Karina Sargas WIP

Karina Sargas

OOC First Name
Curved 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Character's Name: Karina Sargas
Character's Birthdate: December 14, 2028
Blood Status: Halfblood
Hogwarts House: Hoping for Ravenclaw or Slytherin

Karina would call herself a plain girl with no particularly beautiful thing about her. She has thick brown hair that only reaches to her chin, where it curls outward. Her eyes are a greyish-blue that are very expressive of what she is currently feeling, whether it be good or bad. She only stands at about three feet, nine inches tall, so she is among the smaller members of her age group. Her face is still round and child-like, so that coupled with her height makes her seem younger than she is. She also has two scars on her face: one above her right eye, and one on her cheek.



~Quiet~ Karina likes to keep to herself rather than be the center of attention. She prefers to be the quiet, studious girl who gets good grades but doesn't draw attention to herself. She would rather be on the edges of any occurrence, preferring to make notes to herself about who and what is going on, deciding what information would be useful to her at a future time.

~Clever~ Karina is quick on her feet, ready with an answer whenever a teacher calls upon her, though she is not one to draw attention to herself by volunteering information. This doesn't mean she is unintelligent -quite the opposite, in fact. She loves riddles and mind games, as they challenge her and keep her quick.

~Ambitious~ Karina has great ambitions for her life. She wants to be a politician, but one that works behind the scenes, rather than taking the attention right out in front of the crowd. She desires to be the puppet master, as one would call it, pulling the strings behind any figurehead she chooses.

~Serious~ Karina is a serious person, disliking the excitable emotions of her peers over every little thing, it seems like to her. She prefers to keep in reality and be realistic in her expectations rather than going overboard like she sees so many of her peers do. This is not to say she doesn't get excited over things, but she keeps it subdued and to herself rather than open for everyone to see.

~Determined~ Karina is a very determined person. She refuses to let anything get in her way when she decides she wants to do something. This can lead to her being stubborn in some cases where it might be in her best interest to stop or wait for better timing.


~Katy Sargas~ Karina's mother; muggleborn

~Aaron Sargas~ Karina's father; half-blood

~Alyssa Sargas~ Karina's sister; 10

~Gavin & Cameron Sargas~ Karina's twin brothers; 8

~Ryan Sargas~ Karina's youngest brother: 4

History:(Give a brief history of your character - early childhood, sorting, the basics)

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