🌹 Rose Giving Just Passing Through

Margo Fox

daily prophet reporter 🌸 old soul 🌸 '62 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (20)
Yellow rose for @Ezra Ito

The day was passing in a blur and Margo was doing her best to keep up. But between classes and club duties and not getting totally behind on her studying schedule it was easier said than done. She was rushing form one class to the next and her path took her by the Hufflepuff common room. She had a good number of housemates on the list so she was hoping to get lucky and find one on the way. And it seemed like luck was on her side as she saw someone on her list. She had to jog a little to catch up and tap him on the shoulder. "You're Ezra right?" she asked a little out of breath but optimistic.
Ezra had been hoping all day to get a rose, he had stayed a little longer at lunch in the great hall, as he figured it would be an easy spot to find him for any rose givers. But in the end, he decided he should probably return to the common room and get his things for his next class before he was late. He turned around when someone tapped him on the shoulder and beamed at the older prefect who was asking his name. "Yes, that's me." He said, eyeing her roses hopefully.
"Oh good." Margo said without meaning to and let out a small laugh. "Sorry, I've been running around the castle all day." she tried to explain. "But anyways, I have a rose for you." she said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a yellow rose and it's note.
Ezra smiled as the girl took out a yellow rose, only a little disappointed it wasn't a different color. He took it from her and opened the note, snorting as he saw just his friend's name. He'd never change, but Ezra appreciated the gesture. "Thanks." He said with a smile. "Do you have many left to go?"
Margo smiled as the rose seemed to be taken well and she waved off Ezra's thanks. It was what she signed up for after all. She sighed when he asked how many she had left to do. She looked down at her basket and did a quick count. "Three left it seems. Almost done." she said with another smile. "I hope you have a good Valentine's Day!" she added warmly before making to leave and get going with the rest of her deliveries.

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