Open Just Wanna Play

Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; accio! editor; sixth year
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (16)
Fraser had been disappointed once more. He hadn't made the team, and really he'd thought he'd made the best strides to making it this time around. He was faster and better than ever before. But it just...was not good enough. He knew it was a competitive team, and that three older students, including his friend Senna, had all tried out. Fraser had hoped maybe he'd just manage to squeeze in, but he hadn't. Fraser was happy for Senna at least, she was older, and had a passion for quidditch as much as he did, it just didn't stop him also feeling jealous of her and others, and frustrated with his lack of success. All he wanted was to play quidditch, all he wanted was to show that he could do it, and that he would be worthy of one day doing like his dad and joining a professional team.

Fraser had come to the pitch anyway, there were no teams currently practicing and he had his broom, the same second hand one from his father that he always used. He just wanted to play. To play with others instead of having to practice on his own, or practice with one other person. He liked just flying around, he liked just tossing a quaffle around with others, but he just, wanted to finally play properly, on a proper team. Fraser got on his broom and hovered in the centre of the pitch, a quaffle was in his lap and he sighed to himself. He'd have to try again the following year, and find something else to do in the meantime.
Teddy had been buzzing with excitement ever since he made the Quidditch team, or at least the alternative Seeker position. He was eager to get more practice and any opportunity to show his skills. He headed to the Quidditch pitch for some solo practice, his broom in hand and snitch in his pocket.As he approached the pitch, Teddy spotted another Gryffindor who looked a bit downcast. Teddy hadn't quite kept track of the roster for the other positions, but he had seen him at tryouts. He decided to fly over to where he was, offering a warm smile. "Hey," Teddy called out. "Fancy a throw about?" He said nodding his head towards the quaffle on the boys lap.
Zerrin had been keeping an eye out for the Quidditch postings, cursing to himself when he saw that Fraser hadn't made the team- again. He groaned, and hurried out to the pitch, grabbing his own broom and rushing down to the pitch. He knew where his brother would be. He spotted Fraser in the air already with another boy. He jumped up into the air, flying up close and ducking down to catch Frasers eye. "Yeah, come on Fray, let's throw the ball around, huh?"
Fraser hadn't been in the air long when he was joined by two people. His brother made sense, he likely had heard about the fact he hadn't made the team again, and the other was someone Fraser didn't know, but knew had made the team. The alternate seeker. He looked between the two boys, hold Zerrin's gaze a little longer and giving a weak smile in response. He sat back on the broom, and put a hand on the quaffle before tossing it to the younger boy. "let's go," he said, moving to get into a position for the three of them could fly around tossing the ball.
Teddy grinned, catching the quaffle that was passed to him. He nodded at the other boy, "I'm Teddy by the way." He offered, following with throwing him the quaffle. Teddy spaced himself back a bit so they had more space for flying and passing.
Zerrin smiled, and started to fly along with the boys, ready to play and hopefully get Frasers mind off of things. "Zerrin," He called back to the new kid, keeping open for when the boys passed the ball to him. "He's my brother Fraser," He introduced them, though he was keeping an eye on his little brother.
Fraser glanced at the boy and nodded, but didn't need to introduce himself, as Zerrrin did that for him. He tossed the ball back after he caught it and sent it on, just flying and throwing it on to his brother, flying round to catch it again. Flying felt nice, and tossing it around felt nice, even if it wasn't the same as an actual game.

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