Just Visiting

Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Charlotte had only been out of school for a year and already felt as though she had her life on track. She frequently trained in Wales, wanting to be the best version of herself for her team so she could be well-known within the sport and make her team proud. It was much harder now having to play with older people but Charlotte liked it that way. It encouraged her to do better, even if she really did miss her old team at Hogwarts, and she knew she would eventually be feeling comfortable and at their level in no time. The former Slytherin often wondered how her old team at Hogwarts were doing. She was sure they were doing great with Odette as the new captain, and even if they weren't, Charlotte believed that they could.

The woman had just finished her own training session at the pitch and decided she would visit her aunt and uncle before heading back to New Zealand. She only ever saw them during Christmas time, and with her spending more time in Wales now, she had no excuse but to see them more often. She tied her hair into a ponytail as she made her way down the busy streets, tightening it as she turned the corner and began making her way up the cobblestone driveway to their home. It wasn't a big home, but it was definitely bigger than Charlotte's home with her parents. A tall tree stood on a large patch of grass to the right of the stone steps. It had been there for as long as Charlotte could remember, and it gave her feelings of nostalgia as she pushed the doorbell which rang throughout the house, hoping they did not mind a visitor at such a time.
The thought of being out of school already was so freeing to Alis. She had the opportunity to work at home now which gave her more time to do what she liked, whilst also having plenty of time to come up with new articles to write for the Witch Weekly. Her new job did manage to get tiring with the deadlines, but Alis was managing it fine and was getting good feedback about her writing which she rather enjoyed and hoped that she could improve on. Her work being read by the public was definitely a big step for the former Gryffindor and she hoped that she could eventually take this further into the future, and maybe even end up getting the front page one day.

As Alis heard the doorbell ring, she jumped slightly, wondering who it could be. A new semester had just started at Hogwarts so she was sure it couldn't be her brother, and her parents weren't due to come home for another half an hour. After all, they would probably just let themselves in. Curious, Alis placed down the quill and piece of parchment she was using to write with on the coffee table in front of her and made her way to the large wooden door, opening it to find her cousin standing right in front of her. "Charlotte." she said, neither surprised or disappointed. Her tone was neutral as she spoke. "What's brought you here? Been doing Quidditch stuff I suppose." Alis looked her up and down, figuring that the only reason Charlotte would be in Wales was to play with her new Quidditch Team. After all, she never really bothered to visit otherwise.
Charlotte didn't ever like to intrude on people, but somehow she always managed to do just that. She beamed as the door opened and she saw her cousin Alis. However, Alis didn't look that pleased to see her and the former Slytherin frowned slightly. "I just wanted to visit... and to see how you're all doing of course!" Charlotte exclaimed, hoping she did not mind. She knew that her other cousin wouldn't be there due to the fact school had already started for them and just hoped that she could catch up with Alis at least. "That is, if you're not too busy." Charlotte added, some hesitation in her voice. Alis always seemed the most distant of her cousins, and with both of them grown up and graduated, Charlotte wanted to change that. After all, Charlotte thought there was no need for awkwardness when they were probably going to be seeing a lot more of each other from now on.

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