Just the two of us

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Picking up her headmistress stamp, the professor quickly stamped three letters and then stood up in an apparent rush. She was eager to get going. Quickly pulling on her coat, the professor left the castle, practically skipping down the steps as she made her way to the castle's gates where she'd be able to apparate. The sun was just beginning to set and Cyndi was glad that she was actually on schedule for once and not late like usual. Once cleared, she turned slightly and with a crack disappeared from the school.

Professor Kingsley loved moments like this when she could shed all of her titles except for the one that was most important to her - wife. As she entered her home, the woman wondered if her husband had arrived home from work or if she had beat him home. Cyndi couldn't be more thankful when she'd discovered that she was not on duty this week to walk around the school after hours. It meant that after her lessons were done, she didn't necessarily have to stick around the castle. The woman knew that she would more than likely spend most of her evenings in the castle as it was easier to be there rather than having to wake up and apparate to the village near the school and then walk to the school every morning. She was going to have at least one night away from the castle, and she'd made sure to let her husband know so that he wouldn't stay at work until an obscene hour. "Cameron, honey, are you home?" she called as she kicked off her shoes and enjoyed the feel of the plush carpet for a second before she began walking towards her bedroom. She hadn't even bothered to bring an overnight bag home, knowing that she had plenty of clothing in her home.
Cameron Kingsley had gotten home rather early. He knew that his wife would be joining him tonight. Therefore, it was not a night for greasy fast food. Instead, Cameron wished to make her a real meal where they could sit at the table together and talk about their days. Just like any other normal married couple. Though, they were not the typical married couple. Cameron was the Head of the Unspeakable's office which kept him traveling often with many late nights at the ministry. Cyndi was a professor and the deputy Headmistress at that. She spent many of her nights at the school, leaving whenever she could to come home to Cameron. Despite their sort of unconventional marriage, Cameron doubted that anyone could be more in love with their wife than he was with his.

Cameron had spent the last hour grilling steaks and shrimp skewers outdoors on the grill. He had cooked potatoes and vegetables like Cyndi liked. It was a very nice summer day today, so Cameron had set the patio table with their everyday china. He had gotten Cyndi's favorite kind of wine, and it was chilling in the ice box. The french doors stood open so that when his wife came through the front door, he heard her. Cameron smiled at the sound of her voice, calling out for him. "Out here, sweetheart!" Cam called back inside to her as he quickly finished putting all of the food on the table,
Hearing her husband's voice put a quick smile onto the woman's face. She stopped halfway to the bedroom and pulled her wand out, summoning a pair of flip flops which she quickly put on. Turning, Cyndi quickly made her way towards the backyard of their home. As she stepped outside, Cyndi took in all of the hard work that her husband had put into this evening. It seemed that he had been home for hours as the patio table was all decked out with the china that they'd received as a wedding present. She was surprised that she hadn't thought to check out in the backyard earlier, but the idea that her husband would arrive home even earlier than she did was startling. She was surprised that he'd actually been able to leave the Ministry.

Stepping towards her husband, Cyndi wrapped her arms around Cameron, her cheek resting against his back. "I've missed you so much, hon" she murmured. It felt so good to hold him, and for the millionth time Cyndi vowed to herself that she would make more of an effort to be home. She would have to pretty soon anyway. Moving so she was standing beside her husband, Mrs. Kingsley took in the spread. "Mr. Kingsley...this is a mighty fine spread here. Is this just for the two of us or do you have other wives coming home?" she smirked, her head resting on his shoulder. Cyndi couldn't get enough of her husband when she had the opportunity to be around him.
Cameron grinned as his icy blue eyes caught sight of his beautiful wife who was absolutely breath taking despite her long day at work. She enveloped the him from behind as he flipped the steaks and shrimp skewers, making sure they were cooked before he quickly removed them from the grill and placed them on a clean platter. With a flick of his wand, Cameron sent the platter over to the patio table. He then turned around taking Cyndi in his arms, having miss the feeling in the days of the their separation. Cam kissed her lightly on the cheek. "I have missed you too my darling." he said, squeezing her tightly before releasing her and motioning for Cyndi to go to the table.

