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Kalif Ivaylo Styx
Kalif Ivaylo Styx
Name Number 1 | Personality Number 9 | Heart's Desire 1 | Expression Number 4 |
KAY-liff EE-v-ay-l-oh stiks
Kalif comes from a Quranic origin indirectly and means "successor"
Ivaylo comes from a Bulgarian origin and means "wolf".
Styx is a name from a river in the underworld
Styx appreciates his name from a strong standpoint because his first name is inherited through the history of the Zhefarovich family. He is aware that his name carries a lot of weight from it, and succeeded, as he was destined to. He dropped his original surname and created Styx in order to protect himself. He is the progenitor of the Styx family, even though not all Styx's come from his line.
Kalif's first and middle name comes from an ancestor named Kalif Ivaylo Zhefarovich that lived hundreds of years ago. The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family is vast. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many were either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. Kalif was the third in his family to carry the first and middle name combined. The origin of Styx was by none other than him. After he was on the run from the Ministry, he started over with a new name, and had a clean slate. No one knows where he had gotten the name Styx from, but it represents one of the four rivers in the Underworld. So far, only their family is recognized with the last name, and most of them are pure-bloods, so it is a pure-blooded family.
No nicknames that he answers to, but his late wife called him Grumpy. He does have other titles that he is referred to such as Bashta and Patriarch.
Lawful Evil
"A lawful evil character sees a well-ordered system as being easier to exploit than to follow necessarily."
Styx is squarely in the lawful and evil section because of his strict adherent to the rules. He follows tradition, no matter what sort of tradition it is (including murdering and dark magic). He will eliminate anyone that goes against his code, including his own siblings or children. In his family, and his mind, he is the ultimate authority.
Styx was born on October 31st, 1972 at 1:12AM in the Lefevre Manor that is in an undisclosed location in France. He was a twin, who was born three minutes later named Kanos. As an infant, he was quiet, to the point where his parents wondered if he was still breathing. Danielle only carried him to six months, so the twins were heavily guarded and cared for to ensure their survival. After many weeks, the twins were strong and healthy. It was after six months when Styx and Kanos were realized that they were not identical twins.
Styx was born on October 31st, 1972 at 1:12AM in the Lefevre Manor that is in an undisclosed location in France. He was a twin, who was born three minutes later named Kanos. As an infant, he was quiet, to the point where his parents wondered if he was still breathing. Danielle only carried him to six months, so the twins were heavily guarded and cared for to ensure their survival. After many weeks, the twins were strong and healthy. It was after six months when Styx and Kanos were realized that they were not identical twins.
Life Path Number 6 | Birthday Number 4 |
Styx was born a male, and considers himself a male, therefore he is cis male.
Styx can speak Bulgarian, English, and Russian fluently. Bulgarian is his first language. He knows a bit of French, but since he has not traveled to France to deal with the Lefevre or Snow family, he no longer remembers most of the words that he had learned.
Styx follows a no-sugar diet, which means that he does not have any added sugar to his meals. There are those in the family that joke around, saying that because he was deprived of sweets growing up, it turned him bitter. Kalif simply does not like anything sweet, such as candy. Even some fruit, he cannot handle (sweet apples, strawberries, peaches). Otherwise, he follows a mix of meat and vegetable diet.
Styx recently moved back in the Styx Manor that is located in a private, unplottable place in New Zealand on the South Island. He is roughly 50 miles north of Christchurch. His manor is cloaked and hidden from muggles and magical people to keep outsiders out. The gate to enter the Styx manor looks similar to this image. His manor is huge. There are several buildings off of the main house. The different sections include a greenhouse, an outside recreational area, a ballroom, an inground pool that Styx built himself, a Quidditch area without stands, and empty buildings that could be used as a family home, comfortable for families of 4. The main house has over 10 bedrooms, over 10 bathrooms, a couple of libraries, an office, a living room, a den, a kitchen, and other necessities fit for the Zhefarovich family should they visit. The current, permanent residents are: Kalif Styx, Jacqueline Styx, Loki Styx, and Makaria Styx.
