Kayla Sheridan

Kayla Sheridan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times
i f o n e o n l y r e m e m b e r s t o t u r n o n t h e l i g h t"


kayla amelia sheridan

Meaning Of Names:
The name "Kayla" is of American origin, and it means "Beloved or Who is Like God?"
The name "Amelia" is of Latin origin, and it means "To Strive or Excel or Rival".
The name "Sheridan" is of Irish origin, and it means "To Seek"
I was named after my Grandmother. She died just a few months before I was born.
Amelia is the name of my Dad's best friend. When they were younger they had promised, depending on the gender they would use each other's first names as their child's middle name.
My great-great grandparents emigrated to America from Ireland.

nicknames: I've never really had any nicknames, unless the bad ones count? I don't really want to mention them though. I think I'll just stick with no.

thoughts on name/nicknames: I like my name. Its nice and short and rolls off the tongue nicely. I like how I'm named after my Nana, it's a nice tie back to the family.
I got the name Kayla from a girl I met recently. I really liked how I sounded and it was around sorting time so I was like grand! I picked Sheridan because of the musical Mamma Mia, I thought it was nice for her to have a tie to the musical world, almost as if she was meant to be in the business.

residence:Just outside Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand

previous residences: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Casablanca Hotel Times Square, 147 West 43rd Street, New York City, NY 10036
During the show 'Matilda' the theatre company paid for them to stay in a hotel for the few months along with other members of the cast.

favourite residence: Although I haven't lived in New Zealand long it's my favourite home. Everywhere else is tinged with sadness. I like the openess and greeness of New Zealand. It is so beautiful here and we live in a lovely old cottage. It's perfect.

place of birth: Boca Raton, Florida, United States

pets: We adopted a stray dog once. She was lost and seemed so downtrodden. I begged Mam and she caved easily once she saw the state of the poor thing.I was only six at the time, Ihe took the new puppy under my wing. I cleaned her, feed her and basically nursed her back to help.I loved her so much, she was my best friend.Unfortunately after around four weeks we brought her to the vet to get the necessarily vaccinations but we were told she had caught an infection whilst out on the streets and wouldn't live long. I was devestated. She was so playful and lovable . I cherished her last few weeks. We went for walks every day and I played with her every day. When she died we got her cremated so she has been able to move with us which I love.

"What is life..


. . w i t h o u t r i s k ?"






height:5ft 2

hair:Long and brown

hair style:Wavy and volumious

eye colour:Brown

skin tone: I have pale-ish skin but I tan very easily and in any baby pictures of me , I am extremely tanned.

body build: I suppose I have a slim build. You have to stay in shape for the theatre so I do a lot of running and of course dancing is important part of most shows. I do yoga also from time to time which is very relaxing and many of the techniques help me calm my nerves before a show.

voice: I have a southern twang. It's been diluted over time due to living in the northern part of the country and New Zealand but it is still quite noticable. You could say I have a mixture of accents leading to a fairly neutral American sound. Well at least I hope so!

i can speak: English obviously. I speak a little Spanish also. We learned some in school but that's the extent of my linguistic abilities.

leftie or rightie: I am a leftie and proud. My Mam is too which makes it easier. It's not an issue really. I suppose my biggest gripe is when in shcool they had the chairs with the pull out desk and there was never a left hand one available.

personal style: I like comfy but stylish clothes.

current play by:Ariana Grande

blood type:AB

blood status:Half-Blood

thoughts on blood status: I don't have much of an opinion on the matter. I mean does it really matter? Do people in this day and age still care about such trivia matters?

