to follow. When the professor was out of earshot she spoke. "What a jerk. Someone like him shouldn't be allowed to teach." She lamented, regarding him swearing at the two of them. It was unprofessional though Cyan hadn't come to expect much more from the school's teachers. After all hasn't some of them started a food fight or something? Maybe she was remembering incorrectly.
Aion frowned at Professor Rid****s words. Why he thought they believed they were above the rules was beyond him, but luckily for the student he didn't seem to care enough. He'd tried his best to be honest, despite the story, and the attitude that the Professor was taking that they were obviously lying didn't escape the Ravenclaw's notice. He said nothing as the Professor went on to say that karma would find them, and he quickly followed Cyan out the kitchen, glad to be away from that guy. Just because he was a few years older and could teach them didn't give him the authority to tell them what to do. They were adults and perfectly capable of looking after themselves. "He doesn't know what he's talking about" Aion agreed, walking side by side with his friend as the approached the corridor that separated their common rooms. One of the few things Aion had come to feel saddened by was when they had to say goodbye for the day, and this was no different. He glanced down to the Hufflepuff with a small smile "It was a good idea you know" he added, referring to them pretending to be prefects. Cyan was smart, and Aion appreciated her input. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" he confirmed, wrapping his free arm around her waist and planting a kiss in her hair. He loved spending time with her, perhaps even more than he currently realised, and even though they needed to break off their midnight feast early it wouldn't be long before they could hang out again. He wasn't entirely sure what he was meant to now do with a jar of sweets, but he would find a use for them somewhere.

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