Cameron chuckled at his wife as she joked with him. He shook his head at her, smirk upon his lips. "Well if by other wives you mean annoying an annoying younger sister, then maybe." Cam said with a goodhearted expression. "Kiera sent an owl. She said that she might bring the twins over later for a visit. I think she's missing James as he travels with the Cannons. She sort of just invited herself over." he explained to his wife. Cyndi was Kiera's best friend, even before Cyndi had been romantically involved with Cameron. She knew how persistent and determined Kiera was. Plus, Cam and Cyndi had not seen the twins in a few weeks. They were undoubtedly growing fast. They had all been worried about the baby during Kiera's pregnancy. It was unusually hard for the small girl to have a baby. It had been a surprise to the Kingsleys when they showed up at St. Mungo's expecting one baby and finding two. A beautiful little girl and a handsome little boy. Cameron definitely adored his little niece and nephew. One day, he hoped that his wife and him would have children of their own. For now, they enjoyed spoiling the young Potter children. "You don't mind that do you?" Cameron asked though he didn't expect his wife to have any objection.
Cameron's words were music to the young wife's ears. She loved hearing her husband's voice with its southern drawl. It always put a smile on her face. As she sat at the edge of the table, Cyndi brushed her long brown hair over her shoulder and continued to listen to her husband. If it was possible, the grin on her face grew slightly when she heard that her sister-in-law and very best friend was coming over. Sure, Cyndi would appreciate a night alone with her husband, but there was time enough for that. And, there was no way that the woman could turn down seeing her best friend, especially if said friend was coming with two of the cutest people in the world. "That doesn't surprise me in the slightest" she said with a chuckle as Cameron mentioned that Kiera had invited herself over. For such a small girl, Kiera was quite persistent and forceful when she wanted to be. She was the sort of person who didn't take no for an answer.

Shaking her head, the woman replied. "Nope, not at all. I still have those presents to give Kiera for the babies." Cyndi had gone on a bit of a shopping spree, buying the babies several outfits and a stuffed dragon each, during a particularly stressful day. She'd entered a baby store and spent nearly an hour oohing and aahing over the baby clothes. It was a bit odd for the woman, who'd never before been the type of woman to do such a thing. Cyndi liked babies but she hadn't ever been in any rush to start a family of her own. The woman enjoyed it just being her and her husband. Cyndi Kingsley patted the seat on the bench right beside her, wanting her husband to join her. "How's work been, hon?" she asked, knowing that her husband worked much too hard. She'd been so proud of him for earning the head position at the Unspeakable office, but now she worried about him more than ever. He worked too hard.
Cameron flashed his wife a grin as she patted the bench next to her. It was impossible for him to resist her. Cam finished placing the food on the table before he summoned a bottle of Cyndi's favorite wine. He poured two glasses, taking them over to the table. Cameron placed one in front of his beautiful wife as he sat down on the seat beside her. He chuckled at her words about not being surprised at Kiera's persistence. However, he was glad that Cyndi did not seem to mind. Of course, Cyndi had been Kiera's friend by choice before she became her sister. "Oh yes. I forgot that you had those for little Link and Lyra. I'm sure they will love them, sweetheart." he said to his wife with a light kiss on her cheek. "Kiera said in her letter that they were growing so fast. It will be nice to see them." he said, truly meaning it. Cameron loved his family. He especially loved his little niece and nephew.