Styx was born in the Lefevre Manor, somewhere undisclosed in France. The nearest city would be Orleans. He might have been born there, but Styx was not raised there for long. He was taken to Bulgaria, in the Zhefarovich Manor - another unplottable Manor that the Zhefarovich family had for many, many centuries. The closest city would be Pleven. This was where Styx has most of his childhood memories.
Asparuh Zhefarovich III was Bulgarian, and Danielle Lefevre was French, so that makes Styx 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian.
Styx is pure-blooded, with both sides of his family going back ages and ages as purely magical witches and wizards. Any that were married to lesser bloods or muggles were promptly eliminated. This happened on both sides of the family.
Styx was raised to be prejudice and a supremacist. However, after he grew up and aged, Styx sees people in what they bring to the table versus their blood status. Does he prefer his family remain pure-blood? Absolutely. While Styx does frown upon mixed breeds, he does not care and has allowed them in the family. The only thing that he is prejudice against would be muggles themselves, and after discovering that one of his grandsons became a werewolf, he is working on overcoming that.
Straight 13" Unyielding Elder Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Styx's main wand is one that he only uses for dueling. He does not even use it when he teaches. The length is a misfortunate number. It is straight and smooth, so it is easy to aim. The wand wood is from an Elder tree. It is extraordinarily rare (but not one of the Deathly Hallows). It is said that those that have Elder wands will never prosper, and only a strange human can wield such a wand. The core is made of Basilisk skin. Basilisk cores are sought after in pure-blood families, or handed down. The core is great at producing powerful offensive and defensive magic. However, any wand with a Basilisk core will not behave well around areas with roosters. The wand is also unyielding, so it will not obey anyone but Styx.
Curly 13 1/2" Flexible Yew Wand with Manticore Venom Core
This wand is one that Styx will use most often. The length is also a misfortunate number. The wand is curly, so it is styled and looks like someone took great care in producing the wand. The wand's wood is made of Yew, which is strong in both Dark Arts and Defence Against the Dark Arts. The wand can go either way; good or evil. The core is Manticore Venom, which is very rare and hard to work with because the venom is lethal. Wands with Manticore Venom are exceptionally strong at defensive magic, but it can combust on occasion. The wand is flexible, so it can perform under pressure without effort, and is not easily broken.
Styx currently has two jobs. He owns Flourish and Blott's in Obsidian Harbor. As of January 2060, he was hired back at Hogwarts New Zealand as the new Transfiguration Professor (Years 5 - 7). He used to work as a professor for many years prior to coming back, and only returned because he was tired of his family nagging him, and assumes that he would have more peace at the school, dealing with teenagers again. He might not be Slytherin Head of House anymore, but he is relieved that he doesn't have to be responsible for them.
Styx might believe that he is not close to any of the faculty at Hogwarts New Zealand, but there are a few that he will tolerate for more than a few minutes. The one that he tolerates the most would be Professor Cyndi Kingsley. He used to teach her before, and even though she was head of the rival house, she could stand in his presence for an extended amount of time without him wanting to kill her.
Prior to owning the store and teaching at Hogwarts New Zealand (for the second time), Styx was retired for a few years. He simply worked as the Patriarch of the Zhefarovich family before he got tired of them. Before that, Styx taught at Hogwarts New Zealand since January 2021, first as the Herbology Professor, and then as the Slytherin Head of House and Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. He retired from teaching in June 2055. Before teaching, Styx spent many decades as a professional duelist. He became a master duelist before he became a professor.
Styx does not remember many of his co-workers from the past, but from his tenure at the school, he did have several that he hated, one of which still teaches. He hated Pendleton and Haden, but tolerated Kingsley, Snow (former Hufflepuff Head of House) and Spencer (former Ravenclaw Head of House). He was also once had Cecily Rambolt as a sister-in-law, who was a Headmistress in her tenure. He saved her from falling off a cliff - though he wished he had not. The rest were not as significant in his life.
Styx has an unhealthy balance between his personal and work life. He prefers to keep them separate, but with his personal life, he will push aside for work. He will only bypass this for those that he truly cares about - which would be his wife or certain kids. Otherwise, he lives to work.
Styx is healthy, however he carries the infertility gene from his mother's family, and he had passed it on to his children, so the daughters would have difficulty to get pregnant.
