Knocked out hufflepuff seeker

Ares Taylor

Well-Known Member
Ares supported his cousins weight on his shoulder, as he carried Neita barely consious to the hospital wing. She had been knocked out badly by a bludger and immediately knocked unconsious, she feel hard to the ground. The game was paused as medics attended to her and although they managed to get her respond they demanded she be taken to the hospital wing immediately.

The ravenclaw lifted his cousin onto a hospital bed and looked around for a nurse.
Sam couldn't help but feel so bad after Neitas accident. He was a beater, it was his job to look out for all of his team members. But he was only looking out for the chasers which led to Neitas injury, he still felt that it was his fault. After congratulating Gryffindor on their win Sam rushed to the Hospital Wing in his Hufflepuff Quidditch robes to visit his injured team mate. Once he arrived he saw Ares there. He didn't know Ares that well and only heard about him from Hoshi but that didn't stop him from hurrying over to Neita. "Hey." He said to Ares before looking at Neita on the bed. "How is she?" He asked him in a quiet tone.
Arisa had run from the quidditch pitch to the hospital wing but got lost in the crowd and couldn't get here as fast as she would have liked too. Running into the wing gasping for air she looked around until she saw Ares Sam and her best friend, walking over she looked over to Ares, "What happened? is she okay?" Arisa asked franticly in a worried tone.
Ares gave a small smile to Arisa and a familiar boy entered the room. "She was knocked unconsious and hit the ground hard" he explained to Arisa. He glanced back down at Neita, also concerned "They said she should be okay, she just needs intensive care and alot of rest" he said as he bit his lip and looked around for the nurse. For a moment I thought we lost you he thought with a small smile Now hurry up and get well before our parents kill us.
Arisa nodded when Ares said she had been it with a bludger and knocked unconscious. Looking down at Neita in the hospital bed worry griped at Arisa again, she needed a nurse. Arisa began looking around the hospital wing franticly calling out for her mom, "Mom! Wen need you right now!" Arisa called out knocking on her office door.
Pearl had been out around the castle for a quick walk, of course when she returned to the wing there was Arisa and two other boys, and a girl knocked out in her bed. Walking over at a fast pace Pearl made her way to the girls bed side, it was the girl Pearl often saw Arisa with, Neita or something. She also noticed the girl was in a quidditch uniform, Of course, blasted brooms, this always happens she thought. "What happened?" she asked seeing a purple and black bruise forming on the side of the girls head.
Ares almost sighed with relief when the nurse came over, he smiled a silent thanks at Arisa "She was knocked hard on the head by a bludger," he frowned "They say it knocked her unconsious cause she fell hard and landed hard on the ground" He glanced at Neita and sighed still worried "I think they fixed the major damage (broken bone or two) at the pitch" he winced "but they said to bring her here in case she has a concussion or something and for you to see if theres any other damage" he said trying to remember what they'd told him.
Ari had watched Ares run off to see Neita after she'd been knocked out, and take her off to the Hospital wing. Ari quickly followed Arisa out of the stands, and ran up to the Hospital wing, arriving just after Arisa. She joined Arisa, Ares, Sam and a nurse around her bedside just in time to catch Ares's explanation of her condition.
"When will she wake up?" she asked, still breathing hard. She was worried about her friend. Being hit in the head by a bludger, then falling metres to the ground usually caused damage.

She gulped, looking down at Neita lying motionless on the bed. She didn't look very good.
Sam sat on a chair next to the bed. He wasn't going to go anywhere anytime soon. All of a sudden things just began to happen, more friends arrived to be by her side and the nurse was called. Sam listened to what everyone was saying but didn't say a word himself, he felt so bad, he felt like he had no right even to be here yet he still stayed. Sam rested his arms on the arm rests of the chairs and waited in silence.
Pearl began checking over the girl in the bed, "she doesn't seem to have any serious injurious, except that bruise" she said before going over to the medical cabinet and grabbing the bruise paste. Going back over to Neita she applied some to the bruise so it would go away soon.
Ares glanced at Neita as the nurse mentiones bruises, his eyes widened, he hadnt noticed before though he should guessed - his cousin was covered in bruises, he looked away and noticed Sam was sitting in a chair, not looking so well. "Are you okay man?" Ares asked him "Perhaps you should get checked?" he suggested.
It took Sam a while to realize that Ares had just spoken to him. "Oh." He said as he looked up. "Oh no, I'm fine." He said to him weakly. He only had one rather large purple bruise on his hand from a bludger but he could deal with that. It was more the guilt that was bothering him. Sam looked down at his lap and then at Neita. "I just can't help but think that this is all my fault." He said scratching the back of his neck before looking back up at Ares.
Ares eyes widened in confusion as he stared at Sam "Would on earth would you say that?" Ares asked imagining this boy aiming a bludger for an opponent and it accidently hitting Neita, but he didnt think that even that would make it the boys fault, he watched him wondering what it was that could the boy to believe it was his fault.
Sam sighed, he didn't think anyone would really understand it. "Well.." He began, "I dunno...I'm a beater and it was my job to make sure no one on the team was hit." He said quickly and quietly. It sounded a bit dumb but when he looked at Neita unconscious on the bed all that guilt just came right back to him. "...and she is hurt." He mumbled the last bit.
Ares bit his lip thoughtfully, he felt bad when people on his team got hit when he played beater, but he knew it wasnt Sams fault. "Its not your fault" he said eventually. "It could have happened to anyone. Two people cant perfectly protect five people" he said with a small smile "Besides, Neitas just too sensitive!" he joked trying to make Sam feel better.

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