Just Saying...I Love You!

Rafael Todd

Well-Known Member
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Wood Rose
Rafael Todd had not been doing much. He had been keeping up with Quidditch, but that was pretty much it. Missy was trying to get her grades up, and he had not even bothered. It was not like he had a chance at becoming a Prefect. He didn't. He was not even worthy enough to say the word. To bear the title of being a Prefect was serious, and Rafael was just not cut out for it.

He walked up to the Owlery with his letter. He had finally worked up the courage to write a letter to his favorite Quidditch player. Rafael did not know where he was going in life anymore. He was tired of trying to impress his family. He was not going to do it anymore. He swore his hair was starting to fall out from stress, but he wasn't putting effort into anything. Why was he stressed out? He attached the letter to his owl's leg. "Get it to him safely, okay?" he cooed and kissed the owl on the head. His owl needed affection, and Rafael was willing to look like weirdo giving it.
Letter said:
Jace Venturino,

Um, hi. My name is Rafael Todd. I am a fourth year Slytherin at Hogwarts New Zealand. Recently, I have been paying more attention to Quidditch, and I noticed you. Why? Well, I don't know. There was just something appealing about you. I am writing you because I think you deserve to know how awesome you are.

You are a great Chaser. Just seeing you fly around makes me smile..or something awkward like that. Didn't you go to Beauxbatons? I have been thinking about transferring out of Hogwarts New Zealand. I don't know where I would go, but it would not be Beauxbatons because I don't think that would work out for me. When did you start getting interested in Quidditch? Were you young? Well, you are only 21. My parents would say that you still have a long way to go.

Are you French? I am half Kiwi and half Cuban. So, I speak Spanish too. What languages do you speak? Oh, and if I had a choice, I would want you as a brother. Not because you are a Quidditch player, that would be shallow. On the field you really look out for your teammates, even the Beaters. Though they are supposed to be the ones looking out for you. They way you avoid bludgers is pretty cool too?

I am not a hardcore fan, as I am sure you have noticed by how...awkwardly I am writing this letter. But, I will be honest, I love you dude.

~Rafael Todd
Jace had been resting up after a hard game. Being hit by one bludger was bad enough, but three was just insanity. No matter how many spells and potions could be made, the fatigue never quite left a batter body. He was going to have to miss the next game that was going to be held in a few days. He wasn't on his A-game. Aimee had been a little ill lately and it was worrying him, as it naturally would. However, his mood was brightened when he heard a knock at the door and a letter was placed in his lap. What was this? Was it from Aimee? He opened the letter quickly and soon realised that it was not from Aimee. He tilted his head. A fan letter? How exciting! He quickly read over the letter. He didn't really get much fan mail, he was just a Chaser. He didn't feel very important. However, the writer of this seemed really... adorable in a way. Jace tilted his head. A fourth year? Fourteen? He didn't seem like a fourteen year old.

Jace chuckled to himself and folded the letter back up. It was really nice to get one of these at a time when he was bored. It gave him something to do. Jace grabbed a quill and some parchment and began to write a reply, before calling someone back. "Take this to the address." The helper nodded and left. It would probably be delivered by one of the team owls. They were in a different country right now, so it might take a bit, but it would get to Rafael Todd in a few days.
Letter! said:
Dear Rafael Todd,

Hello there, it was really surprising to get a letter from you. I apologise for the time lapse, but these letters are processed each and every time. It can be a little slow sometimes.

I have heard a lot about Hogwarts New Zealand. My girlfriend used to attend there, while I have a friend who teaches there. My girlfriend was also a Slytherin, I hope you are having a better time at school than she did. I think it's flattering that you like my gameplay. I'm not usually the one to receive letters. That honour usually falls to our Seeker!

You are thinking of transferring? You best decide where you're going to go first before you do that. You say you're a fourth year, it is harder to create friends when you're older. But if you're not happy at your current school, transferring is not the only option. Maybe you should try and get out more? Or find a hobby? I started playing Quidditch because I was bored and wanted to do something new in my new school. Joining the Qudditch team was what I did, and now I have made a career out of it and get nice letters from people like you.

However, though I did attend Beauxbatons, I am not French. I was born in Australia. My family moved to France when I was twelve and I was transferred into the school there. So I speak French and English fluently. I do find it interesting that you have some Cuban in you. A friend of mine was part Cuban and he was quite proud of it, especially when he would speak Spanish to the ladies and make them swoon. French is not the only language of love. Once again, thank you for your compliments. They mean a lot to me. It's really nice to get lovely letters like these once in a while. You don't need to be a hardcore fan of Quidditch to write letters to players, Rafael. Just be yourself and do what you like to do confidently. You don't need to worry about others.

Take care,

Jace Venturino. :)
Honestly, Rafael had forgotten about the letter he had sent to Jace Venturino. It was one of the most out of the blue things that he had ever done. Quidditch? Whatever. Rafael did not have a future there. Rafael saw no future for himself. Missy on the other hand wanted to be a skilled potions master. Rafael did not see that for his sister. He actually could see her living as a muggle. She could be a psychopath. That seemed to be the best and most perfect career for her.

