Closed Just two boys hanging out

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
It was Linden's early finish and he was spending the afternoon with Lucas. He left work quickly before turning around as soon as he had stepped outside as he had caught sight of his favourite dog looking at him and pining to go for a walk. He couldn't help himself. Rusty was a lovely dog she had been rescued from an abusive situation and linden was spending time with her trying to get her confidence with people back. he picked up a leed and after asking professor Summers took her outside. it was a cool day but the sun was shining and the air smelt faintly like seaweed. he wasn't sure where in the harbour lucas was but he wandered slowly along the waterside stopping every few steps to give rusty an ear rub to encourage her and keeping an eye out for his friend.
Lucas had been excited to be invited to hang out with Linden at Obsidian Harbour. His parents finally thought he was old enough to go there on his own, though hew knew it made them nervous he couldn't use his phone there to call or text them if anything happened. He promised to be back before dinner and then happily headed to the harbour. Lucas missed Hogwarts and magic dreadfully, so he was happy to step foot in the wizarding world again. He looked around for his friend, though he felt a bit nervous as well. Things had been a bit different between lately. Linden had hinted at liking Lucas and they had gone on a date, but they hadn't officially started dating. Lucas knew it was his own hesitation that had caused it, but dating a friend had been a bad idea before. What if dating Linden ended the same way as dating Connor? Lucas quickly dismissed the thoughts as he spotted Linden, he grinned and waved. "Hey, Linden!" He called, approaching him quickly. "Cool dog." He said, looking down at the animal curiously. "What's his name?"
Linden looked up as he heard his name and couldn’t help but smile when he saw Lucas coming towards him all handsome with the sun shining in his hair. He couldn’t help himself he hadn’t seen Lucas for a couple weeks and he had missed him hey Lucas. So good to see you. How’s your holiday going? he said glad to have rusty to hold on to so that he knew what to do with his arms, and hands and that they didn’t end up betraying him by accidentally hugging him or putting his arm around him for longer than what “just friends” did. He had spent so much time with Casper that he had lost track of what was normal and his feelings didn’t help him be cautious either.
he hadn’t actively brought the dog along as a distraction but she was proving already to be a good way to stop himself making things awkward. this beautify lady is rusty. She is one of the newest dogs at the menagerie. I thought I would bring her with us so she can get used to being around people I hope that’s okay, if not I can take her back” he said he could always return her to the pet shop if Lucas didn’t want her there.
Lucas smiled at Linden, stuffing his hands in his pocket a bit awkwardly. He didn't know how he was supposed to greet him, but figured just talking was fine. "My holiday is alright." He said. "It's just a bit boring." Lucas always loved seeing his family again, but it never took long until he missed magic a lot. The dog was a safe subject to talk about, which was nice. "Aw, nice to meet you Rusty." He told the dog before glancing up at Linden. "Of course she can stay, we can walk her." He told him with a shrug. "I've always wanted a dog."
Linden shifted slightly how was he meant to stand. why was he overthinking this. he had been friends with Lucas for ages. why was he feeling so self-conscious. he nodded as Lucas said that his holiday was alright but a little boring. "I bet you are enjoying seeing your family again" he said. he had been so happy to see his mum and dad. and Ivy had not left his side for the first two days. he had had to share his bed with his sister and dog, which was a little cramped, to say the least, not that he was complaining at all. he missed them both when he was at school.
he smiled as Lucas said hello to rusty. man, he was so adorable. he was glad that rusty was behaving herself and that she could stay. That's what I was thinking, and maybe getting something to eat as we walk, have you had lunch? he asked, he knew what he fancied he had been picturing it possibly longer than he should, the two of them wandering and eating salty hot chips drizzled with tomato sauce. not that drizzling on top was the normal way but to linden it always made more sense than dunking even if people gave him weird looks. "You can take her lead if you want to he said offering Lucas the handle.