dream: It starts off at the beach. Which is strange because I hate beaches. But at this beach I feel calm and happy. The sun is shinning and the waves, gently flow in. I just walk along the beach and as I walk I see two oncoming figures. I soon recognize them and I quickly run towards them. My Father catches me and lifts me up high in the air. All three of us laugh as he lets me down. My parents look at each other and smile and I can see the love they have for each other. The dream progresses. We play and build sand castles, we run into the sea. It is just a beautiful, normal day for us. As it begins to get darker, we sit down, all huddled under blankets, our little fire providing light and heat. We look up into the night sky and star at the beautiful stars. I can feel my eyes begin to droop but I don't want to go to sleep as I don't want the day to end. In the back of my mind I know this is never going to happen again. So I try my best, but my Dad picks me up and gently sings a lullaby in my ear. Just as I'm about to fall off to sleep, he holds me tight and whispers "I love you Kayla and I'm so very proud of you. I'm always watching and if you ever need me just look to the sky". I always wake up then and it's almost eerie because I can almost feel the breath of someone in my ear. I know it's a cheesy, childish dream but it brings me unending happiness.
The dream is something Kayla desperately wants. She would love for her whole family to be back together. She would love to play on the beach and swim in the sea. But she knows these things will never happen. It doesn't stop her from dreaming however and despite the fact there is an underlying sadness to it, it makes her immeasurably happy.

nightmare: My nightmare starts with me in the sea. I'm scared and frightened and extremely tired. I'm shouting and screaming, calling for help. I don't know how to swim and the sea is a churning black mass. I'm way out of my depth, the beach is a faraway horizon. I'm panicking because I can feel my life slipping away, I know if something isn't done, I'll drown. Suddenly I see my Dad swimming towards me, a worried smile on his face. But there is relief also, he knows he can save me and bring me home. He throws me the float and I lunge for it. Once I have it safely tucked under me, I feel I can breath again. I'm safe, everything will be okay. But when I looked up my Dad is gone. I'm confused and look around, wondering have I just turned around whilst on the float. But I can't see him anywhere. I start to panic now again and begin to call for him. Suddenly I see him a few metres away but he is thrashing, shouting for me. I can hear the panic and terror in his voice. I quickly begin to swim to him, forgetting my own tiredness. My only worry is to save him, whatever it takes. Just as I get close enough to throw him the float, he seemingly vanishes and shows up in a different part of the ocean, much further away from me. I'm so scared that I don't even register how strange and impossible that is. All that is running through my mind is the fact I must save him. I begin swimming towards him but before I'm even half ways there he moves again. I can see that his attempts are growing weaker and his shouts quieter. In the back of my mind I can feel the sea growing more restless, the sky darkening. He disappears again and again and by this point, the tears are flowing free down my face. My throat is raw from shouting and screaming and the fact I almost drowned myself. And then, he just doesn't appear again. I'm left floating in an increasingly dangerous sea, all alone. I wake up then, the taste of salt in my throat and my face is wet from crying. I hate that nightmare. I'm weak and vulnerable and I wasn't good enough to rescue my Dad.
Kayla on some level blames herself for her Father's drowning. She is also terrified of being left alone. This nightmare is a combination of her worst fears. The sea, drowning, her father dying and her not being able to save him.

sense of humour: I have a dry sense of humour. Sarcasm and I are the best of friends.

relationship status:Single

first kiss: A boy in her class, it was truth or dare.

first french kiss: No one.

the deed: Too young
"It matters not what someone is born,


b u t w h a t t h e y g r o w u p t o b e"

habits:I always, always hum under my breath. We could be in the middle of a conversation and while you are talking I'll hum. I suppose its because I love to sing and I always want to be singing! This second habit gets me in trouble sometimes. Usually once a meal is finished and there is still food on my plate, I'll begin to play with it. I will mix everything and anything into the food on my plate and I won't even notice.

skills/talent: I absolutely love music. When I lived in America, through a stage school I preformed on Broadway. I even had a lead role in Matilda. I absolutely love to sing and act and I would like to continue it as a profession. I have always sung and acted, every since I was a baby. As the song goes, Mam said I was singing before I talked

phobias: I used to love the water when I was younger. That's what my Mam tells me but even since the accident. I just can't. It just terrifies me. How can something so beautiful be associated with so much death and heartache?
She loves the look of it, she thinks the sea and rivers are beautiful but she can never get too close, she has a severe phobia. Her Dad drowned trying to save a woman when the family were on holidays. She was too young to understand at the time but after this event, she has been unable to go near the water.

