Katya Starling

Katya Starling

OOC First Name
Katya Starling
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Full Name:
- Katya Trixiebelle Starling. Understandably, Katya despises her middle name. She doesn't know how anyone in their right mind would come up with the name, but apparently someone had. She doesn't mind her first name so much, although some people tend to mispronounce it as 'Katia'. Katya adores her surname, Starling.

Date of Birth:
- October 31

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Katya has naturally pale skin with a few freckles on her nose and arms. Her eyes are blue around the edges, but they have a small gold part around the iris which turns green in some lights which which them the appearance of being green or brown. Katya's hair is naturally dark brown and wavy and falls over her face. Her hair always looks messy and a bit windblown. She isn't a very tall person, though her long limbs give her the appearance of being taller than she actually is. Katya always stands with her arms crossed over her chest or with her hands by her side with her arms slightly extended. She has a curious way of walking, sort of a bobbing walk that makes her resemble a bird a little. Katya's style of clothing is interesting. She likes dark clothing, especially black and dark blue. She likes to wear long jeans and hoodies, even in the summertime.

- Katya mostly keeps to herself and is an introvert. She will talk to people if approached, but she often finds the conversations of people a little dull. She doesn't like small talk very much. Katya is a little antisocial and prefers to by herself rather than with other people, but she doesn't mind being around a few friends. Katya is quite observant and often notices things that other people don't see, or things that seem irrelevant.

She is usually quiet and calm, but she can get mad easily. Often, Katya doesn't show the fact that she is angry at someone. Katya seems transparent sometimes, but she really isn't. She doesn't like to show her real feelings, but projects other feelings instead. For example, Katya would pretend to be happy or angry when she was feeling extremely upset. However, Katya might yell at someone when they annoy her, although not often.

Katya is a very artistic person and loves to paint and sketch. She likes music but not singing. She will not sing in front of anyone, nor will she play and instrument for a band or anything. She plays the guitar and the flute. She took flute lessons when she was younger, but had to stop because she flatly refused to play for the music instructor. Katya learnt to play the guitar by herself from a book that she found in the public library.

- Katya's mother died when she was a small child. Katya barely remembers anything about her, except for the fact that her mother had eyes like Katya and loved jewelery. Her father went insane after the death of his wife and Katya doesn't know where he is. He is not allowed to have Katya stay with him. Katya's legal guardian is her aunt. Aunt Aurora is the much older sister of Katya's mother and does not like children at all.

Katya has an older sister, Grace. Grace is even more shy than Katya and doesn't like to talk. Grace is two years older than Katya and is supposed to permanently live in hospital because she is considered 'mentally unstable'. Grace sees things that don't exist and lives in her own little dream world. Grace and Katya are extremely close, and Katya is fiercely protective over her older sister.

Katya's younger sister, Alana is quite different to the older Starlings. She is more extroverted, though she does share Katya's love of art. Alana seems nice enough when you first meet her, but then is quite evil. The less said about Alana, the better. Alana is nice to her sisters though, and Katya is very close to her.

- None, Katya was never allowed to have any. Aunt Aurora hates animals.

Area of Residence:
- Auckland, NZ. Katya lives in an apartment with Grace. Aunt Aurora lives in a different apartment block that doesn't allow children, so she hired an au pair to look after Katya, Alana and Grace. The au pairs change each week because Aunt Aurora keeps firing them. Every week a nurse comes to look at Grace and see how she's doing.

Blood Status:
- Unknown. Probably muggleborn, but Katya doesn't know if her mother was a witch or not. Her father is a muggle.

- Her surname is English and she also has some Brazilian and French heritage.

Special Abilities:
- Katya can speak French as she learnt it from her school.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Drawing, reading, photography

Additional Skills:
- None known

- Intelligent, observant, artistic, calm

- Antisocial, shy, trust issues

Describe your character in three words:
- Introverted, Odd, Quiet

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere by herself, preferably somewhere dark.

- Her sisters, Grace and Alana. She has no other friends, not even from her muggle school.

Hogwarts House:
- None yet, and no idea which one she will be in. Leaning towards Ravenclaw

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Not get eaten alive (in a metaphorical sense)

Best school subjects:
- N/A

Worst school subjects:
- N/A

Extracurricular Activities:
- N/A

- Sometime in seven years :r

Current Job:
- N/A

Plans for your future:
- Katya wouldn't mind being an author or a painter.

Your Patronus:
- A crane - they symbolize solitude and independence.

Your Patronus memory:
- The relief she felt when Grace was allowed to live with her and didn't have to stay at the hospital.

Your Boggart:
- Katya is scared of a lot of things, but her biggest fear would have to be a nurse taking Grace away from her. But, Grace is leaving her, in a way, as Katya is going to Hogwarts and Grace isn't. Her boggart might also be a giant needle or a spider.

Your Animagus:
- Some type of bird.

Mirror of Erised:
- Katya would see Grace being safe. She wouldn't see herself or anyone else, just Grace. As long as Grace is safe and happy, Katya's happy.

A page from your diary:
- Nope. Katya would never write about herself in case someone found the diary and tried to use it against her. It would be too weird to even try and write a diary entry because it seems weird and too out of character. :doh:

Questions? Comments? Post or PM! :)
Hi there! I have a few questions for you and your character. :D

1. Trixybell, huh? Even if Katya doesn't know where it came from, why did you choose this middle name for your character? Also, I love her surname, too. ^_^

2. I can understand jeans, but why would Katya wear hoodies in the summer? Yikes. Does she get cold easily?

3. If Katya is usually quiet and calm, but is angered easily, what are some examples of things that make her angry?

4. Why is Alana evil?

5. Why does Katya have trust issues? Was there anything that happened in particular to cause her to develop these issues?

6. Why is Katya scared of needles and spiders?

That's it for now, I'm sure I'll think of more later.

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