Kitty Strouss

Kitty Strouss

OOC First Name
Full Name:
- My name is Kitty Lynn Strouss. The way i got my name was my mother thought Kitty would be a nice ring and different and my father thought Lynn would be a nice middle name.

Date of Birth:
- Kitty birthday is october 31 the day of the devil as her parents use to call it.

Current Age:
- Eleven years old.

Basic Appearance:
- Kitty has brown hair that always either long or short depends on months. she really skinny and with brown eyes.
- more of like a private person won't talk much but will when get to know a person and able to trust them.
- both parents died and she the only one left except for her cousin luna grace.
- none

Area of Residence:
- new zealand
Blood Status:
- muggleborn
- french on both parents side.

Interests or Hobbies:
- reading, fighting like boxing, and playing guitar

- boxes, plays guitar and reads a lot, gets good grades but doesn't let anyone know
- making friends

Describe your character in three words:
- lonely, friendless, bookworm

Favourite place to be:
- cementary it makes her feel more at home

- none

Hogwarts House:
- wants to get into ravenclaw

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- to pass and get a good job

Best school subjects:
- everything

Worst school subjects:
- nothing
Extracurricular Activities:
- none
- don't know

Current Job:
- none

Plans for your future:
- don't know

Your Patronus:
- don't know

Your Patronus memory:
- don't know

Your Boggart:
- her grandparents

Your Animagus:
- Cat because she more cat like then anything

Mirror of Erised:
- her parents alive but she doesn't really look into mirrors

A page from your diary:
- dear journal,
another day friendless sometimes i wish someone would drop out of the sky for me and just talk to me although i am shy it's hard to come out of my comfort zone since mother and father always told me it's not ok to trust some people because they will stab you in the back.
Hi there, Kitty. I have questions for your character. :D

I noticed you noted that Kitty was born on Halloween. Why did her parents call her birthday the day of the devil? Did this negatively impact their attitudes towards her?

When and how did her parents die?

What are the names of her parents and grandparents?

How did Kitty feel when she found out that she was a witch and that she was going to Hogwarts?

How does Kitty know which house she wants to be in, if she didn't grow up in a magical family?

Could you elaborate on her relationship with her grandparents? Why are they her Boggart?

If she would be a cat Animagus, wouldn't she have a cat Patronus?

How is Kitty similar to a cat, exactly?

How did Kitty get into boxing? That's pretty cool!

I know that you noted that she would achieve success in all of her classes. Would she really get high grades in all of her classes?

What three courses do you think she will do the best in, and why?

What is Kitty's favorite color?

Thanks Estrella for the questions i'll answer as best as i can.

I noticed you noted that Kitty was born on Halloween. Why did her parents call her birthday the day of the devil? Did this negatively impact their attitudes towards her? Well her parents went to church so they believed that any person born on the day of the devil which is halloween is mostly suppose to be a child of the devil so when they found out that she was a witch they just hated her worse even though her mother knew a witch Kitty aunt was born a witch among her parents but never told her husband.

When and how did her parents die? Kitty Parents died when she was ten and they died in a car accident.
What are the names of her parents and grandparents? her mother name was Angel her father name was Robert her grandparents on her mother side died before she knew them and her mother never liked to talk about them and her father parents name were Lilly and Jake

How did Kitty feel when she found out that she was a witch and that she was going to Hogwarts? Kitty felt like that her life was turning over a new leaf and that maybe she would fit in somewhere.

How does Kitty know which house she wants to be in, if she didn't grow up in a magical family? Well Kitty really smart she does research so when she found out she was going to hogwarts she did a little research upon it and she living with her cousin Luna Grace soon to become Luna Lock.

Could you elaborate on her relationship with her grandparents? Why are they her Boggart? Her dad's parents were really mean towards her anytime christmas would roll around they wouldn't get her anything and they acted like she wasn't even born and soon she started to hate them but soon her grandpa started to do horrible things to her and makes her hate them more.

If she would be a cat Animagus, wouldn't she have a cat Patronus? Well yeah but she doesn't really like to brag about her knowing a lot more then other people because then she feels she would lose her chance of making friends.

How is Kitty similar to a cat, exactly? Kitty is like a cat because ever since she could remember she would climb trees and mostly she would atract other cats in the area but what really got everyone thinking she was a cat was how sneaky she could be and how fast her movements were but her most part of being a cat is the stregth she has and the speed.

How did Kitty get into boxing? That's pretty cool! Well she likes to go to a gym and a guy there noticed how she was beating up on a bag so soon started teaching her how to box and she found out she was better then she thought.

I know that you noted that she would achieve success in all of her classes. Would she really get high grades in all of her classes? kitty strives to acheive high grades if she gets any lower then an A she works hard to get it back up because she always been trying to prove that she can acheive attintion from others who said she wasn't smart at anything.

What three courses do you think she will do the best in, and why? I'll have to say Defence against the dark arts, potions, and transfiguration.

What is Kitty's favorite color? Black

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