Just walking.



She had just gotten out of the hospital wing. She needed time alone. She walked to the North Tower. She was looking out at the pretty scenery.
"lilian are you okay?"pez siad concerned
"As much as I would like to say yes. I'd be lying. and friends don't lie to each other." She nodded, "So, no. I am not okay."
"Cris just wants us to get back together. I am not ready. I mean, my dad's death just hit me hard." She said, giving it some thought. "I really like him and all, but he just..... expects to much out of me."
"yeah...i know how that is..people expecting too much.. but look if he keeps bothering you and keeps asking and pushing when your not ready do what i did to blake and punch him pretty hard. give him a black eye or somethin. that'll teach him not to keep on. okay?" pez said smiling because she was picturing the innocent lilian punching that, that, guy.

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