Just wandering...

Declan Walker

Well-Known Member
Dec was wandering round Brightstone village at night, he wasn't really sure why, it was just a nice place to be, and he always liked a walk in the night time. It wasn't that late, just beginning to get dark, he looked at the darkish blue sky for a few seconds, when all of a sudden he crashed into someone. "Oh, I am sooo sorry." He said, as he looked down at a pleasent female face. "Are you okay? I should've been looking where I was going." Dec smiled at the girl whilst he made sure that she was alright.
Roxanna wasn't sleeping. For some reason she had been having trouble with it as of late and today, well tonight really, she had decided to do something instead of just lying down and trying to doze off. She got herself dressed and walked over to the fire place. There, she flooed to Brightstone. Since she had moved here, Roxanna had only been to the mall next to where she lived, she had never explored the surrounding area's much.

Arriving at the flooing station, Roxanna stumbled a bit as she almost fell out of the fire place. The brunette pulled herself together and began to walk around. There weren't many people around but that was to be expected, it was quite late after all. Roxanna had to pause after a minute of walking, her dizziness was back. She swayed on her feet, waiting to regain her balance, When someone knocked her over. As a natural reflex she put her hand out behind her and managed to land on it in a way that didn't hurt or and didn't risk her baby.

Roxanna stood up, ignoring the voice of the man who had pushed her over. "Yes, you should've." She was more than slightly annoyed, her doctor had told her that her emotions would start to change as she came closer to her second trimester. She placed her hand on her stomach without noticing and glared at the man. "Really, it's nigh time and there are only two people on the street and not ony do you manage to run into one of them but you manage to knock over the one at risk." Roxanna took a deep breath to calm herself down, she could feel her old attitude coming back. That was something she really didn't want.
Dec looked concerned for the girl. She put her hand on her stomach, and Dec wondered whether she was pregnant or not, but he didn't like to ask. "I'm so sorry, let me help you up." Dec crouched down to the girl and gently took her hand so that he could help her back to her feet. "Oh, your not hurt are you? I really do hope not." Pregnant or not, this girl had fallen to the ground because of Dec, and he felt really bad for her, the least he could do was help her up.

As he helped her stand up again, Dec smiled sweetly at her, but still concerned for her, and in attempt to calm her anger. He didn't like people being angry at him, especially not females. Dec hated messing things up, but it was something that he did very often as he had just proved with this girl. "I am truly sorry, are you okay?"
Roxanna took another deep breath as she stood next to this man. "Yes. I am fine." Her tone was snippy but not as bad as it was before. "I am sorry. I've been a bit emotional lately. Apparently it's normal." She gave a forced chuckle.

Roxanna couldn't help but still feel bad for being snippy when he smiled at her. "Any way thank you for helping me up... uh..." She then realised she didn't know the man's' name. "I'm sorry, you are...?"
Dec smiled when she began to calm down a little, "Don't worry about it, and I'm Dec by the way." He said as he held out his hand to the girl. "What's your name?" Dec still felt bad for knocking her over, and wanted her to know how sorry he was. "Listen, can I do anything else to help?" He smiled at the girl again.
"Nice to meet you Dec." Roxanna Shook his hand and smiled, she was calm now. "I'm Roxanna." The brunette grinned when he asked if there was anything he could do to help. "Well, If you know some place that's open and seels Ben and Jerry's that would be mega helpful." She grinned, the craving for ice cream ad just appeared out of no where.
Dec smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you to Roxanna." Dec laughed a little when she asked about Ben and Jerry's. Luckily for Dec, he knew the place well, and knew what cafe/shop sold what. "Yeah, there is a cafe just round the corner...it's open 24 Hours a day...it's kind of a drop in thing...but they definatly do Ben and Jerry's..." Dec smiled at the girl. "I could take you there if you wanted..."
Roxanna smiled as he offered to take her to a place that actually sold Ben and Jerry's. "I was actually joking. You don't have to." She giggled and smoothed down her dress. She didn't quite understand how this man was willing to buy a random girl ice cream without knowing her. She had thought the people here were different to the ones back home.
Dec laughed a little. "Oh Okay." He said, looking down, feeling slightly embarrassed by his mistake. "At least let me buy you a drink then...whatever you like..." He said, with a sweet smile on his face. "That cafe, doesn't just sell Ben and Jerry's you know..." He said, implying that they should go there, whilst giving her a cheeky wink.
Roxanna sighed over dramatically. "Well, if you insist." She grinned and gestured for him to lead the way. The guy seemed nice, not bothered at all by her yelling in the beginning.

((Sooo sorry))
Roxanna smiled and curstied jokingly. "Thank you kind sir." She laughed and walked into the small cafe. "So, what is this place? And what food do they sell?" She smiled again, Roxanna had missed her lunch today and was amished.
Dec smiled at Roxanna. "No Problem." He lead her towards a table, then held a seat out for her. "Well this is my local cafe, that I come to an awful lot, and if you looked at the Menu, you'd what they sell wouldn't you?" Dec flirted, but in full awareness that Roxanna was pregnant, so was possbily taken.
Roxanna laughed and picked up the menu. She put it down and turned back to Declan. "I think I'll stick to the Ben and Jerrys' " She grinned at him and flicked her hair back. She knew it was flirting but, technically, her and Andrew weren't a couple. Just because he insisted on her moving in with him, it didn't mean anything, it was just for the baby after all. "So, how old are you then Dec?"
Dec smiled. "Ben and Jerry's it is then." He said, before laughing a little. He then called a waiter over and ordered 2 Ben and Jerry's. He gave another small laugh and smiled widely as Roxanna asked him his age. "Oh Me? I'm 20...and I don't want to sound rude...but what about you?" He asked, being careful not to offend the girl.
Roxanna looked down at the ground in shame. It wasn't her age that she was ashamed of, it was the pregnancy while she was that age that she was ashamed of. "I'm, I'm Eighteen." She waited for the judging stare or the crude comment or the other things people did when they found out she was just a teenager. Hell, she had only left school last year. Her best friend was still there, the year below.
Dec was slightly shocked that Roxanna was just an eighteen year old girl, and was pregnant, but he tried not to show his shock. "Oh right, that's cool, and you don't look a day older, or younger." Dec complimented the girl. "So...I don't know if I've already asked you this...but where are you from then?" He questioned, wanting to get to know the girl a little better.

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