Lucas nods. "Yeah, for the most part." He said with a slight grin. "My sisters can be pretty annoying, but at least I can threaten to turn their nose purple." He joked. He couldn't wait until he was 17 and could actually show his family some magic. Sometimes he still wondered if they thought he was making it all up, like he had as a kid. Lucas shook his head when Linden asked him if he'd had lunch. "Sounds like a plan." He said with a smile. "What are you in the mood for?" Linden then suggested Lucas could take the lead, he hesitated. "Would it be okay? Since she's not used to people?" He asked Linden.
Linden smiled as Lucas said it was nice to see his family and joked about turning his sisters nose purple when they annoyed him. It made him think how different it must be to grow up in a muggle family. He had grown up at a muggle primary school so he wasn’t unfamiliar with the culture of muggles. 'I bet that didn't work." he said smiling. in a wizarding family that kind of threat didn't work as everyone knew you were to young to use magic. but he doubted that it would work anyway. it hadn't worked on him when willow had threatened to dye his hair green. he ran his free hand though his hair as he thought this. as if to check the shoulder-length curls were still there and still brown.
luca's next question was easy to answer. "I thought we could share some hot chips had share" he said. glancing away from his friend as he said sharing food. there was something slightly intimate about sharing food. even if that food was a box of hot chips. he held out the end of the leed for lucas. "she will be okay. we are trying to get her used to all the staff at the menagerie. and she is doing okay. though other than professor Summers I am her favourite. she must know a keeper when she sees one" he said. almost laughably forgetting the fact that he was not meant to be flirting.
Lucas laughed and shrugged. "I guess not, but they know I can next year." He said with a grin. "And I can hold a grudge. I once didn't speak to one of my sisters for three weeks when I was seven and she had eaten my cookies." He said, snorting at the memory. He had been a stubborn kid. He supposed he still could be. He nodded as Linden suggested sharing some chips, glancing at him. He saw the boy looked away and wondered if he was thinking about the dance. Sharing chips felt a bit like a date too, like the dance had. Thankfully the subject of the dog was a bit safer, and Lucas nodded as he took the lead. "I didn't know dogs liked Quidditch." He joked lightly. "Or that Professor Summers played keeper."
Linden chuckled as Lucas told about a grudge he had had with his sister who had eaten his cookies "Remind me to never eat your cookies" he teased.
as Lucas took the lead lindens fingers briefly brushed lucas' skin. unfortunately, or maybe fortunately the moment passed before linden even considered the idea of finding a way to make that hold a little longer, let alone manage to come up with a way to execute that plan. but even that small brush of fingers left lins skin tingling and a poorly suppressed smile creeping on his face, if only it was his hand that Lucas had reached for and not just the lead.
He was glad that the conversation was remaining jovial even though there were heavy unspoken words between them, or maybe they were just inside him. "they do. Bjorn would make an excellent seeker if only he could fly a broom. Professor summers played chaser, but he doesn't don't count, he is a dog animagus, so there is a reason why dogs trust him" he said before realising that maybe that was why dogs trust him too. he wasn't a dog, or a werewolf, but his parents were. and maybe some basic wolf traits passed through to him like how willow often said that she found energy at different times of the month as per the moon and how they both tended to like meat less well cooked than 'normal' people.
Lucas laughed at Linden's joke. "I'd like to think I've matured since I was seven." He said. "It'd probably just be a few days of anger now." He added jokingly. It was nice to talk to Linden, it felt easy and light despite the unspoken tension between them. Lucs noticed as Linden's fingers brushed against him and he blushed a bit. He wondered if he would have noticed it if it had been anyone else. That thought stuck in his head, even if he tried to brush past it. He didn't want to complicate things between himself and Linden, but maybe by trying to force things to be normal he was complicating them anyway? He wished he had someone to talk to, but even though a lot of his friends were a bit older, they didn't seem to have this stuff figured out any better. Lucas glanced sideways at Linden, wondering if he had even noticed the moment. He went on to talk about dogs playing Quidditch, and Lucas smiled slightly at the mental image of Bjorn playing seeker. As Linden said Professor Summers didn't count, Lucas nodded. "I guess that makes sense." He said. "Hey, do you think he can talk to dogs in animagus form?" He asked, the question suddenly popping into his head.
