Kara Piper

Kara Piper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Emilie [main]
Kara Piper​


<SIZE size="150">The Basics

Name: Kara Piper
House: N/A
Birthday: 18/6/2015
Born In: New Zealand
Currently In: Ashburton
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single (Not Looking)
Five Words?: Kind, Funny, Caring, Protective, Lively
Languages: English, Italian, French
<COLOR color="black">Deatil

Full Name
Kara Bella Piper
Kara means 'beloved'.
Bella means 'sweetheart' in Italian.

Date of Birth:
18th June 2015

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:

She Has Dark Curly Hair
Kara has dark curly hair, which stops just below her shoulders, which is usually down, or tied up in a ponytail. She sometimes straightens it on special occassions.

Fair Skin
Kara has fair skin, and on her nose she has a few freckles which she covers up with make-up.

Blue Eyes
Kara has dark blue eyes, which she gets from her father.

Five Foot Six Inches
Kara is of average height for her age.

Basic Personality:

Kara is very kind. She is nice to everyone, except those who don't deserve it. Kara speaks to everyone and gives everyone a chance.

Kara has a very big sense of humour, and always has new jokes to tell her friends.

Kara is very caring of her friends. She will punch and kick anyone who hurts them and will always comfort her friends.

If anyone hurts her friends, Kara would hunt them down. Kara is very protective and would automatically shriek at anyone who offended her friends.

Kara is super lively. She loves running around and acting all hyper and acting her age, and sometimes even childish.

Father: Matthew Piper, 38, Ministry Official
Mother: Rose Piper (neè Edwards), 37, Ministry Official
Brother: Robert Piper, 9, Student

A german shepherd male dog called Wrolf and a grey horse called Honey.

Area of Residence
Ashburton, NewZealand

40% Italian
40% NewZealand
20% English

Special Abilties
Hopefully future Animagus or Werewolf or Seer.

Interests or Hobbies
Kara loves to sing and loves the Performing Arts. She is really interested in the future and Defence Against The Dark Arts. Kara loves sports and playing with Wrolf, and riding Honey.

Additional Skills
Kara is a very skilled Horserider and dog trainer, singer, actress and muscian, and dancer. Kara is also quite smart.

Kara is defensive. She will stand up for herself and her friends, no matter what the cost is.

Kara would do anything for her friends, anything. She would murder for her friends and family and that probably makes her a bit weak.

Favourite Place To Be
Outside, or Brightstone with her friends, or on the beach/ Obsidian Harbour with her friends


Kate Moon
Kara has met Kate on Obsidian Harbour eating ice cream. Kara told Kate about her joining Hogwarts and going to be in fourth year, the same as Kate.

Oliver Cade Haliwell
They met eating ice cream, and Kara has a little crush on him.

Daniel Cedric Young
Kara and Daniel literally ran into each other. They have a brotherly/sisterly relationship.

Hogwarts House
Kara hopes she will either be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, but she won't mind which house she is in.

Hogwarts Ambitions
Kara hopes she will make life-long friends in Hogwarts and learn a lot of interesting things that she could explain to her muggle parents.

Best School Subjects

Defence Against The Dark Arts
Kara is very interested in the Dark Arts but wants to know how to protect herself.

Care Of Magical Creatures
Kara loves animals, and finds it fascinating how to look after this certain type of creature.

Kara finds charms interesting, learning about a lot of spells.

Kara wants to know how to make healing potions and potions that will help her in later life.

Kara is very athletic and Flying is very easy for her.

Worst School Subjects

Kara was never good at maths, even with extra tutoring.

History of Magic
Kara doesn't fully understand History and finds History of Magic complex.


Sorting Hat's Reply

Extracurricular Activities

Groups Joined

Kara will Graduate in 2031.

Current Job:
Kara is currently unemployed.

Plans For Future:
Kara will hopefully be a Professor.

A Dog, to symbolize loyalty.

Patronus Memory
Kara at home when she found out she was having a baby brother.

Kara's boggart would probably be a dementor. She hates the things as they suck everything happy away.

A Dog, like her Patronus and so she could sneak around muggle places.

Mirror of Erised
Kara with all her friends and her brother sitting on the Hogwarts' Lawns.

Diary Extracts
See Signature​

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