Just Talking

"Well, okay, I can be quite picky sometimes when it comes to music but the things I would not listen to very often are classical, anything Opera and anything from musicals." Grande admitted. "Is there anything you just won't listen to?"
Amy laughed at what Grande had said. "Hmmm, I guess I'll give anything a go really" she smiled, "I'll bet someone will catch me out one day with that theory though" she added smiling broadly.
"I plan to be that person." Grande said jokingly. "What about books, you seem like a reader to me."
"I had a feeling you would say that" Amy said laughing. "Books? Yup you got me completely right, i love reading" she said. She had been reading for as long as she could remember, it was a way for her to escape the world she was living in and delve into someone elses life and problems and leave hers behind. "I love all types of books, really anything!" she said. "What about you? Are you a big book reader?" she asked.
"I'm an absolute book worm. I love books. They are so good." Grande said "I'm not too picky with books actually, I open to read anything. Whats your favourite, if you have one that is?"
Amy was glad to have met someone who loved reading. "Hmm well I've read a fair few, my dad started giving me some of his books to try as well" she said. "I don't think I really have a favourite because of all the different genres there are. Each one is so different that you can't really compare them!" she smiled. "But what about you?" she asked, noticing that she had been rambling slightly.
(i am allowed to join right?)

Ginny was walking down up the north tower just looking at the view when she saw Grande and Amy. 'hello, you two. What you up to?'she said smiling as she came to stand next to them.
((Course :D More the merrier ))

"Hey Ginny" she said as she saw her coming to stand with them. "We were just talking really!" she said smiling. "You been up to much then?" she asked.
'No. not really. this and that. You?'Ginny asked.

(2 true.)
"Not a lot" Amy said shrugging. "I was telling Grande, I'd never been up here before until now, its an amazing view" she said gazing out of the window.
'Yeah. It's even better when you jump into it,'Ginny agreed.
"When you jump into it?" Amy asked Ginny questionningly.
'Of course. You launch yourself out the window.'Ginny answered confidently.
Amy couldn't help but laugh at Ginnys answer. "I'm guessing you've tried it before then?" she asked smiling.
'Of course. Loads of times. I had my broom with me though before you get any ideas,' Ginny answered.
Amy smiled, "That must have been amazing!" Amy said looking up at Ginny, a new found respect for her. Anyone who was brave enough to do that had her respect.
"It really must be" Grande said smiling and thinking about it.
'What about you grande?How your classes been going? You'd never think transfiguration would be so hard would you?'Ginny joked
"I'm good, classes are good. Transfiguration is actually really hard." Grande said with a smile "Keeping on top of the work load has been hard this year, don't you think? Or is that just me?"
'Well I find it hard. Doesn't help with my neighbour though,'Ginny joked. 'Well, I don't know really. I'm managing this term but i guess it'll be harder next term for me.'Ginny answered.
I don't know if it will be harder for me next term. I would need to go check." Grande said "Depends on how many classes I have next term."
'I've got four so it won't be too bad,'Ginny commented. 'You'll probably have umm three?'
Grande thought for a moment. "Yeah I think thats probably right. Thats good, only 3 classes. Not so much to do." Grande said with a smile.
Amy listened as Grande and Ginny talked. She continued to gaze out into the grounds, hoping that the weather wouldn't get too cold to completely prevent her from walking outside.
Ginny noticed Grande smile but she couldn't tell what he was smiling at. 'What are you thinking?'she asked for the first time.

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