Closed Just the Beginning

Noah Cosgrove

first-born • excitable • responsible • alt. beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
12/2048 (12)
Noah was slowly discovering really cool places around the castle, so much so that he'd felt the need - no, it was maybe more like an urge - to bring two of his newest, and er, first, friends to these places. The first year hadn't exactly managed to explore the outdoors just yet, heck, even just inside the castle walls it was a bit of a struggle to have been to every single place or room on every single floor as it was really the most massive building he had ever stepped foot in, but when he had woken up that morning the Hufflepuff decided that it was time he did explore outside. Otherwise, he was only going to get busier with school and everything, and he didn't want to miss out on these cool places, and before he knew it he would be in his final year not having had the chance to have discovered hangouts. Finding out what his favourite ones were early on meant Noah could also decide where else he could study if the library became too busy, too quiet, or if the weather was too nice to be indoors. And, of course, having his new and future friends with him also meant they would be creating amazing memories together.

The boy smiled as he reached the lake, figuring it was so big that there was more than enough space for him and the two friends to have a bit of fun. He'd sent a note to both of them earlier asking him to meet him here. Maybe they knew each other from a class or two, well they must considering him and Zora were in the same house meaning they always had the same classes, so whenever Noah had a class with Summer, Zora would as well. He wasn't entirely sure if they had become proper friends yet though, and the boy had a master plan to change that, if they weren't actually friends yet. Noah found a comfortable spot, half in the shade under a big tree and half in the sun, and he placed his blanket down (which his mom had knitted for him as a Christmas gift the previous year so he could take it to school). It was big enough for the three of them to share. Then he took out some food from his bag that he had taken from the great hall at lunch earlier that day and placed it on the blanket as well. In addition to all of this, he'd brought his journal with him and in the meantime, while he waited for the girls, he thought he'd write down his thoughts.​
Zora thought that it was really nice of Noah to plan something so intentionally so they could hang out. Did she know the other person joining? No. Was Zora determined to like her? Yes. Was Zora even more determined to make the other girl like Zora? Heck. Yes. Before leaving the castle, she made sure to ask the House Elves if they could help her get some sweets and some actual healthy fruits and vegetables for the hang they were going to have. She didn't know if she was supposed to bring something but she didn't like the idea of showing up anywhere empty handed when going to meet someone new. The Hufflepuff was glad that her parents had enchanted a bag to be able to carry seemingly endless items without extra weight or else carrying the food to the Rock face would be a bit precarious on the grounds.

As she arrived, Z spotted Noah and waved while she approached with a friendly smile on her face. The two had really become fast friends and she was so lucky to have a friend. She carefully put her bag down on the blanket as she approached and sat in the sun, glad for the weather. "Hey, this is nice of you to do," she complimented genuinely. She actually wished she had thought of something so nice for her friends. "I brought some snacks too," said the girl as she was already taking things out of her tote bag. First she took out an array of fruits cut up nicely in a glass container, then the vegetables which had a container with dip inside if people were so inclined though to Zora that tended to ruin the flavour of the vegetables. Finally there was the fun stuff: fizzing whizzbees, a small box of Bertie Botts beans, and a favourite of hers: Pineapple lumps - though the other wizards might not be familiar with the muggle treat. Once the treats were set out, the girl adjusted herself to sit a bit more comfortably crossed at the ankle, arms behind her back for her to lean on. "Perfect day for this," she observed once comfortable.
Summer was pleased with how things seemed to be going for her at school. She had already met a lot of her classmates and felt like she had made a couple of friends. The most important factor there was that they considered her a friend, she didn't need to think the same of all of them. So far, things were going smoothly though and she had met multiple people she felt like she could actually like hanging out with. For others that was still something she needed to figure out.

Having received an invitation from Noah to hang out hadn't come as a surprise for Summer. She had quite liked spending time with him so far, considered him a friend. And now that she had these developing friendships she'd need to put in some effort to maintain them. Nourish them. Make sure the people who liked her now would stick around. Even if they had terribly poor taste in picking a spot to hang out at. Spending time around a rememberance rock for some kid who supposedly died in the lake wasn't particularly Summer's idea of fun but it would have to do. "Hi!" She called over from still a small distance away when she spotted Noah, only then realizing he had also invited someone else. Or perhaps even multiple others kids who had yet to arrive. She glanced down at the food they had spread out while she walked over, wondering if they had expected her to bring something to. The thought hadn't once crossed her mind. Surely, her company would be enough. "Charming spot." Summer noted once she finally reached the others, trying her best to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. It was a nice spot. If you ignored the whole memorial thing. "I don't think we've met," She smiled sweetly after giving the other girl a once over. She recognized her from classes but she didn't think they had ever been introduced. "I'm Summer."

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