Styx does not have any allergies, though if asked, he will sarcastically answer that he is allergic to people.
Personality Strengths Resourceful, powerful, brave, passionate, a true friend | Personality Weaknesses Distrusting, jealous, manipulative, violent | Scorpio Likes Truth, facts, being right, talents, teasing, passion | Scorpio Dislikes Dishonesty, revealing secrets, superficiality, small talk |
Element Water | Element Meaning Sensitive, highly intuitive, deep | Colors Scarlet, red, rust | Quality Fixed |
Day Tuesday | Planet Pluto, Mars | Numbers 8, 11, 18, 22 | Compatibility Taurus, Cancer |
Lucky Numbers 2, 3, and numbers containing them | Lucky Colors Blue, gold, green | Lucky Flowers Lily, African violet | Lucky Directions West, northwest, southwest |
Unlucky Numbers 5, 9 | Unlucky Colors Yellow, brown | Unlucky Direction South, southeast | Most Compatible Rat, Ox, Dragon, Monkey |
Styx's playlist

Styx acts similar if compared to his father. Styx is naturally a cold, unfeeling person who grows bored of people very easily. He tends to have a sarcastic side to him, and is also very strict upon his students only because he expects nothing less than the best from them. Styx is usually quiet, but when he speaks, it is commanding and his voice is cold as ice. Styx's temper is a rather large one and it is advised not to provoke it. He can kill without a second thought in mind, and usually acts like he doesn't care about anything. While he is a professor at the school, his attitude changes to something more of a 'strict' professor and efficiently hides his former Death Eater persona and morbid thoughts.
Meaning: introverted, initiative, thinking, judging, assertive
Group: Analysts
Also Known As: Architect
Strengths: Quick, imaginative and strategic mind, high self-confidence, independent and decisive, hard-working and determined, open-minded, jacks-of-all-trades
Weaknesses: Arrogant, judgmental, overly analytical, loathe highly structured environments, clueless in romance
RELIGIONStyx is ultimately an atheist. He does not believe in a higher power whatsoever, and does not care if others do.
There is not many things that Styx enjoys. He is a fan of potions and curses, which include poisons and dark magic. He spends his free time reading his books that he owns. He also likes humiliating others to the point that they break. This could be related to torture, but he does like doing that to people he feels deserve it. He also enjoys time, often quiet, with his wife and children.
The list of things that Styx does not like. He does not like Quidditch at all. He also is not a fan of people in general. He also hates that many of the children nowadays do not know how to behave. He also does not like it when people think that they are better than everyone else without having any sort of justification. He is against animals and pets. He does not like public display of affection. The list goes on and on and on.
Styx is careful not to encounter a boggart, but it is believed to be his wife leaving him for another man. Another speculates that it would be a werewolf coming at him, but he has faced those before and not shown fear.
If he were to see a mirror of erised, then he would see his family, together and under his rule. He would prefer them all to remain pure-blooded, but that might not be possible. So long as they are together and obedient.
The worst memory was when Styx discovered that his first wife, Nicolette, became deathly ill that ultimately took her life.
The memory he would use to produce a patronus would be when he got married with Jacqueline Styx. This is the strongest memory he has currently, and does not have many strong memories that will help produce the patronus charm.
Large panther
The truth is, Styx does enjoy some muggle activities, though they are limited to video games. He does not play them anymore, but he is aware of how they work and some of the series that came out in the 1990s and 2000s.
If Styx were to smell amorentia, then he would smell mint, subtle lavender, and Jacqueline's perfume. This is some information that he keeps to himself because it is no one's business of what he would smell. He also knows where the scents come from as well.
Styx has several strengths that are known and some not so known to the public. He is highly skilled in magic, as most practical abilities he has mastered. He is very skilled in dueling, and is also very intelligent. He is able to wield two wands at once, which is a skill that was developed in the Zhefarovich family, and trained with a few of the more elite members of the family. He is tolerant to an extent. He can also tune people out, such as large events. He is great for using two different personalities, such as his darker one for home, and his milder one for his occupations. He can physically fight well to an extent, and he is highly protective over those that he cares about. He can tell when someone is lying by just looking at them, and has mastered Legilimency. He is also very skilled in Occlumency, but it is obvious that Legilimency is much stronger than his Occlumency.
