Katie Fisher

Katie Fisher

New Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
Katie Marie Fisher

Date of Birth:
November 7th

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:

Shy - Katie is really introverted, and is often too scared to talk to people.
Independent - Due to her shyness, and having no mother, she learnt how to look after herself.
Loyal - She does not have many friends, but the few she does she would do anything for.

Did not know her mother, but her mothers name was Marie, hence her middle name.
Father: Micheal Fisher, 42
No siblings.


Area of Residence:
Auckland, New Zealand

Blood Status:
Not sure, either Mixed or Half blood depending on what her mother was. She doesn't know this because of that.

Father's father came from France, father's mother from England.

Special Abilities:
None at the moment ((Possibly trying for Metamorph))

Interests or Hobbies:
Music - She could not live with out it, it keeps her sane.
Drawing - Although not the best artist, she finds it is a way to get stuff out.

Additional Skills:
Smart - She finds school work quite easy.

Describe your character in three words:
Sensitive, Shy, Kind

Favourite place to be:
By water, sitting in the grass.

She doesn't have many friends, being shy and a bit of an outcast.
Leo - 11

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
She dreams of becoming Head Girl, or Prefect.

Your Patronus:
A white mouse.

Your Patronus memory:
Playing with her dad and his wand.

Your Boggart:
Her dad dead.

Mirror of Erised:
She sees herself as surrounded by friends and as Head Girl.

A page from your diary:
Dearest Diary,

Father decided that I should come with him to the wizard shops. It was so exciting! I felt like I fit in there, with all the strange and mysterious items. I met a boy there, his name was Leo. I was scared to talk to him at first, but my dad knew his parents, so I was forced to. He seems nice.

Heya :D

Just a few questions :)

What happened to her mother?
What house does she want to be in?
Why does she like to sit by water?
Why is her patronous a white mouse?
How tall is she?

Thanks :D
What happened to her mother?
She went out one day when Katie was about 6 months and she never came back. It is feared that she was taken by the Death Eaters, presumed dead.

What house does she want to be in?
She wants to be in Ravenclaw, as she feels it would be somewhere where she could be respected and wouldn't be thought as strange if she sat and read a lot.

Why does she like to sit by water?
She finds the sound of water peaceful, and likes to be in tune with nature.

Why is her patronous a white mouse?
It is white as she is quite pure inside, and in turn naive. It is a mouse as she is a quiet person, popping in and out of places unseen.

How tall is she?
She is quite short for her age. (I suck at heights :p)

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