- Messages
- 707
- OOC First Name
- Kaitlyn
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Wand
- Curly 15" Unyielding Elm Wand with Basilisk Skin Core, Makore Wood 15" Core of Dragon Heartstrings
- Age
- 5/2012
"Come...the thick night and breathe in me...
yes, come...with lifeless eyes and die with me..."

yes, come...with lifeless eyes and die with me..."
Burn... unleash the holy smoke to flee
You're under my skin the poison within
[name] Kamaria Hestia ZhefarovichYou're under my skin the poison within
[etymology] The name Kamaria means one who is as bright as the moon, and it gives the impression of one who is considerate, quiet and honest. This is actually very true about Kamaria, she is what her name means. Her middle name Hestia means rule of the household, which would assume that she would be ruling a hosuehold later in the future, however this has yet to be proved. Kamaria does not know if she will be controlling of a household. The name also gives the the impression of a caring and quiet woman which is what she definitely is, as she is very quiet and she does care a lot. Both names combined would describe Kamaria down to the syllable, and her name is very long as well. The surname Zhefarovich comes from Bulgaria and it means powerful, dexterous, virulent enforcer which is true in the darker nature of the entire family, very few have been unaffected by this. Kamaria is not one of the few that are unaffected as much as she is a 'late bloomer', and is now accepting her darker nature.
[origin] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family are large, containing three branches, with one typically being the main branch, which is the darkest, another being the more likely to be in businesses, and the last branch being the quietest and also the more pleasant if one could consider them pleasant at all. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many are either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. Kamaria's first and middle name were picked by Axel, in meaning of giving her an intelligent name, in hope of her taking after him.
[nicknames] Kamaria goes by very few nicknames but she is mostly addressed by Kara because it is shortening her name down to something a little simpler and easier to say. Axel also calls her Star, as a name when she was growing up.
[alliance] Kamaria has officially starting to align herself with the forces of darkness and power, because she now detests the Aurors and what they stand for.
[birthdate] Being born at night, around nine of the clock on May 10th, 2012, Kamaria was four minutes younger than her twin brother, Leviathan.
[age] She is twenty-four-years-old.
[gender] Kamaria is definitely a female.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Kamaria is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is males. She does not have much of an interest in females and thinks that they are not as admiring as males are. When it comes down to choosing whether Kamaria is attracted to aesthetics or personality, it is both. Kamaria loves a man with dark hair, and a darker personality, or even the 'bad' boy appearance.
[dialects] Kamaria can fluently speak both English and Bulgarian, and her first language was English.
[hometown] She was born in London, England in a small house in the wizarding world. She grew up there for the most part, however when she moved back in with her dad, that was when she managed to get out of England.
[residency] Kamaria currently resides in Porirua, New Zealand. Her house is large, and can fit many people in it. There are no neighbors for miles around. The people that reside in the house are Axel Zhefarovich, Leviathan Zhefarovich, Athena Zhefarovich, Aleric Zhefarovich, Adriel Zhefarovich and Astrilda Zhefarovich.
[heritage] Since Axel is Bulgarian, and Emerald was British, it makes Kamaria one-half Bulgarian and one-half English.
[blood status] Kamaria is a pure-blood. Kamaria will tell others what her blood status is, and she is one of the prejudice, however she can speak with any blood status other than muggle-born.
[blood type] AB Negative is Kamaria's blood type. It is rumored that in her family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. These traits are true to her character.
[main wand] Kamaria's new wand is Makore Wood 15" Core of Dragon Heartstrings. The wood that makes the wand is a powerful wood which feeds off strength and prefers a strong wielder. It is ultimately neutral as it can take away a life, or make a life even better. The core Dragon Heartstring produce a wand with immense power, and it capable of flamboyant spells. It is easy to turn to the Dark Arts, and it is often temperamental. The wand itself with the core, it is yielding if and only if it is won over.
[secondary wand] Her back up wand is Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose which is one that she bought when she was a first year. An extremely earth-centric wood, cherry has very grounded energy. Earth energy is very level-headed, non-impulsive. It helps them to see the here and now, think clearly and act upon rationality rather then emotion. The core of wood rose, and it is an earth symbol essence, and it reacts extremely well with a wood that is also rather earthy. The Wood rose has a type of elegance but it is more suited for someone that down-to-earth.
[occupation] Kamaria is currently working in the New Zealand Ministry as an International Magical Law Official.
[health status] She is completely healthy.