While Styx won't acknowledge his weaknesses, he does have some. He does not know anything about Divination, and has long forgotten everything that has to do with Astronomy. He also does not remember much about Care of Magical Creatures, so he doesn't bother with any of them unless they provide potions ingredients. Another weakness that he has would be his wife. He does bend to her will half of the time. He does have a weak elbow on his right side from a bad injury when he was younger. When Styx gets jealous, he does not think rationally at all. He will eliminate the competition no matter what or who they are. His ego and pride are also a weakness because it can make him seem arrogant - which he is. His stubbornness can be a weakness because he will not budge once his mind is made up.
Styx does not idolize anyone for any reason. He used to idolize his father, but now that he is in control of the family, Styx does not have any sort of high expectations for anyone.
Cold, apathetic, jealous, cruel, blunt
Styx has a multitude of talents. One of his best talents would be his dueling skills. He used to be a master duelist back in his day. He is quick to fight his opponents. He is also very talented with potions because of his knowledge of the ingredients and plants. He has a very strong talent in Dark Arts. He only practices it when the situation calls for it, but he has no issue producing any of the dark curses. He can also play the organ well. He is talented with Legilimency and Occlumency.
His loyalties rest within the Styx and Zhefarovich family. He does not have any other loyalties than that, besides his wife, of course.
When Styx speaks, he is constantly in monotone unless he is agitated. He also has to have things in a proper order. If things are not in order, he will immediately lose his calm demeanor.
Styx's hair is a pale blonde, and it appears to be rather thin. His hair is kept rather short, and it spikes on its own. It is rather fine, and it is also soft to the touch, if someone could get close enough to his hair to lay a finger on it. He does not use anything that would damage his hair at all. He does not style it either. He keeps it natural since it is low maintenance. The color is one he inherited from his father, but the texture is that of his mother's.
Styx has onyx eyes, that do not appear to lighten or darken like in the Zhefarovich traits. His eyes used to be silver, but darkened as he aged until they became onyx. When one looks into his eyes, they will see absolutely nothing but a swirling mass of coldness. He does not show any sort of emotion from them unless he allows it to slip - or he loses his temper.
Styx stands at a height of 7'3 1/4" (224cm). His family tends to run on the tall side, and Styx is no exception. He remains one of the tallest members in his family, but not the tallest.
Styx weighs 223lbs (101kgs) because of his height and build. He is within average for someone his height. Like most adults, his weight will fluctuate.
His body build is large, but he is not the largest in his family. He would be considered almost lean, and he is still built. His stature is usually rigid and almost statue like.
Styx has several along his torso, arms and legs from countless battles, even from the battle that took place in Hogwarts in Scotland. Styx does not show his scars at all. He also has the Dark Mark scar on his left forearm that he does not show to anyone.
Styx actually has his tongue pierced but he does not show anyone. He used to have his labret pierced but he took it out in the early 2000s. Styx has the Zhefarovich symbol covering his entire back. He does not have any other modifications nor does he plan on putting more on his body.
Styx wears a very, very mild cologne that is more of a musk scent. He does not get close to others to let them smell him. Overall, he has a very clean scent if he does not wear his cologne.
Styx has a very distinctive style. He wears all black. He has layers and layers of robes and cloaks that he has over his body. His choice of shoes are black leather boots. He is modest to the point where it is said that nuns wear less clothes than he does.
He does not have a smile. He instead smirks, but it is rare for him to even use his smirks unless he is incredibly amused at someone, which is usually related to them humiliating themselves or if he is up to something incredibly clever which means that people need to look out.
His voice is cold, soft but stern at the same time, and tends to have a bored feeling to it. He has a slight Bulgarian accent that has faded since his time in New Zealand and Britain. If he laughs... (OOC: If your character manages this, congrats and run for your life).
Styx prefers his left hand, though overall, he is ambidextrous. He was forced to train in this manner just in case something were to happen to his preferred hand.
Styx isn't really big on his appearance, as long as he typically looks the same. However, he does wish that his hair wasn't as spiky because he constantly gets teased at home for it. He also wishes that people would leave him alone about his constant sour look that he carries around. It is not his fault that people just annoy him too much!
