Open Just Some Friendly Competition

Xiuying Huang

woolongong chaser | goofball 🤪 | 60' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Veela Hair Core
22 (11/2041)
Open after Marijke replies as Ivelisse Burleigh

Xiuying was excited about the upcoming Quidditch season as well as getting some practice. Sure she practised a lot during her break, but Xiuying wanted to get as much practise as she could. She had thought she did okay last year, but she wanted to try and do better. The Ravenclaw stood in the quidditch pitch, looking around, imagining herself being up in the sky. The girl was contemplating if she wanted to practise more, or maybe have a break from practice today. But either-or, Xiuying was enjoying the nice fresh air and the beautiful weather.
Ivelisse didn't think that she could ever spend enough time on the quidditch pitch. Even if she was up in the air for most of her free time, it still wouldn't feel like it was enough. Especially not with the new season coming up. She hadn't done as well as she would've hoped to last year but she was convinced that wasn't entirely her fault either. If only the beaters would acknowledge her and there could be some teamwork rather than everyone playing for themselves perhaps things would be better. Making her way onto the grass of the pitch Ive noticed another girl already there and quickly walked up to her classmate. "Hey, you here to practice or do you just enjoy staring at the sky?" She lightly joked.
Xiuying whipped around and noticed her classmate and chuckled a little at the comment. "I dunno. I've been practising a lot. But extra practise doesn't hurt, right?" Xiuying says with a small chuckle, as she then looked back at the sky. She loved being on the pitch and all. She then turned toward her classmate. "You're on the Slytherin team right?"
Ivelisse nodded when Xiuying mentioned she had been practicing a lot, glad she wasn't the only one who felt the need to get more and more extra practice in. Although perhaps she shouldn't be too pleased with players on other teams doing the same. Then again, she was quite sure the other girl was a chaser which meant there wasn't much she could do anyways except for bringing some extra entertainment to a game. "Definitely not." She responded before giving a small nod at Xiuying's question. "Yeah, I'm the seeker." She said, trying her best not to make it sound too matter-of-factly. "You're a chaser right? How does that work? Practicing on your own..?"

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