[allergies] The only allergen that aggravates Kamaria is pollen. It irritates her nose and makes her sneeze, so when it gets bad outside with pollen, she has to take a medicine to relieve her symptoms.
[pet] Kamaria owns a white Persian cat named Lynnette.</SIZE>
Yes, burn... deceased and buried is misery
Diabolical rapture that's dripping with sin
<FONT font="Arial">Diabolical rapture that's dripping with sin
[five words] Intelligent, Sassy, Sporty, Cold, Morbid
[personality] Kamaria is a complicated girl. Though she will talk to anyone that does not get on her nerves, she is strict on who she gets close to. She will not make any muggle-borns her allies. She does not like her background but is proud of her blood. Once someone has taken her interest though that alone is rare, she will remain a loyal and trusting friend. Kamaria is often a closed girl with a cold voice and a calm and collected attitude. Nothing will really phase her, nor can she be bothered. Kamaria cares more about reading and getting lost in her mind rather than caring about people. She dreams of flying as that is her only ticket of being free. One day, she wants to play Quidditch and probably be a keeper, which she managed to accomplish. But once someone gets her rearing, her Slytherin half takes over and makes her extremely competitive and outgoing. Kamaria also has the attitude of a fierce leader, and she thinks that she is fit to rule others.
[beliefs] One could say that Kamaria had some decent beliefs, though her looks spell innocence half the time, she is truly the ice queen beneath when it comes to certain people. She does not believe in muggle-borns, however she also thinks that pure-bloods are wasting their time as well because most others just will not listen. Kamaria believes that one must enjoy life by living moment to moment, and those who could not do that were nothing more but filth in her eyes.
[boggart] Kamaria's boggart would be herself, marrying a muggle-born Auror.
[fears] The fears are something else to Kamaria. She looks as though she has no fear, but she fears of drowning and suffocation. She would hate to die that way, and anything to do with swimming underwater will get her shaking. She also fears of anything that sucks blood, such as leeches and ticks.
[likes] Kamaria is a typical Ravenclaw, and she loves to read passionate love stories and she adores Shakespeare. She can often be found reading in the lawn or under a tree in the shade, nestled and comfortable. Her favorite activity other than reading and learning would have to be flying. She adores flying and her best attitude can be seen as she soars in the sky. She also loves to play Quidditch and she will do everything it takes to win actually. Kamaria also loves to get out and swim just not underwater, and explore to study things and how they react in the environment. She also likes muggle things and how they are in the world, and how they work.
[dislikes] One would be amazed on just how much Kamaria dislikes. The one thing she dislikes the most is ignorant people. They never take in their surroundings and basically are a waste of time. She also dislikes how practical lessons are in school, as she likes it in a way, but she prefers to get her information out of a book rather than to experience it first hand. Kamaria cannot stand people that are obsessive over their lovers when chances are, they will not stick around anyway. She also cannot tolerate someone who is clingy. She can deal with some jealousy, but otherwise, she just hates it. Kamaria does not like muggle-borns because there is no explanation on how they would receive magical abilities like the rest of the people. She also does not like certain half-breeds that you can tell they are not fully human.
[goals] Kamaria's goals are rather basic. She wants to pass through the OWLs and onto the NEWTs with nothing but Outstanding. She wants to prove to herself that she can do what she wants when it comes to studying, and she wants to graduate school to start a life with the one she loves.
[good habits] Kamaria is very clean, and she puts everything away that she gets out. She also has a habit of doing homework first.
[bad habits] With the good comes the bad, because Kamaria has a really bad habit of twirling her hair, as well as picking lint of off everything, including other people.
[strengths] Kamaria's strengths rely on her intellect. She is amazingly smart for her young age, as she had inherited from her father, Axel. She uses her intellect to make the toughest decisions on her own. She also has the will of a tiger, and she will not stop until she gets what she is after, which could also be a bad thing but she usually had things work out good for her in the end. Her mind is as strong as her will and determination, as her mind is the strongest part of her body. Her mind will think everything through before she does something, even the littlest things. Kamaria also has a rather large heart but she only shares with certain things and certain people. Kamaria's greatest strength though is her knowledge and advice, from everything she learns from books and experiences. Kamaria uses everything she learns to decide on what would be good or bad to do in her life, and she would apply everything she has ever thought about and calculate it. She is also very talented in sports but her strength in that is her complicated plays and strategies that have yet to fail on her.