COLORThere is not many things that Styx enjoys. He is a fan of potions and curses, which include poisons and dark magic. He spends his free time reading his books that he owns. He also likes humiliating others to the point that they break. This could be related to torture, but he does like doing that to people he feels deserve it. He also enjoys time, often quiet, with his wife and children.
The list of things that Styx does not like. He does not like Quidditch at all. He also is not a fan of people in general. He also hates that many of the children nowadays do not know how to behave. He also does not like it when people think that they are better than everyone else without having any sort of justification. He is against animals and pets. He does not like public display of affection. The list goes on and on and on.
Styx is careful not to encounter a boggart, but it is believed to be his wife leaving him for another man. Another speculates that it would be a werewolf coming at him, but he has faced those before and not shown fear.
If he were to see a mirror of erised, then he would see his family, together and under his rule. He would prefer them all to remain pure-blooded, but that might not be possible. So long as they are together and obedient.
The worst memory was when Styx discovered that his first wife, Nicolette, became deathly ill that ultimately took her life.
The memory he would use to produce a patronus would be when he got married with Jacqueline Styx. This is the strongest memory he has currently, and does not have many strong memories that will help produce the patronus charm.
Large panther
The truth is, Styx does enjoy some muggle activities, though they are limited to video games. He does not play them anymore, but he is aware of how they work and some of the series that came out in the 1990s and 2000s.
If Styx were to smell amorentia, then he would smell mint, subtle lavender, and Jacqueline's perfume. This is some information that he keeps to himself because it is no one's business of what he would smell. He also knows where the scents come from as well.
Styx has several strengths that are known and some not so known to the public. He is highly skilled in magic, as most practical abilities he has mastered. He is very skilled in dueling, and is also very intelligent. He is able to wield two wands at once, which is a skill that was developed in the Zhefarovich family, and trained with a few of the more elite members of the family. He is tolerant to an extent. He can also tune people out, such as large events. He is great for using two different personalities, such as his darker one for home, and his milder one for his occupations. He can physically fight well to an extent, and he is highly protective over those that he cares about. He can tell when someone is lying by just looking at them, and has mastered Legilimency. He is also very skilled in Occlumency, but it is obvious that Legilimency is much stronger than his Occlumency.
While Styx won't acknowledge his weaknesses, he does have some. He does not know anything about Divination, and has long forgotten everything that has to do with Astronomy. He also does not remember much about Care of Magical Creatures, so he doesn't bother with any of them unless they provide potions ingredients. Another weakness that he has would be his wife. He does bend to her will half of the time. He does have a weak elbow on his right side from a bad injury when he was younger. When Styx gets jealous, he does not think rationally at all. He will eliminate the competition no matter what or who they are. His ego and pride are also a weakness because it can make him seem arrogant - which he is. His stubbornness can be a weakness because he will not budge once his mind is made up.
Styx does not idolize anyone for any reason. He used to idolize his father, but now that he is in control of the family, Styx does not have any sort of high expectations for anyone.
Cold, apathetic, jealous, cruel, blunt
Styx has a multitude of talents. One of his best talents would be his dueling skills. He used to be a master duelist back in his day. He is quick to fight his opponents. He is also very talented with potions because of his knowledge of the ingredients and plants. He has a very strong talent in Dark Arts. He only practices it when the situation calls for it, but he has no issue producing any of the dark curses. He can also play the organ well. He is talented with Legilimency and Occlumency.
His loyalties rest within the Styx and Zhefarovich family. He does not have any other loyalties than that, besides his wife, of course.
When Styx speaks, he is constantly in monotone unless he is agitated. He also has to have things in a proper order. If things are not in order, he will immediately lose his calm demeanor.

Styx's hair is a pale blonde, and it appears to be rather thin. His hair is kept rather short, and it spikes on its own. It is rather fine, and it is also soft to the touch, if someone could get close enough to his hair to lay a finger on it. He does not use anything that would damage his hair at all. He does not style it either. He keeps it natural since it is low maintenance. The color is one he inherited from his father, but the texture is that of his mother's.