Cameron shrugged his shoulders at Cyndi's question. "Oh you know. It's going alright." he said, taking a drink from his glass of wine. "It certainly keeps me entertained while you are at the school." Cameron told her with a grin. There was a particularly interesting event last week though he couldn't tell his wife about that. It was hard to keep so much of his life hidden from his love. "What about you, dear?" Cameron asked Cyndi. "How has it been at the school? Any unruly hooligans that you have had to expel?" he asked, slightly teasing her.
Cyndi watched her husband pour two glasses of wine and the smile froze slightly on her face. She quickly relaxed again even as Cameron placed the glass in front of her. The young woman looked at the contents in the glass, wondering when the opportunity to tell her husband some interesting news would come. "I'll bet they are" she said, a more relaxed smile crossing her face as she listened to her husband. Looking at her husband's face as he spoke about work, Cyndi brushed a hand across his cheek. She wished that he could speak freely about his job, but she knew that it just one of those things they both had to deal with. His job was very important for the magical community, though she didn't exactly know how.

Smirking as he asked her about work, Cyndi shook her head. "Not yet" she chuckled, "but not for lack of trying. Some student is spreading rumors about one of my Gryffindors. She's a werewolf and this student decided to put up posters to tell everyone that she's a wolf...and a sloot apparently." She rolled her eyes and sighed, her hand unconsciously curling around her wine glass and raising it. As the glass reached her lips, she realized what she was about to do and put the glass down. As if that wasn't obvious she thought to herself. "Cam...I have to talk to you about something" she said, reaching for his hand. She looked down at their hands, her heartbeat racing slightly. It's not as if they'd never talked about it, but Cyndi was not sure how her husband would take the news. She wasn't exactly sure how she was taking the news. Some of the signs were there, which was why she'd scheduled an appointment at St. Mungo's for the following week. "I have an appointment at St. Mungo's next week...I, um, think I might be pregnant" she said in a low voice. She bit her lip, looking up into her husband's face anxiously.
Cameron chuckled and shook his head at Cyndi's news of school. There would always be rumors spread at that school. Some girls were especially vicious and posted them around school. However, one thing struck Cameron as a bit coincidental. Another Gryffindor werewolf? Cameron wondered if Cyndi thought about the other Gryffindor werewolf, Andromeda, when she thought about this one. Cameron did. He shook off his thoughts and shrugged his shoulders at his wife. "Oh well. Girls will be girls right?" he asked. Cameron remembered when lies had been spread about his sister. Literally written on the wall. He was grateful that both of his sisters were out of school, not having to endure the petty drama that came with school.

Cam frowned at his wife as she picked up her glass to drink and then put it right back down without taking a sip. It was her favorite that he had intentionally bought at the store. "Is something wrong sweetheart?" Cam asked in a concerned voice. He was not prepared for the shock that came with Cyndi's next words. She might be pregnant?? A smile slowly slid across his face in absolute joy. "Really? Pregnant?" he asked. Cameron wrapped his arms around Cyndi in a giant hug. "That is wonderful darlin'." Cameron said in his deep southern twang. "When is the appointment? I will take off work and go with you." he told his wife, giving her another squeeze.
Cyndi was too anxious to find out Cameron's reaction, but if she hadn't been she would have found his concern adorable. Seeing his expression go from being anxious to one of pleasure, Cyndi couldn't help but chuckle as she nodded her head. Cameron's arms were wrapped around her and Cyndi felt the nerves that had been present a moment ago leave her completely. If Cameron was happy about this, there was nothing for her to worry about. "I'm so glad you're happy" she said, pulling back and giving her husband a kiss on the lips as she sat in front of him. "I was hoping you'd want to come...it's next Wednesday" she said, her arms wrapped loosely around her husband's neck. "Can you believe this? We might be parents soon" she squealed.

The young woman was still a bundle of nerves about the whole thing, but knowing that her husband was supportive and by her side would make it all so much easier. The fact that he was willing to take a day off from his insane job meant a lot to her. "Can we hold off on telling our families until we're sure?" she asked, her eyebrow rising. She definitely did want to tell them, but she knew that they would already be off naming the child before she even found out if she was actually pregnant. Their family was sometimes a bit...enthusiastic about this sort of thing.

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