Kit Hartley

Kit Hartley

Well-Known Member
The Basics
Full Name: Kit Hartley (no middle name)
Character's Birthdate: 4 August
Hometown: Dunedin, New Zealand
Sexuality: He hasn't given it much thought yet, but he's most likely to turn out gay or bi.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Wand: Larch Wood 12 inches, Unicorn Hair
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Hair: Halfway down the back of his neck, brown and super scruffy. Really soft and downy. He just doesn't care about the way his hair looks, usually.
Eyes: Big and grey. He has long eyelashes for a boy.
Height: On the short side for his age, and is skinny too. He is eagerly awaiting a growth-spurt.
Style: Like most other eleven-year-olds; just t-shirts and jeans or shorts. He doesn't really take that much trouble when he dresses at the present.
Other Distinguishing Features: None, really... He's got kind of pale skin, and is usually seen carrying his sketchbook around.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Kit is shy and quiet upon first meeting people, but tends to warm up quite quickly. It's simple to gain his trust, and he's loyal to tpeople he loves. He's naive and easily led astray; it isn't all that hard to convince him to do things he wouldn't normally do. He tries to be nice to people and feels bad if he's mean to them. Kit loves drawing and painting. He doesn't think he's that good at it but he really is. He's not active at all and would rather read or draw than play sport, though he enjoys watching a couple of muggle sports like tennis and soccer.
History: Kit has lived only with his Mum for as long as he can remember. His Dad walked out on him when he was three, and he's never been back since then. Kit is an only child. He knew from the start that he was a wizard; even though it freaked his mother out to some extent, she decided that it was better just to tell him about it, get it out in the open. Seeing as he's grown up surrounded by mostly muggle things, he can be a bit clueless when it comes to the more obscure aspects of the wizarding world.

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