Styx has onyx eyes, that do not appear to lighten or darken like in the Zhefarovich traits. His eyes used to be silver, but darkened as he aged until they became onyx. When one looks into his eyes, they will see absolutely nothing but a swirling mass of coldness. He does not show any sort of emotion from them unless he allows it to slip - or he loses his temper.
Styx stands at a height of 7'3 1/4" (224cm). His family tends to run on the tall side, and Styx is no exception. He remains one of the tallest members in his family, but not the tallest.
Styx weighs 223lbs (101kgs) because of his height and build. He is within average for someone his height. Like most adults, his weight will fluctuate.
His body build is large, but he is not the largest in his family. He would be considered almost lean, and he is still built. His stature is usually rigid and almost statue like.
Styx has several along his torso, arms and legs from countless battles, even from the battle that took place in Hogwarts in Scotland. Styx does not show his scars at all. He also has the Dark Mark scar on his left forearm that he does not show to anyone.
Styx actually has his tongue pierced but he does not show anyone. He used to have his labret pierced but he took it out in the early 2000s. Styx has the Zhefarovich symbol covering his entire back. He does not have any other modifications nor does he plan on putting more on his body.
Styx wears a very, very mild cologne that is more of a musk scent. He does not get close to others to let them smell him. Overall, he has a very clean scent if he does not wear his cologne.
Styx has a very distinctive style. He wears all black. He has layers and layers of robes and cloaks that he has over his body. His choice of shoes are black leather boots. He is modest to the point where it is said that nuns wear less clothes than he does.
He does not have a smile. He instead smirks, but it is rare for him to even use his smirks unless he is incredibly amused at someone, which is usually related to them humiliating themselves or if he is up to something incredibly clever which means that people need to look out.
His voice is cold, soft but stern at the same time, and tends to have a bored feeling to it. He has a slight Bulgarian accent that has faded since his time in New Zealand and Britain. If he laughs... (OOC: If your character manages this, congrats and run for your life).
Styx prefers his left hand, though overall, he is ambidextrous. He was forced to train in this manner just in case something were to happen to his preferred hand.
Styx isn't really big on his appearance, as long as he typically looks the same. However, he does wish that his hair wasn't as spiky because he constantly gets teased at home for it. He also wishes that people would leave him alone about his constant sour look that he carries around. It is not his fault that people just annoy him too much!

Shkembe chorba (Dragon's breath) - a Bulgarian tripe soup
Saraliska banitza
Green tea with a hint of jasmine
Slow music from the organ

Styx was educated at home, though he was educated and trained by his great-grandfather and not his parents. He had specialized education because he was chosen at a young age to lead his family. Even at a young age, Styx showed signs of intelligence, but he did lack patience - especially when lessons became repetitive. He was taught mathematics, anatomy, weapons, magical knowledge, reading, writing, and the Zhefarovich family history before he attended his magical school. Because of his success, it was hard for his great-grandfather to even look in another's direction.
In September 1984, Styx was accepted and sent off to Hogwarts Scotland because his father wanted him to attend the same school as the Dark Lord. The sorting hat shouted Slytherin before it even touched his head. Upon his first year, he met with Nicolette and Radoul, and befriended the latter. The years were quick for Styx because it was between the years of when the Dark Lord rose and fell. He joined the dueling club in his second year, and quickly rose to the top the older he got. In his fourth year, he developed an attachment to Nicolette. However, in his fifth year, he became a prefect, and Nicolette was not seen. He met with a Ravenclaw named Namina. Styx eventually made Head Boy and Top Duelist during his tenure. Styx does not recall many memories of his time at school, but he was more relieved to get out of the school than regretful to leave.
September 1984 - June 1991
Styx was involved in one club, and that was the dueling club. This was where he developed a passion for dueling, and learned to wield two wands at the same time, which he used during his latter years. While dueling, Styx was known to be absolutely ruthless against his opponents before he developed a strategy. He would be on the defensive side before he would switch to all out offensive to overwhelm his opponent - which earned him the best duelist of his year.
Head Boy, Prefect and Top Duelist
Styx's favorite class was Potions. He did favor Professor Snape, but after some time, he learned not to trust him as much. It was just a hunch that he had. Styx was also a natural when it came to developing some of the best potions, though brewing some more than once would make him annoyed since he felt that he could do things perfectly the first time around. He would have loved Defence Against the Dark Arts more if the professor did not change year after year.
