K. Valentine

Kailey Valentine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kailey Nathalia Valentine

Name Meanings:
Nathalia: Misguided
Valentine: Loving/ Loved

Current Age:

-Spanish/ American

Basic Appearance:
-Kailey has golden coloured hair like her brother, Justin. She is quite tall but her brothers are taller, except for Tyler as he is only 7. She has emerald eyes and fair skin with no blemishes/ spots. She is considered very beautiful by boys but Kailey doesnt think that. She has a long deep scar down her back from being involved in a train accident.

Basic Personality:

-Kailey is very misguided. She isnt gullible but some people scare her so she acts gullible. She is bullied by her two older brothers Kyle and Ciel, but Justin (her twin) hates it and tries to stop the brothers from doing it. He is unsuccessful everytime. Kailey was a happy bright child until the train crash which her parents died in. Kyle and Ciel blame it on her.

A Little Deeper

-Kailey is the 3rd youngest of the Valentine family. She was born on April 30th with her brother 20 minutes before her. She was born in America, Royal Phoenix Hospital. She grew up in New Zealand from the age of 2, moving to Auckland.

Her and her family attended Auckland Primary and Auckland Junior.

When she turned 6, her parents were taking her to the town on a train. Thats when they died.

Since then Kyle and Ciel have been bullying her.

Her Family:

Justin Valentine

Justin is a smart, handsome, funny boy who is also known as Mr. Popular. Kailey loves him very much as they are twins. They always stick together as they were almost seperated when they were young.

too be finished
Hello :) I got a few thoughts and questions for you :)

1. if she was 6 when the train crashed happened and now 16. That'd be ten years, right? So that means Tyler shouldn't exsist nor should Jamie unless she was in their mother's womb..Maybe change the time when it happened to when she was 10-11. Which will also help with the over all who takes care of the kids issue, as Alezander would have been 18, an adult and could easily gain custody of his siblings

2. What more can you tell us about her personiality? You've really told us how her brother feels about her getting picked on but that'd be more for his bio, how does she really feel when she gets picked on? Go through each emotion that runs through her.

3. She gets bullied is that why she feels the need to lash out at Jamie, so she has someone to bully as well?

I know you're not done but great job so far :D
Yeah I just figured that out. I'm not good at maths!!! Too much hard work!

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