Kiara Tine

Kiara Tine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair

Full Name:
Kiara Tine
Kiara pronouced Key-a-ra like the girl lioness in the lion king 2

Date of Birth:
October 1st
Born at 2am in Paris General hospital.

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Slim, petite figure
Dark green coloured eyes
Brunette hair. Long and straight.
Round face and perfectly straight teeth. Pale complexion, but tans
quite easily.
Has a wide taste in clothes. She can be both Causal and Smart
PB: Katelyn Tarver

Very kind and honest. Trys very hard at everything she does. Lonely,
spends a lot of time herself. Soft touching and a bit of a push over.
She will do anything she's told. Loves growing flowers and loves
animals. She has a thing for animals and will be kind to all animals.
She loves anything living, but is a little awkward with people because
she doesn't really know how to act around them.
She is lonely a lot of the time, and craves for friends and attention
from others, but is very shy amongst people and crowds of people can
scare her.

Mother - Cara Tine
My mother is a polite and well mannered woman. Her maiden name is Davis
She is an Artist, and is quite famous, her paintings are always going for millions.
She grew up in New Zealand, but attended Salem Institute for Witches. She excelled
in almost all areas of magic. She was also known for her beauty. Being tall,
brunette and deep blue eyes meant that boys fell for her as if she was veela.
Cara met Joshua during her seventh year. He was the trainie Charms teacher.
Father - Joshua Tine
My father is a well groomed and driven man. He owns a chain, of posh restuarants,
that are dotted around the world. He is a very good chief. He attend Hogwarts
Scotland and was a Gryffindor. He taught at Salem for a year, where he fell in love.
It was during his teaching that he realised his true talents. Joshua no longer works in
the restaurant, because he's working to buy over a group of Hotels. He is building his
Family History
She was 18 when they married, only a month after having graduated. He was 19.
They married so young because Cara had fallen pregnant with her first child. On her
19th Birthday she gave birthday to Elijah. It was then that Joshua opened his first
restaurant in Paris. He opened it in Paris as it was the most perfect place to open a
restaurant. They left Elijah with Cara's sister, Lucy and her Husband Myles. When
they first arrived in Paris, a rich banker, spotted Cara's artwork, and bought it for £2.5
million. The more paintings Cara did, the more they sold for, and Cara and Joshua grew
closer as time went on.
When she was 21 she gave birth to the second child Kiara. Both were overjoyed, and now
had homes in London and Australia. During the first few years of Kiara's life they paid every
ounce of attention to her and had attempted to get Myles and Lucy to give them back Elijah,
but as both became more and more successful, they had less time for Kiara and she began had
to grow up alone, with her parents too busy for her. Her parents also stopped trying to get Eli
to join them, and told her that he was her cousin, rather than brother. Kiara spends a lot of time
alone, and finds it difficult to get 3 words out her parents, as praise or anything. Cara and Joshua
are very close and are very much in love with each other.
Cousin (Secret Brother) - Elijah "Eli" Tine
Currently a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts New Zealand. He has brown hair, and his eyes are a greeny yellow
colour. He is of average height, and has brown hair which is pretty messy and very much untamed. He
Loves music and lives for it. Kiara has gathered that from his room. Eli is fun and hyper. Kiara would love
to meet him, as she never has.
Aunt - Lucy Williams
Her name is Lucy Williams, maiden name Davis. She's Australian. Lived in Sydney all her life.
Homeschooled, all of her magical years, not like Cara. She's 2 years older than Cara.
She is more or a house wife, who goes out every so often but is more of a stay at home
person. She's blonde and has aqua coloured eyes. Kiara doesn't really like her, and thinks
she can be a bit mean and harsh. She is also always buying Kiara "respectable" clothes.
Uncle - Myles Williams
He is of Australian orgin. He has lived around Australia all his life, moving from
place to place. He is a muggle, who is a trained sales adviser, so he moves around
a lot. He loves to move and goes to a lot of places. Kiara can tell that Myles is a
strict man, and isn't scared to displine if he see's fit. Having given Kiara into trouble
quite a few times.

A tabby cat called Tina, she is only 1 year old and Kiara found her at
a shelter. Instantly took a liking to her. Goes everywhere with her.
And will go to hogwarts with her.
She has a pet spider called Crawly. He's very old, but kiara cares for
him a lot. He stays in Sydney, so she doesn't see his as often as she
would like.
She also has a pet albino rat, his name is francois. He is all white
and has pinkish/red eyes. He is shy, but friendly. And will not bite.
He stays in London.
In each of the houses there are large fishtanks with upto 10 gold
fish. I haven't named them all, there are just too many.

Area of Residence:
Well, I stay in Paris, London, Sydney and New Zealand.
The Home in New Zealand is the newest house. It's in a remote area,
but not too far from a little town, which my mummy says is close to
Hogwarts. I get the entire top floor of this house to myself. We spend
close to no time there.
In Sydney I stay in a beach house, on the outskirts of the city. Quite
far away from everyone else so it's quite and nice. Big garden, and a
pool. It's good. I like it. We hardly spend any time there at all
In London we stay in a town house in Kensington. It's a 3 story house
with a small garden but we share this house with my mum's parents,
they look after it for us. It's in the heart of London, so tourists
are always around the place, because we are very close to Kensington
My favourite place is Paris. There we have a two houses, right next
door to each other. They are connected. I stay in the top floor of the
second home. It's the pent house. It's very spaceous, and I have lots
of room. I can do almost whatever I want, but my mum insists on the
family eating dinner together in the main house. It's not great since
they don't really involve me in the conversation. And I always have to
do the tidying up.

