Kairi Larxene Styx

Kairi Vittori

Active Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
"Reflecting ourselves in the blood of all the beings we slay...

misunderstand each other, out of control we remain..."

There is a mystery, we're facing a sight to behold
Four hundred thousand years ago they came from outer space
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="georgia"><COLOR color="#000">
[name] text
[etymology] text
[origin] text
[nicknames] text
[alliance] text
[birthdate] text
[age] text
[gender] text
[sexual orientation] text
[dialects] text
[hometown] text
[residency] text
[heritage] text
[blood status] text
[blood type] text
[main wand] text
[secondary wand] text
[occupation] text
[health status] text
[allergies] text
[pet] text
[title] text
[special that required approval] text
This is what we make of the world, we throw everything away
And gave us life here and we are taking everything for granted
[five words] text
[personality] text
[beliefs] text
[boggart] text
[fears] text
[likes] text
[dislikes] text
[goals] text
[good habits] text
[bad habits] text
[strengths] text
[weaknesses] text
[loyalties] text
[magical talents] text
[other talents] text
[patronus form] text
[annoyances] text
The way we all behave is not understandable
I don't think we should do this now and when I see the smoke around
[chinese year] text
[zodiac sign] text
[fixed sign] text
[interpersonal sign] text
[planet] text
[element] text
[birthstone] text
It is so sad to see the wealth of our planet fade away
I feel like I'm not from humankind down there
[martial status] text
[whom/when] text
[name and name] text
[past relationships] text
[innocence] text
[past sexual partners] text
[turn ons] text
[turn offs] text
[aphrodisiacs] text
[the perfect fe/male] text
[the perfect date] text
We all behave like children, taking off the head of our teddy bear
I feel like glaciers are my eyes and mountains are my head
[playby] text
[ages used] text
[former playby] text
[ages used] text
[natural hair] text
[hair modifications] text
[eyes] text
[height] text
[weight] text
[complexion] text
[scars] text
[birthmark] text
[smile] text
[body build] text
[body modifications] text
[dominant hand] text
[style] text
To see what's inside, taking, not giving back
My heart is ocean and I feel all alone
[school] text
[hogwarts house] text
[special titles and awards] text
[extracurricular activities] text
[favorite subject] text
[best subject] text
[loathed subject] text
[worst subject] text
[favorite professor] text
[loathed professor] text
[grade average] Grade
[owl grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[newt grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[graduated] text​
"We drain the oceans and suck all the blood out of the soil...

we spend the time we have left fighting and killing each other..."

Lust for comfort, entertainment becomes an obsession
Because everybody's wrong I feel the living

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Parents[/th]

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Siblings[/th]

And there is so much time to kill
What is this thing that we call hate and that's inside of me
<FONT font="georgia"><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">[history]
"The way I see things is so simple...

the fact I'm walking standing on this land..."

Exhausted is the realm of nature, friends are dying
A world is down and none can rebuild it, disabled lands are evolving

People in RP: Title
People in RP: Title

The living creatures on our side
My eyes are shut, a vision is dying, my head explodes and I fall in disgrace

<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="georgia">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Purple - A Sight to Behold by Gojira; White - Global Warming by Gojira
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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