Just to check how you are doing

Theo Smith

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Theo was sat on a bench in the harbour. He wasnt with Ana today as she was off doing something else. He didnt mind though, he liked having his own space every now and then. After all he was used to always having his own space but after he started dating Ana that had been a thing of the past. Theo was meeting Caysi now. After what had happened at her weding he had been told by Ana that he should be nice to her. He dint understand why she should want to meet him after what he had done to Jason when they last met. It was strange and Theo was going to be extra cautious because of it. He looked from side to side every now and then to make sure she was around, although no sign yet.
Caysi felt like absolute crap, she was nine months into the pregnacy and she still didn't go into labor. She was super surprised as to why she hadn't yet. By the looks of herself in the mirror, she looked like she was going to pop. She felt like she had more room without Jason in her apartment far away from him. She wasn't sure if she was ever going to go back, or even think about it. She shook off the thought as she walked to the harbor. Something had drawn Caysi to go to the harbor, but she wasn't too sure as of what. She walked around with her pregnant shorts and shirt, looking around.
Theo squinted as he spotted Caysi, not that she was hard to spot because of how big she was. Theo stood up and headed over to her. He took a deep breath and masked his normal aggressive and hatred personality. " Hello Caysi. Sorry about what happened. Jason is a d!ick. So you want any help?" He asked sounding polite, for once. He did kind of admire Jason a little more after what had happened. The fact that he had lost the woman he loved and he seemed so cool about it. Theo guessed it was because of all the people there but still.
Caysi sighed. then looked at her side. She saw Theo coming up to her so she stopped for him. " Oh hey Theo, I'm doing alright." She shrugged her shoulders. " How are you doing?" She looked at him. He was being surprisingly nice today. " I don't need help really." She laughed. " I know he is, the babies are about to be born, and he really couldn't care less." She said looking at him.
Theo was relieved when she accepted him with open arms. He wasnt sure if he could have been bothered to apologize for what he did, not that he was sorry at all. " Well i dont think its that he doesnt care, just doesnt know where you are to show he cares. Have you seen him lately to talk about his children?" He asked curious of what she had done since the wedding. If Ana ever did that too him and then ran off with Noah he would find her and kill her with out a second thought.
Caysi sighed. " I guess that's true." She said nodding her head in agreement. " I haven't seen him since the wedding." She said lookong around. " I don't think I could handle seeing him right now." Caysi said looking at Theo. She turned her head to the side to look at something that was making a noise, but felt a weird pain in her stomach. Feeling the need to crouch down she said, " Can we go sit down?" She said crouching over making her way to a bench. She was in pain, but she could handle it.
Theo nodded and followed her over to the near by bench. He sat down and surveyed her. " Say Caysi how far gone are you?" He asked suspecting her to be in the early stages of labour. This was just what he needed. Her screaming down his ear hole for a few hours. As if he didnt get that from Ana. He may not have been an expert on kids but he knew enough about them and all that. He wouldnt be delivering the thing that was for sure.
Caysi was heavily breathing. " Urrr, about nine months." She said closing her eyes. Caysi took deep breaths and clutched the seat. " I can't stand this anymore, take me to the hospital, please?" She said looking up at him.
Theo reached out his arm and touched her on the shoulder. He apperated the two of them to the hospital. Once there he went over to the reception and got a bed. He led Caysi to the room and led stopped at the door. " Ok i need to do something for a second ok. Il leave you with the doctor." He said turning around and heading for the exit so that he could find Jason so Theo wouldnt have to be here with her while she gave birth
Caysi took many deep breaths, but the pain was just unbearable. " Alright, that's fine." She nodded, while sitting on the bed. Caysi felt that something was stabbing her in the stomach. She tied her hair up quickly, and swayed forward and backwards. She knew that she could get through this, but needed some help.
Jason came running into the hospital. Theo had just been to tell him that Caysi was in labour. Jay had not seen her in so long, nearly four months. After what had happened at the wedding he guessed that she left and didnt want to see him, but now his children were being born and he didnt care. He wanted to see Alexia and Leah-brooke for the first time. Jay ran down the corridors until he found her in one of the beds. He stopped at the door and took a deep breath. He knew she may not act well to seeing him but again he didnt care. Jay walked into the room and stood in the corner making sure to keep his distance