Linden glanced across at Lucas. Were his cheeks just a little bit pinker than they were a few minutes ago. No surly it was just his imagination. Just a side effect of his own heart that felt like a honeyeater inside his chest. He plunged his hands into his pockets. If they were there he knew he wouldn’t accidentally let them go anywhere else.he wouldn’t accidentally let his fingers brush against Lucas’ again. Not accidentally take his hand. His breath hitched, a small hiccup in the back of his throat. Part of him glad for the topic of animals as a distraction from his own mind. Part of him wished they didn’t have the distraction. ”yes he can. Even my mum can when she is transformed. But doesn’t always remember much of what goes on he said. Working with professor summers in the shop did give him an insight to the life of an Animagus. They reached the little tuck shop by now. ”if wait outside with rusty and I will go in and order. What do you want? My shout.” he asked he was just going to get chips, maybe some fish but he was happy to get anything else that lucas wanted.
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Lucas noticed how LInden put his hands in his pockets and felt a bit of disappointment. Did that mean he hadn't wanted to touch Lucas' hand? Or was he overthinking again? He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, trying to read his expression. He wondered if it was just him thinking about this so much or if LInden was as well. There did seem to be a tension in the air between them. "Oh, that's cool," Lucas said as Linden explained his mum could talk to dogs when she was transformed. Lucas sometimes forgot Linden's parents were werewolves, it seemed to be kind of a taboo subject in the wizarding world. "Oh, just some chips are fine." He said quickly. "I'll wait here with Rusty." He said, smiling down at the dog and reaching down to pet her. "She's great company." He added lightly.
Linden nodded as lucas ordered just chips. he watched as he gave rusty a pat. how could you not fall for lucas. he was cute, and kind and liked animals. He quickly stepped into the shop before he did something that would spoil their friendship. "yes she is, not the best company I have this afternoon but a good second" he said winking at Lucas. before entering the shop.
he went over to the counter glad that there wasn't a queue and placed his order for a large chips. one large one was better than two smaller ones. it cost less and was more chips, and also meant that if only one of them were holding it then they would both have one hand free to eat. As he waited for his order he stood looking out to where Lucas was waiting, feeling a little more secure watching him through the security of the glass. which was silly as windows went both ways. he was lost in thoughts wondering how long Lucas would take to get over Connor if Cas was right about Kas. and most importantly if Lucas would like him back. had him kissing his friend after the last quidditch match helped or hindered that? it had just been on the cheek but it was still a kiss. it was then when his thoughts were interrupted by an abrupt "oy, earth to daydreamer" he looked around to see the girl behind the counter waving at him. a box of chips in her hands having clearly already called out his name and order number. he felt himself flush "Sorry thanks" he said walking over to get them and "you are so obvious. stop staring at your boyfriend and make a move" came the girl's voice as he as them with salt, vinegar and a liberal amount of tomato sauce "What? i wasn't, he's not my. we're just friends," he said feeling the heat in his cheek rising to almost the same colour as the ketchup, a colour that he was sure was going to be part of his normal complexion after today. "no sit. keep telling yourself that, everyone else can see what's really going on" came the response as he made his way to the exit feeling slightly flustered.
he met Lucas again the girl's words echoing in his head. "should we find somewhere near the water to sit and eat or continue walking" he said. yes, there was a couple of tables outside the shop but he was extremely conscious of the girl inside who he could see was watching them through the very clear and very obvious from here two-way glass.
Lucas blushed a bit as Linden said Rusty wasn't the best company he had this afternoon. He wasn't the best at recognizing flirting, but that he couldn't miss. He played with Rusty as he waited for Linden to return. He glanced inside the shop and saw Linden talking to the girl behind the counter. Then Linden walked out, seeming flustered. Lucas wondered what they had been talking about. "Somewhere to sit sounds good." Lucas said, walking over to Linden and grabbing one of the chips. "I'll get it next time, okay?" He asked, feeling a bit guilty for making Linden pay.
Linden thought it was cute how Lucas was so casually playing with rusty while he waited. It was just another thing on the list of what he liked about Lucas. Not that such a list existed. Of course it didn’t. At least if it did it would just be a mental list.
