Keeper dining at the staff table

Sirius LeMour

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Lucifer had a choice to live here or not. He still kept his flat just in case he did lost this job as keeper of Hogwarts. But for now he was staying just like any other staff or professor. The only problem with Luc is that he didn't really look like a staff or person of authority. He could very well just sit at any random table and consider himself as a student. What set him apart from the students was the require uniform they had to endure for the whole school year. He felt their pain, he was a drummy student at one point of his life and even dropped out. Those horrible uniforms he was force to wear while attending that school. Luc shudder thinking about this, while he began to fill up his golden plate. With this plate alone he wonder of what he can get if he pawn it. That idea was dismissed as he lift his fork into his meal and sink his teeth into a hearty dinner. Its been a while since he ate like this, Luc couldn't remember the last time he had a wholesome meal. All he could recall back was Roman noodles soup and easy Mac that he would sometime burn if he didn't set in the microwave the right way. Without a microwave here, Luc wasn't very much complaining very content with the meal he was consuming slowly just to enjoy every taste and pleasure that his tastebuds were exploring.
It was lunchtime and all the students got to take an hour break to eat and be merry before heading off to their various classes. Eve was starving. She had skipped breakfast in favor of a walk, and was now regretting it. She walked through the tables and up the short stairs to the staffs table. A few other teachers already sat, eating, so Evie took a seat by a young guy who had been introduced as Lucifer the Keeper of Hogwarts. When the Muggle studies professor had first laid eyes on him she had thought of how young he was, just like her.

It seemed that many staff members were young and youthful, a lot different than she had expected, although not unwelcome at all. "Good afternoon." She said to him. She took a ham sandwitch and bit off a piece, finally savoring the food she had been wanting since breakfast.
Lucifer looked up and was already intaking another bite of a sandwich, when his stare were being occupied by a professor much young as himself. "Afternoon Miss." It was the same woman he had bumped into just the other night. He was astounded just to see her sitting across from him, but acted casual as ever taking another bite of his sandwich. "Did you ever handle those students the other night?" Luc asked, sort counting that she did. Luc wasn't a spoiler of having fun, it was just a lot more fun when you get them in trouble. They will try to come up with a bribe, well most of the time they did. "Name Lucifer but you can call me Luc." he introduce himself.

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