Just Peachy

November Albertson

• Miro <3 • Mother of a boy growing up to fast •
OOC First Name
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June 4th, 2030
It was a colder rainy day that November found herself pouring over her books in the library. In the past, she wouldn't have found herself doing much on a rainy day but enjoying the company of a friend. Of course as time went on, many rainy day meetings were missed by the friend and so November stopped seeking him out. Instead she focused on her school work so she could outdo Amber Wilson this year. To do so, was going to take a lot of effort on November's part. She knew the other girl was very smart, but she also was lightening fast to raise her hand and answer questions in class to get those extra house points. November was just glad the girl didn't do Quidditch, that was one thing November would never try to best anyone in, although she had a lot of respect for her friends Noemie and Flavio who did play and her roommate Telsa. Looking at the books in front of her November began to wonder what she should focus on the most. She knew it should be charms, but she'd rather not study that class. Sighing she knew it was exactly what she needed to study the most.

Pulling out the books and notes for Charms November glanced around the library. It seemed as though a few others were around studying, probably because it was a rainy day and not much else could be done, though it was the weekend. Saturday in fact so she was surprised to see others in the library with her. November never spent much time doing social activities that would give her things to do on the weekends. Even the largest group of her peers she would be spending time with this semester would be to study all together. November wasn't looking forward to that. It would be the time when she'd have to sit and be face to face with Amber Wilson. The girl who just wouldn't stop giving her odd looks and speaking to her in tones that said they weren't really friends. November was sure her tone and attitude in response was the same. It all stemmed from not really wanting to make new friends to Amber joining her and Flavio for breakfast after making her cry the night prior. The young Hufflepuff didn't feel as though she needed more friends, she had been quite content with the few she had. She didn't understand why the universe was trying to force her and Amber together. For now, she avoided the girl and basically all human interactions by studying in the back corner of the library.
Things had ended with Merrill and while it hadn't been a total surprise, Lucas was still pretty bummed about the whole thing. It was at such times that he sought out his friend November, the problem was that Lucas hadn't been a very good friend to the Hufflepuff girl since he began seeing Merrill, so she may not even want to talk to him if he managed to find her. Of course, Lucas knew exactly where to find November as she was a creature of habit, she would be in the library. He was a little nervous as he headed into the library to seek out his friend, it wasn't like Lucas to be nervous, but he wasn't sure how he would be received by November having neglected her during most of his time with Merrill. It wasn't fair to the girl, but all he could do was try and get his friend back.

After poking his head around several of the stacks, Lucas finally spotted November, she was tucked away in the corner reading, the way she spent most of her time. The Gryffindor quietly took a seat opposite the girl and dropped his bag to the floor. "Hey you,"
November wasn't enjoying her charms books. It was her least favorite class, everyone else seemed to master the spells much faster than she and it didn't matter how much she read about the spells. Her performance level just wasn't there for charms yet. She was deep into her notes and textbook when she heard a familiar voice speaking to her. Well, it wasn't so familiar now as she could tell the boy speaking was going through puberty and his voice was deeper than she last heard the voice in her direction. November refused to glance up, she had enough to deal with in her life that he ex-friend wasn't needed to add more. She thought about it and knew she had been busy herself, it might not have been his fault exactly he stopped hanging out with her on rainy days. Looking up through the hair that had fallen in front of her face she saw Lucas sitting opposite of her.

"No girlfriend to entertain these days Woodlock, you have to come and bother those trying to study?" November asked pushing her hair back out of her face. Lucas had been the only one to sit with her during the years she struggled to understand magic. It was hard for her being a muggleborn, harder that no one really knew she was. She could tell left from right but trying to make something fly through the air was something completely crazy for her. November had a frown on her face and glaring eyes as she looked at Lucas now. He had left her for the wolves of the world when he started dating girls. She wouldn't have minded him dating but when he stopped speaking to her it had hurt her feelings and self-esteem a lot. She thought at least when he dated Evelyn he would have introduced them and she could have gained a friend but he hadn't and she didn't have the courage to go up to his girlfriends and introduce herself as his friend. Of course, November didn't know that Lucas hadn't actually dated Evelyn, they'd just been close friends. She knew girls were jealous creatures but she hadn't thought she was so low on Lucas's list that he'd hide the fact they were friends. The thought made her frown more and she turned her face back towards her work not caring for his answer.

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