strengths: Strong-willed, Loving, Kind
This is what I have been told and I believe it. I have learned that life isn't all roses and fairy dust. Bad things happen, humans can be the cruelist of all races and many things aren't fair. It has given me a certain perspective and through my experience with my bully I have learned to toughen up and to take things on the chin. I know now that not everyone is worth my time or energy. However I give people chances, I try to be kind to everyone and love with all my heart.
Through her experience with her bullies, Kayla has learned to stand-up for herself. For quite some time, she was teased and bullied for her magic. It was only glimpsed once but her tormenter never forgot and made sure Kayla never forgot either. Although it was a horrible experience, it helped Kayla learn much about herself and it helped her learn to stand up for herself. Ever since, she is confident and strong willed. She threw herself into her singing and acting and with the help of her teachers and friends she grew a tough skin. Kayla is a very loving and kind person. She likes to help others and she has a secret wish to help change the world. She wants to go out there and help those who live in under-developed countries. She wants to make a change. She hopes to do this through music .

weakness:Too trusting, Too adventurous
Due to the fact I give everyone a chance depsite my past, I know people may take advantage of me in the future. I tend to trust people, I don't read them properly but I know I must learn to do this and get out of this habit. When say too adventurous I mean that I can sometimes get distracted by my plans, by my "adventures" and forget important things like school.
Although Kayla has learned much of the duplicate nature of human-beings. She cannot help the need to help others. It could, in the furture lead to people taking advantage of her.She doesn't necessarily get up to mischief she just loved to explore, see the world and go on adventures.

mirror of erised:I would see myself , standing in front of my Mom and my Dad. We all look happy and we are together. I would also be receiving a Tony Award for best Actress in a Musical.
Although Kayla doesn't show it, she misses her father terribly. She only has blurred memories of him from when she was extremely small. She remembers him lifting her up and everyone laughing.She wishes he was there with her.He was a wizard. She believes if he had been there he could have taught her how to control her magic so she didn't perform it in front of some of her classmates which in turn led to her bullying.

patrnous: A Dove

patrnous memory: The moment I came out to bow after my performance of Matilda. The thrill of seeing the whole theatre standing up cheering and clapping. It had brought me to tears she was so happy. It was one of the best moments of my life.

animagus: A dove

boggart: My mother leaving.
I don't even like considering it. She is my world, my rock. I don't know what I would do with out her. It's just too horrible to think about.

Unfortunately I had the horrible experience of confronting my boggart outside class. Very recently actually and as I am a first year and not privy to all magical creatures I had no idea what I was facing. I discovered, my deepest fear is in fact the sea. Down in the depths of the Dungeons I was confronted by a massive wave which I believed was going to drown me. To be honest I think that is my real fear, drowning and dying the same way my father did. Well after a very kind Professor saved me I came back to my senses and I've vowed , never to be caught so unaware or feel as helpless as I did again.

"It is our choices that show who we really are,


<FONT font="Times New Roman">f a r m o r e t h a n o u r a b i l i t i e s"
hue: Watery colors, like shiny silver or aqua blue

fragrance:Anise star, lavender, rose and pine





gemstone: Amethyst

date of month:17th

number: 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 53, 58, 60, 67, 68,77, 78, 86, 87 and 88


ruling planet:Uranus

symbol:The symbol associated with your sign is the water bearer, it is symbolic of the Gods nourishing the earth with life giving energies. One of the first to be called the water bearer was the Greek God Zeus in mythology.
life pursuitThey are determined to make the world a better place and to help everyone they can along the way. They are truly the trailblazers of the zodiac.

birth date: 17th February 2029

star sign:Aquarius

meaning:Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this sign have the social conscience needed to carry us into the new millennium. These folks are humanitarian, philanthropic and keenly interested in making the world a better place. Along those lines, they'd like to make the world work better, which is why they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don't work). Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They are also quick to engage others in this process, which is why they have so many friends and acquaintances. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