It was odd that she was rushing here but Maddiie didn't question herself for wanting to be here for Caysi. She hadn't seen her ex house-mate in a long time, didn't even get the chance to attend Caysi wedding but she was making it up by being here. The nurse escorted Maddiie to Caysi Finnigan room, again she didn't question why her name wasn't change yet to her husband last name. She guess Caysi wasn't to keen on changing her last name, which was perfectly fine in some cases. Walking inside the clean and sanitize room, Maddiie each to Caysi side and look down at her, honey orbs never look up to see the man that was standing on the other side of Caysi just yet. "Caysi!" she express holding her old friend hand. "I made it just in time? Are you okay? Should I call the nurse for the pain?" Maddiie was throwing down many questions but she knew somewhat how it felt to have a child. Except in her case the child and herself had nearly survive a death eater attack. Maddiie snap her focus back on Caysi, she held her hand for the time being. She thought of any spells that came in mind just in case something went wrong, once having a healer for a mother; Maddiie had learn about from her mother Christina. "Just take deep breaths and slowly to fast will just knock you out.." she chuckle a little.
Caysi sighed, she wondered how long the pain would last for. She took deep breaths watching the ceiling, she didn't know what else she was supposed to do. Caysi noticed Jason walking in, it looked like he was out of breath. She really wouldn't have expected him to be here, but none the less she was happy that he was. Caysi was about to say something but then Maddiie showed up. Caysi was so excited that she showed up. " Maddiie!" She said looking at her. " No, no one's given me anything yet! I feel like a brick walls been thrown at me." She said taking a few deep breaths. " You made it just in time." She laughed. Caysi looked from Jason to Maddiie. " I really don't need to be knocked out now." She laughed quietly.
Jason was relieved when Caysi didnt shout or scream at him for being here. He watched another girl come into the room. He didnt know who she was but Cays did. He risked aking a step towards her. " Are you ok? Do you need anything?" He asked cautiously as she took another small step toward her still making no sudden movements. He didnt want to miss the birth of his children
Caysi looked as Jason walked towards her. " I'll be fine for now." She said taking few other deep breaths. " I think that I need a lot of pain killers, right about now." She said closing her eyes.
"Poor Caysi..." Maddiie held her hand, taking a cloth within another dabbing at her forehead. She finally look up at the man, there was hardly ever any time for introduction. She greeted him with a hello, but continue on taking care of Caysi. "I think she might need a nurse soon, she probably nearing to pushing..." she spoke to Jason without looking up. If he get what she was saying, he would get a nurse right away. She wonder how wide apart is she if the contractions keep at it like this.
Jason nodded and stepped back. " Right il go and get one now. Dont go anywhere." He said trying to make a joke before walking out the room and looking for a nurse to help her. He walked around before getting one to come with him. Jay entered the room and then stood next to the bed while the nurse did what ever it was that they did. Looking back to Caysi with a smile. It had been so long since he had last seen her he was taking everything in. " Is that better?"
Caysi sighed. " Oh dear, not pushing." She said worried. " I'll try not to go anywhere." Caysi said looking at him leave. Caysi felt a bit better with the medication but she could still feel some pain. " I guess it's better." She sighed. " But it hurts a bit still." She said rubbing her temples. " Maddiie, how long is this going to take?" She said looking at her friend.
"It all depends on your body Caysi, I'm not sure but it could take up hours even days." she spoke to her soothingly. The nurse had arrive and was preparing for the arrivals of two twin girls. "I didn't even know you were due with twins" Maddiie exclaim happy for Caysi. "Should I tell her you wand medication or not?" it was to ease the pain, there was still a chance of Caysi feeling the contraction. If only she had them in St.Mungos, it would've been a lot easier. Maddiie look up to Caysi's husband or fiancee? He seem a little nervous and clueless. He didn't seem to know what to do, Maddiie tried to remember if her husband had acted that way. She didn't have memories to answer that, when Delilah was born, Maddiie was out cold.
Jason looked at the other girl at the mention of magic. " No. No magic. This has to be normal and natural." He said looking back to Caysi. " You know im here all the way through, hours or days. Im not going to be moving if you dont want me to." He said giving her a supporting smile. He wanted the birth to be as normal as possible, which meant no magic or anything like that.

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