Styx hated two classes equally, and they were Divination and Astronomy. He does not see the point in using them in his line of work. Anything that he did not see as useful was not worth it in his mind. Styx also did not quite understand how Divination worked, which frustrated him to no end. After the OWLs, he dropped the courses that he felt were unnecessary to him.
Styx graduated in June 1991, and looked forward to leaving the school with a bunch of useless people in it. He wanted to do as he was trained and raised to do by his family, and being out of school helped him out more and more. His knowledge and skills would advance in Dark Arts after his graduation. He craved the freedom that being an adult gave him.
Before the NEWTs, Styx made between A and O, depending on the courses. He only worked excessively hard in some of the classes that he cared about. He was a huge overachiever. When Styx dropped the courses that he hated, his grades jumped from between A and O to strictly O. He could focus all of his energy on his courses that he felt were necessary for him. Because of this, he sacrificed his social life - not that he had one to begin with, and started to stress out. Styx felt that it was worth it in the end, but he hated people anyway.
Styx was educated at home, though he was educated and trained by his great-grandfather and not his parents. He had specialized education because he was chosen at a young age to lead his family. Even at a young age, Styx showed signs of intelligence, but he did lack patience - especially when lessons became repetitive. He was taught mathematics, anatomy, weapons, magical knowledge, reading, writing, and the Zhefarovich family history before he attended his magical school. Because of his success, it was hard for his great-grandfather to even look in another's direction.
In September 1984, Styx was accepted and sent off to Hogwarts Scotland because his father wanted him to attend the same school as the Dark Lord. The sorting hat shouted Slytherin before it even touched his head. Upon his first year, he met with Nicolette and Radoul, and befriended the latter. The years were quick for Styx because it was between the years of when the Dark Lord rose and fell. He joined the dueling club in his second year, and quickly rose to the top the older he got. In his fourth year, he developed an attachment to Nicolette. However, in his fifth year, he became a prefect, and Nicolette was not seen. He met with a Ravenclaw named Namina. Styx eventually made Head Boy and Top Duelist during his tenure. Styx does not recall many memories of his time at school, but he was more relieved to get out of the school than regretful to leave.
September 1984 - June 1991
Styx was involved in one club, and that was the dueling club. This was where he developed a passion for dueling, and learned to wield two wands at the same time, which he used during his latter years. While dueling, Styx was known to be absolutely ruthless against his opponents before he developed a strategy. He would be on the defensive side before he would switch to all out offensive to overwhelm his opponent - which earned him the best duelist of his year.
Head Boy, Prefect and Top Duelist
Styx's favorite class was Potions. He did favor Professor Snape, but after some time, he learned not to trust him as much. It was just a hunch that he had. Styx was also a natural when it came to developing some of the best potions, though brewing some more than once would make him annoyed since he felt that he could do things perfectly the first time around. He would have loved Defence Against the Dark Arts more if the professor did not change year after year.
Styx hated two classes equally, and they were Divination and Astronomy. He does not see the point in using them in his line of work. Anything that he did not see as useful was not worth it in his mind. Styx also did not quite understand how Divination worked, which frustrated him to no end. After the OWLs, he dropped the courses that he felt were unnecessary to him.
Styx graduated in June 1991, and looked forward to leaving the school with a bunch of useless people in it. He wanted to do as he was trained and raised to do by his family, and being out of school helped him out more and more. His knowledge and skills would advance in Dark Arts after his graduation. He craved the freedom that being an adult gave him.
Before the NEWTs, Styx made between A and O, depending on the courses. He only worked excessively hard in some of the classes that he cared about. He was a huge overachiever. When Styx dropped the courses that he hated, his grades jumped from between A and O to strictly O. He could focus all of his energy on his courses that he felt were necessary for him. Because of this, he sacrificed his social life - not that he had one to begin with, and started to stress out. Styx felt that it was worth it in the end, but he hated people anyway.
Potions | HoM | DADA | Charms | Transfig | Herb | AR | AC | CoMC |
O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O |
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