[weaknesses] Many things could be Kamaria's weakness. When she is put in a fast pace society, her mind gets to work and she often will not think of something in time, and makes hasty decisions. She is also weak to good books, and she will often ignore everything around her to read. Kamaria's mind also gets in the way of the perfect decisions a heart will make, and her mind will overpower her heart about many things, making her unable to take risks and see what happens in the end. Kamaria will think too hard on things, and think the most basic things are the most complicated. She often gets frustrated with things easily that do not make sense to her. Even so, Kamaria has a really stubborn mind, and if someone needs to prove her wrong, they will have to evaluate it completely and fully in front of her. Though one of Kamaria's greatest weaknesses is that she is a hopeless romantic. She will fall for anyone that is a knight in shining armor for her, and she has this childish dream of being a princess to a prince, and right now, she hopes that her real prince will come along for her.
[loyalties] Kamaria's loyalties lie within the Ravenclaw house and the Zhefarovich family.
[magical talents] Her magical talents are within the knowledge of magic, but Kamaria also seems pretty fair with a wand, especially when she is dealing with charms and hexes. She has yet to try curses. She seems to be more powerful with defensive magic rather than offensive. More talents will follow as she ages.
[other talents] Kamaria is talented in sports, as well as running and anything active. She can act, which means she can be a pretty good liar if needs be. Kamaria is exceptionally smart when it comes to writing, reading and doing mathematics. She can play the flute and piano, but no other instruments. Kamaria can also detect if someone is a good match romantically for another.
[patronus form] Her patronus form is that of a Japanese crane.
[annoyances] Kamaria is very annoyed at people who are too ignorant for their own good. She happens to find loudness annoying, and being tied up and have a lack of freedom annoying as well. Kamaria is also annoyed by things that just have no explanation to them at all.
To live in desire is to play with the fire
Break down my will, a kiss for the kill
[chinese year] Being born in 2012, it makes Kamaria a Dragon. People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust. Dragon people are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches, but they tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. They are compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.Break down my will, a kiss for the kill
[zodiac sign] Kamaria's zodiac sign is a Taurus, the Bull.. As a Taurus, it makes Kamaria patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving while they also tend to be jealous, possessive, resentful, inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy. These are likely to be true when it comes down to her character. What a Bull likes are stability, being attracted, things natural, time to ponder, comfort and pleasure while they do not like disruption, being pushed too hard, synthetic or "man made" things, being rushed, and being indoors. The color that Tauruses like is the color pink, and their starstone is emerald. These apply to Kamaria even though she does not wear the color pink often.
[fixed sign]A Taurus has a fixed sign, which means that the person can be described as someone who has stabilization, determination, depth and persistence. Kamaria has all of these qualities, and it fits her character.
[personal sign] Also being a Taurus makes someone principally aware of and concerned with individual concerns. This is true to Kamaria's character because she is concerned with individual concerns.
[planet] The planet that rules the sign Taurus is Venus. Many believe love is the meaning of this planet but it is the appreciation of love and beauty that is much more accurate. Venus has a sensual quality which represents the higher aspirations of spirit and denotes our softer aspects of femininity; giving all of the people, male or female, the power of attraction. It is the sign that represents our more artistic side and the spiritual vibrations over everyday matters. However on the downside, it can make someone carelessness, possessiveness, being indecisive, overly romantic and dependent on others. Though on the brighter side, it can also make a person friendliness, tact, social graces and gentleness.
[element] Kamaria's element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career succeess. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Kamaria fits this rather strong, and some of her most prominent traits are truthful, straight-forward, sensitive, just, upright and virtuous in dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, suspicious, controlled, non-caring and thinking she is never wrong.
[birthstone] Kamaria's birthstone is the Emerald. The emerald was once linked to health and the curing of ailments, as well as being associated with the ability to see in to the future, giving them an almost spell-binding, magical reputation.
That burns within our every cell
Bury me deep between death and the thrill
[martial status] Kamaria is currently single, and she is not looking right now at all. Even though she wants to be married one day, she wants to focus on her studies for the time being.Bury me deep between death and the thrill
[whom] N/A

[past relationships] Danny Boyd
[innocence] Kamaria lost her innocence to a man that she had forgotten the name of, after she fell for his deceit, urging her to become against the Aurors, also with her father's deceit. She lost her innocence to the young man August 2nd, 2029. However the young man vanished, and Kamaria suspects that her father has something to do with it.