He went went up to the Owlery and sent his owl off with the letter. It was a much more mature one. He was sure Mr. Venturino would notice a difference. Rafael was not always strange and bubbly. He needed to learn how to control himself.
Letter said:
Dear Mr.Venturino,

I apologize for the letter I sent before. It was something that I did on a crazy whim. I must have seemed childish and small. I apologize sincerely. I am not normally like that. I am thinking my nervousness got the best of me.

Hogwarts New Zealand is not as great as people make it out to be. Maybe that's because I do not have very many friends. I keep to myself, and I push my studies to the side. I do not know why I am being so honest with you. I think it's because people have told me that we look alike? Which I think is completely awkward. I promise that I look better. Just saying.

My sister has also made me aware of the other options that I have. But, she really doesn't like me. I am more of a burden to her and the rest of my family. They thought I was going to be Squib. You would have laughed if you saw their faces when I got my acceptance letter. It was ridiculous. Does sleeping count as a hobby? I do a lot of that, and I would rather be asleep then try and do something with my life. You are different though. I am sure that you had people who were there to support you. My family sees me as nothing, and all the hope and attention is given to my sister.

Oops. There I go again. I think I will end this letter before you get worried.

I am better looking,
~Rafael Todd
Jace apparated back to his room with the new letter. He had not been able to do much lately. Now he was back to work and enjoying it once more. However, the drastic change in writing was a little shocking. It seemed a lot darker now. Jace wanted to make sure that he made the boy understand that no-one's life was perfect. Even Jace's own life was in turmoil in the past and present. In all honesty, he preferred the first letter, it made him smile more. However, this one was also filled with a little humour. It was funny to hear that they looked alike. Jace didn't really look like his family members. He usually suspected that he was adopted or something. This time the letter would not take nearly as long to reach the boy, Jace made sure of it. The last was quite a jump in time, and it was not fair to Rafael. Jace quickly finished his letter and tied it to the owl he just got. George was his name. George flew off with the letter in talon and Jace smiled.
Letter said:
<FONT font="georgia">Dear Rafael Todd

First off, just call me Jace. Mr. Venturino is my father. I'm not quite that old yet. Anyway, there is no need to apologise. I was genuine in my letter. It's refreshing to have nice letters written. You did not seem small or childish, just excited. It's never a bad thing to be excited. Being excited is nice and being nervous is something you shouldn't be ashamed of. Don't worry, I promise I won't tell anyone! :p

Having friends is always a good way to start enjoying school. I respect that you keep to yourself, but studies are a very important thing, trust me. You want to be able to look back and smile at what you have accomplished. School can be pretty rough. I must say I'm really surprised by that. Do we really look alike? I'm sure you are better looking. You are probably younger and I doubt you have worry lines like I do! Back on a serious note, don't worry about writing random stuff, just write what you are comfortable with. I'm not going to tell anyone!

I think I understand. Sisters can be very annoying, especially if they don't like you. What you must remember is that she is family, and family is something we cannot choose. However, we don't always have to listen to our family, do we? I'll let you in on something, my parents thought I'd be a squib too, it's nothing to be ashamed of. What's important is that you've got magic and you have the chance to use and abuse it. Don't let yourself become a wall flower. You need to find the determination to do things. I am only where I am today because I fought and found people willing to help me. You don't need attention and hope, you need someone willing to support you and help you. don't close yourself off from possibilities.

I'm sure you are better looking,

Rafael had put off Jace's letter for a little while, three days. He was not used to opening up to people. He thought it was uncomfortable. He did not understand that some people really cared about what he had to say. He did not have much to say. He just had a bunch of emotions balled up inside of him. Classes were boring, and school was horrible. He was seriously just considering dropping out. Where was he going to go in life, hm? He had no goals whatsoever. He should just live as a muggle, go to muggle school, and do his best to forget about magic. He was caving in, giving up on himself. All children went through their rough spots. Rafael was 110 percent going through his.
Letter said:

You better not tell anyone. I hope you have nothing to gain from telling anyone. You, for some reason, are a person I am opening up to. Just bare with me as I try not to lay too many of my trivial problems on you. I hope expect you to keep that promise. As you can see, I can be pretty demanding.

People are just a hassle to keep up with. I am barely managing to keep my grades up, which they aren't at all. I don't like trusting people. I think it is a lot of work to open up to people. You are different. You are a celebrity. You are in a place that I can never be. So, what's the harm in opening up to you? You are famous. You could probably care less about my problems. It is just really hard for me to put effort into any type of relationship, okay? Sorry if I am insulting you with my words.

Really? You parents thought you were going to be a Squib? No way. You are not telling me the truth, are you? I don't know where I can get determination from. At the moment, what people think of me is what I am worried about. You understand that, right? You were my age at some point. I think it may be too late for possibilities. I will be in my fifth year next year. After that, I will only have two year left before I have to prove I am worth something. I feel there isn't enough time left for me to try and work for anything.

Good luck,
Rafael Todd

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