He took a chip from the box and bit it. It was the kind of crispy and hot that meant that it had been very freshly out of the fryer. He was goi g to offer and swap with Lucas for the walk to a bench when his friend said that he would have to pay next time. Next time. As if there would be a next time. He tried to tell him self that of course there would be. They were mates and hanging out over the holiday was a perfectly normal thing to do. But he couldn’t push out the thought of second date. He opened his mouth to say something witty. But nothing came out. Nothing. he took a breath and pointed at a bench a little way away in a small bit of park, well maybe park was too fancy. A patch of grass where rusty could lie with some water. But importantly it was very much out of view of the shop window how about there? he asked. He was ver muck conscious that he was the one taking the lead on this not date and he didn’t want him to feel like they had to do everything that he suggested and that he didn’t have a say in how they spent the afternoon.
Lucas glanced at Linden, noticing how he looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. Lucas wasn't sure what to say himself. This felt... a lot like a date, was Linden feeling it too? They walked into a park and Lucas looked around with a slight smile on his face. It was nice and reminded him a bit of the Hogwarts grounds. He felt strangely homesick for school, which he hadn't expected. He nodded when Linden suggested they sit there and plopped down in the grass after grabbing another chip. "This is perfect." He said, glancing over at the water. "Do you think we an let Rusy run around here or should she stay on the lead?" He asked, glancing up at Linden.
Linden walked with Lucas towards the park. He was glad to be carrying the chips and was holding them in the hand closest to Lucas so that Lucas could reach them and not so that he wouldn’t be able to reach down and take Lucas’ hand.
Once they reached the park he pulled a collapsible water bowl out of his pocket and filled it from a drinking fountain and then went to join them on the grass. maybe keep her on the lead to have a drink while we eat so she won’t run if she gets scared then have a play after. I can take it if you want he said. Bjorn would be fine off the lead but rusty was still a little skittish and he didn’t k ow what she would do if people came past. Run to play with them or run and hide. She was doing well with Lucas which he was pleased about.
He sat down and took a chip from the box one that was covered in sauce. As he chewed he wondered if Lucas was thinking the same thing as he was about how he wanted this to be a date. How could he ask him? he had said he would give him space and time except as they sat down on the grass there wasn’t much space between them lin could feel a warmth in his knee as his leg rested against Lucas’ it hadn’t been intentional but it felt nice and he wasn’t going to move away unless Lucas did first.
Lucas watched as Linden took out a collapsible water bowl, a bit impressed such a thing even existed. He nodded in agreement as Linden explained what would be best to do with Rusty, as he was the expert. "Alright." He said, handing Linden the leash. He grabbed another chip, eating it quietly. A silence fell between them, and Lucas glanced at the place where their legs were touching. This was getting unbearable. He needed to do something. "Is this a date?" He finally blurted out.
Linden took the lead off Lucas as he passed it to him once again feeling how nice it was when their fingers brushed. he looped the handle around the ankle to keep his hands free which he used to take a couple of chips out of the box. they settled like that for a few minutes eating quietly comfortable with each others company. he wasn't sure what was going through Lucas's mind but he didn't miss the glance at their legs next to each other touching as they sat. this time he resisted his instinct to pull away. doing the show would make it seem like he had noticed both the knees and Lucas moving and moving away meant that he thought it meant something, which it totally didn't, even if he wanted it to.
linden had just bitten into another chip when Lucas broke the silence between them with a question. and not just any question one that he was trying to force an answer to in his own head no matter how much the answer felt like shoving a square block into a triangle hole. he stuttered slightly. "Umm Lucas. I'm not the one that can answer that" he said before swallowing. "I made my feelings clear at the valentines dance and you said you needed time. I tried again at the quidditch match but messed that up" he said thinking about how nice his cheek had been when he had kissed it a memory he had tried to suppress for his own sanity. "If you are ready and want this to be a date it can be. but if not we can just be two boys and a dog hanging out." he said. though the thought of being just two boys hanging out made him feel an uncomfortable heavy somewhere inside

Continued here.

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