<FONT font="Times New Roman">" To the well organised mind,
<FONT font="Times New Roman">d e a t h i s o n l y t h e n e x t a d v e n t u r e"

personality: Kayla is an open, extrovert person. She loves making friends, talking to others. She is confident when speaking to others.She moved to many schools as a child and because of this she learned how to make friends and how to fit in. A lot of this comes from her experience on stage. When she first began she was terrified. She hated looking out at the audience, even thinking about them made her vomit. But after some experience, she learned to appreciate the audience and in some cases just ignore them entirely. She is in her own world when she was on stage. This has made Kayla an intuitive person who feels rather than thinks. Some would say she is much more mature than her age. In saying that, she is impulsive and loves to go on adventures and explore. She wants to experience and see the world. She wants to make a difference and help those in the need. She wants to make the world a better place

history:Kayla was born on the 17th February 2029 in Boca Raton, Florida. She was her parent's first child. They lived here for three years happily until one day Kayla's father Edward, drowned saving a woman off the coast. After his death, Kayla and her mother Lily moved to Chicago. Due to life insurance, Kayla and her mother had a sizable amount of money which they were able to put away.

Kayla was a happy child who loved to sing. Her mother told her that her father used to boast to anyone they met that Kayla would grow up and become a famous singer.When she began school she made friends quickly and easily. She has an infectious laugh and an aimiable nature. However, this was ruined when a former best friend saw Kayla do magic. She turned on her and began to spread lies and bully her. Kayla was only seven at the time and she was deeply hurt and it escalted to such a level that she had to move schools.

It was a dark time for Kayla who nearly lost hope in her music but after support from her mother and thoughts of her father she got back up on her feet and started life afresh. She threw herself into her acting and this soon paid off as at the age of nine she secured the role of Matilda. Due to the time consuming nature , she and her mother moved to New York. Thankfully her mothers skills as a nurse made it easy for her to secure a job.

Kayla would have continued on the road of Broadway but she receieved her letter to Hogwarts. It had been her dream to learn magic. She felt it would help her become closer with her Dad who was a wizard. Once more, they uprooted themselves to live in New Zealand. Using the money left to them by her Dad's life insurance. They secured a long term house just outside Obsidian Harbour. Her mother soon found herself a job and Kayla went to the local school. They have lived there now for a year .
"After all this time?"
A l w a y s "</SIZE></SIZE>

<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150">the family


Edward Sheridan
Deceased-drowning incident
Former Lifeguard
Edward was an extremely loving man never mind father. He was very easy going and the type of person to fall completely and utterly in love. And that he did. The minute he saw Lily, he knew she was the one. He didn’t have eyes for anyone else. It took a while for him to get her to admit she loved him too but he enjoyed the chase. He had always wanted to become a lifeguard. When he was younger he would watch them in action. He had grown up by the beach so he was a water-baby. He loved the water. It then seemed completely logical that he combine the two things he enjoyed most in the world. Helping people and the water. For all his messing he knew when he had to work hard and that he did. He had always wanted kids and Kayla was the light of his world. He knew by the time she was two that she was also magical. He couldn't wait until he could tell her about her exciting history. He was very much a family man and due to his wife's long hours at work he was the chief carer of Kayla. He was a brave, loyal man who spent his days preventing incident and saving people.

I have a few memories of me and my Dad. I remember being in the water with him a lot. One day, I think I had just turned three he brought me in to work with him. The memories are hazy but I remember his co-workers being wonderful to me and playing. I miss him so so much. Although I'm angry he died so unneccesarily, I'm proud he died doing what he loved, saving people.​

Lily Sheridan
Aged 35
Lily was was the ying to Edward's yang. She was the more sterner of the two. But her husband had her wrapped around his finger. He was always messying with her but he was so hopelessly romantic. She knew after a few meetings that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man. When she first found out he was magical and a whole other world existed, she was shocked. It had taken her some time and a few days alone to accept this was real and that it was in fact amazing. Lily had always wanted a daughter so she was extremely happy when Kayla was born. She tried to spend as much time as she could with her. She was both happy and a small bit scared when Kayla started showing signs of magic also but Ed reassured her. When he died, she was absolutely devestated. They were only beginning their lives and they had a young, beautiful daughter. She couldn't face staying in the same house, so she applied for a transfer. They moved to Chicago. Lily always hated the fact she couldn't help Kayla with her magic. It caused her so much trouble and Lily would sometimes cry to sleep, missing Edward and the guidance he couldn't have given. However now that Kayla has started Hogwarts, she wanted to reboot her life.