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood

I'm not sure about this. I was born in Paris, but my parents are from
New Zealand, but there grandparents, were from Ireland

I have a French accent, which is more English than Australian.

Spoken Languages:
French and English.


Special Abilities:
I don't think I have any

Interests or Hobbies:
Taking care of plants and animals.
Reading, and sometimes painting.

Additional Skills:
Very good with animals, instantly take a liking to me.

Caring for others, (people, animals, plants)
Being open and honest. Being open minded.

Shy around people
Will do anything she's told.

Describe your character in three words:
Fun-Loving, Caring, Lonely

Fun-loving - Once you get past the shy outer layer, than you find, that
Kiara is a smiley, out going girl. She loves a bit of fun.
Caring - She cares for everything that she comes into contact with
She believes in goodness, and will thinks of others before herself.
Lonely - Apart from animals, Kiara doesn't spend much time with others.
So at times, she gets lonely. And even in crowds she finds it difficult to adapt

Favourite place to be:
Paris, France

Kiara has a few friends, but she doesn't see them too often.

Hogwarts House:
She is unsure of where she'd like to be, She wishes for
Gryffindor, but thinks it will be Hufflepuff

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To get more confident, and be a good witch

Best school subjects:
She thinks it will be herbology because it's working with plants.
When it comes to electives, She is looking forward to Care of
Magical Creatures.

Worst school subjects:
Kiara hopes that none will be her worst.

Extracurricular Activities:
Nothing as of yet.

At the end of 7th year, in about 8 years

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
To be a flourish, or an artist working in Paris.

Your Patronus:
A Tabby Cat

Your Patronus memory:
When she got Tina, it was her first real pet
that she could take where ever she wanted

Your Boggart:
Fire, Kiara is terrified of fire.

Your Animagus:
A tabby Cat

Mirror of Erised:
She would see herself surrounded by friends
with Tina and all her other pets as well.

A page from your diary:
Bonsoir ma Jolie,

I am in Paris again. It's amazing. We arrived back last night,
but I slept through most of the day. Daddy is opening the
new Restaurant tomorrow, I am going and I need to wear
a pretty dress. Mummy and I are going out to buy it. I want
to pick the dress, but Mummy will pick it. Australia was pretty.
We went to visit Myles and Lucy. I saw my cousin Elijah's room.
It's really cool. But they told me not to touch anything. I still
haven't met him. Myles and Lucy weren't happy to have us, I
could tell. Tina was with me, she slept through both flights to
and from Australia. He always sleeps in Daddy's private jet.
I don't get to stay in Paris very long. We're going to England
in about week. It should be good. I hope Tina gets to come.
When I go to Hogwarts, I really want to take Crawly, I would
miss him. Mummy is calling me. Dinner time.

Je t'aime,

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Coding By Me
How does Kiara deal with her parents not having much time for her?
Is she jealous of their love for their work and each other?
When did Kiara see Eli's room? Why haven't they met?
What does she like to read?
Is she any good at painting? Is this something that Kiara and her mother bond over?
What is her favorite type of animal?
Does she enjoy having a lot of money, houses, etc?
Has she ever broken any bones?

How does Kiara deal with her parents not having much time for her?
She reads, and draws and cares for her plants and animals. She'll do anything to not be bored.

Is she jealous of their love for their work and each other?
A little, but she just hopes that she can one day be that passionate about love and work, and she knows she'd do better if she has children

When did Kiara see Eli's room? Why haven't they met?
She saw it earlier that year. On one of the trips to Australia. She didn't want to have to listen to the parents talking so she went upstairs and saw it. They haven't met because Kiara's only been once, and Eli was at school at the time.

What does she like to read?
It's a distraction, and it passes the time. And she hopes that she can be as successful as her parents and reading books, improves her knowledge of the world, language and culture.

Is she any good at painting? Is this something that Kiara and her mother bond over?
She is good at painting, when Kiara was younger they used to, but not any more. She will every now and then, but Kiara works on her own, and hopes that her mum will be proud of what she makes on her own.

What is her favorite type of animal?
Cats, she adores cats, but has not been able to get one until recently. She is now a proud cat owner. And would like maybe another cat for when she going to Hogwarts.

Does she enjoy having a lot of money, houses, etc?
She does at times, she likes to have the money to spend on plants, flowers and her pets. But most of the time, Kiara feels it would be better if they didn't have as much money, or houses. She finds it very annoying, and doesn't feel like she actually has a home because they are always moving around. She finds that Paris is the closest thing she has to a home, and loves it there the most.

Has she ever broken any bones?
No she has not. Kiara isn't very adventurous. She would rather sitting around in her room, and just read, or be with her pets, than go out, and potientally ruin the clothes her mum bought for her. She has been bitten by a spider before. It was very painful for her.

Thanks for the questions ^_^

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