[past sexual partners] Allan Burns, Rurik Hensel
[turn ons] Vanilla, leather, dark hair, unique eyes, tallness
[turn offs] Too good, shortness, Auror
[aphrodisiacs] Chocolate, strawberries, cherries
[the perfect male] The one that would be for Kamaria would be a pure-blood male that has a bad boy appearance, and would be able to converse with her, and be there for her when she needs it most.
[the perfect date] The perfect date for Kamaria would be to read or just look up at the stars and talking.
Dying eternal, love infernal... just one kiss to feel the spell
Your name is desire, loins of fire
[playby] Evan Rachel WoodYour name is desire, loins of fire
[natural hair] Kamaria's hair is naturally golden blonde, and it is fine but it has a lot of body and volume to it. The young woman's hair was wavy and she keeps it styled in several different manners. Her hair can often be found relaxed, at the length of her shoulder blades. Kamaria for the most part does not do any sort of modifications upon her hair for the time being even if she is tempted to dye her hair in different colors.
[eyes] Kamaria's natural eye color is a liquid silver that seems to flash with different emotions. One would see a dreamy girl that wants a romantic life with a lovely prince or a knight, however that is completely hidden now. She shows that she is gentle and warm in her eyes at times, because it will cancel out the coldness of her voice however naturally, she does not show anything but coldness from her eyes. One would also see that she is giving in to the darker nature, and her eyes are taking on a more sinister look to them as well. As part of the Zhefarovich trait, her eyes darken to onyx when she is mad. The meaning of the color of her eyes are riches, changeability, mysticism, and wisdom.
[height] With her genes, she gets then from her father's side of the family. They have many tall women, and Kamaria is no exception. She stands at a height of five feet and eleven and a half inches.
[weight] Because muscles, as Kamaria's body as more than fat, makes her weigh slightly more than the average weight, she measures at about one hundred and forty pounds. She is evenly proportioned, and still looks lean.
[complexion] Her skin is nearly white, like an ivory hue or porcelain, and the feel of it is soft, and natural. She hardly has any markings on her skin. It is smooth also to the touch.
[scars] Kamaria has a rather deep scar on her forearm from childhood in a playground
[birthmark] A crescent moon on the left side of the neck.
[smile] Her smile is light and gentle though it tends to be rarer now that she is growing up and accepting certain things into her life.
[body build] She has a proper lean figure, and it is rather slender. She is pretty tall, and she has muscles that are usually hidden.
[body modifications] She has her ears pierced, which she wears earrings, and she also has a tattoo on her thigh of a heart, and she also has the Zhefarovich symbol covering her entire back.
[dominant hand] While Kamaria is dominant in her right hand, which is also her wand hand, she is being trained by her family to handle two wands with her left hand as well.
[style] Kamaria likes to wear clothing that fits well to her body and she really likes brands that are expensive. Kamaria however covers up her body as well with jeans and long sleeve cardigans, such as she wears tights with her mini skirts. Kamaria will soon figure out that she loves clothing that is very expensive, but she is sporty and prefers to wear jeans over skirts because it gives her freedom to run and fly on a broom with her Nikes on her. Though with winter, she wears Parkas, and in the summer she tends to wear flip-flops. On special occasions like graduations, she wears stilletos. Kamaria would not be caught dead without her purse and necklace.
So fall and surrender the weak pretender
The lust incarnate, an angel, a liar
<SIZE size="50">The lust incarnate, an angel, a liar
[school] Kamaria has been attending Hogwarts New Zealand for her school years, all seven of them.
[hogwarts house] Kamaria was sorted into Rowena Ravenclaw's house.
[special titles and awards] The titles that Kamaria currently carry with her are Ravenclaw Prefect and Head Girl, Quidditch Co-Captain and Keeper and the President of Hogwarts New Zealand's Student Defence Association. The awards that she won was in her fourth year, and that was the Most Dedicated award shared with Jeremy Thorne, and in her sixth year, she won Most School Spirited and Most likely to Return to Hogwarts to Teach.
[extracurricular activities] The clubs that Kamaria has participated in are Student Defence Association, Heta Omega and Club Academia. She also plays in Quidditch, and assists others from time to time.
[favorite subject] Defence Against the Dark Arts
[best subject] History of Magic
[loathed subject] Astronomy
[worst subject] Astronomy
[favorite professor] Professor Spenser
[loathed professor] Professor Khalid
[grade average] Outstanding
[owl grades]
Potions: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Divination: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Muggle Studies: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
[newt grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Astronomy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Divination: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Muggle Studies: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
[graduated] June of 2030
-----Too be continued on the next post