I love my mam. She has always been there for me and she has done a fantastic job of taking care of me by herself. I know she hates that she couldn't help me with my magic but she helps with so many other things. I'm going to miss her in Hogwarts but I'll write to her every week!​

Alan Murphy
Deceased-car crash
retired teacher

Shelia Murphy
Deceased-car crash
retired nurse

John Sheridan
Aged 70
retired lecturer

Kayla Sheridan
Deceased-lung cancer
retired car mechanic
[th colspan="3"]Sheridan/Murphy Family[/th]
"We must all make the choice between
w h a t i s r i g h t a n d w h a t i s e a s y"


A lil deeper

hogwarts house: Gryffindor

thoughts on sorting:I had no real preference myself. I don't know what house my dad was in and I didn't know much about the houses before I went in but I'm happy with Gryffindor .I asked people about the house during the feast and I agree with the sorting hat!
I wouldn't have minded what house Kayla got. Originally I was leaning more towards Hufflepuff for her but as I filled in the various sections for the sorting I realised she was more a Gryffindor.

sorting post: Kayla was almost shaking with a combination of nervousness and excitment. This was it! Even when she saw the beautiful building of Hogwarts, she felt closer to her Dad. She almost felt like he would be standing there, welcoming her. Her thoughts could have gone on a downward slope from there but she was just too excited and surrounded by fellow first years. She idly wondered which house she would be sorted into. She didn't really mind, she knew the hat would pick the best house for her, even if it wasn't the same as her Dad's. She wasn't keen on Slytherin, from what she had read but she would just have to wait and see!

She couldn't help her mouth from just opening when they entered the Great Hall. It was magnificant. All this magic, all this decoration. She wanted to scream with happiness. This was a moment she would remember forever. It almost rivaled the moment she had put on her new uniform. It hadn't really felt real until then. She had thought to herself, I am actually going to Hogwarts. She literally was a ball of energy but being an actress, she with-held this energy somewhat so she didn't look silly. All she had was a wide smile on her face and a look of wonderment in her eyes.

Finally, the names were called. Kayla waited anxiously for her name. She was nervous about sitting in front of the whole school but she just brought in her techniques from the stage. If she didn't she wasn't sure she would be able to sit up there. She knew she could though and that her Dad would be looking down at her from above. She almost jumped when she heard her name, slowly she made her way up to the stool. Her heart racing, she sat down and closed her eyes for a second. She took a calming breath and imagined it was only she , the stool and the sorting hat. It worked, she felt a calmness come over her as she awaited the sorting hat's verdict.

wand:Straight 9 1/2 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.

Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?

Wood: Pine wands are often found in the hands of the 'loner', they do not protest creative and new uses of magic and this is perhaps why they seem to be the wands most successfully used with non-verbal magic.

Core: Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.

Flexibility: Swishy: A wand which can quickly cast spells but may need to cast more than one to accomplish the job.


favourite subject:

least favourite subject:

favourite memory of Hogwarts:

least favourite memory of Hogwarts:

favourite place in Hogwarts:

least favourite place in Hogwarts:

favourite professor:

least favourite professor:

Exam Results 1&2 YearExam Results 3rd Year
Exam Results 4th YearOWLs
Exam Results 6th YearNEWTs
[th colspan="2"]Exam Results[/th]
"We must try not to sink beneath..
o u r a n g u i s h , H a r r y , b u t b a t t l e o n."


<SIZE size="150"><FONT font="Times New Roman">

First Year


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