Just Keep Swimming


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OOC First Name
It was cool when Nerissa broke the surface of the water. She could feel the wind which was always an odd sensation after being underwater for a long time. It made Nerissa wonder what it was like for humans when they jumped into the cool lake water. Nerissa tended to steer clear of the rare student who felt the need to propel themselves into the water because of how it would seem to the other mer-folk of the lake. It was strange for a creature of the lake to speak of go near to the human students, unless of course you were trying to drown them. It had always bothered Nerissa when her friends talked of drowning people. It's not like all humans were evil, Nerissa had spoken to a few students during her time in the lake and had found them nice and intriguing. Her family was often upset with her when they found that she had gone to the surface, but Nerissa's curiosity almost always got the better of her. There were many reasons why Nerissa went to the surface, to see the rain, or collect rocks, but the main reason was to watch the students at the large school and daydream of being like them. Nerissa had always wondered what it would be like to have legs, to walk and run and fly. It all seemed so magical to her, but others would argue and say she was the lucky one. Nerissa didn't know what was so special about being a mermaid, sure you had a tail but things became boring after living underwater for so long. Land seemed exciting and adventurous.

That's the ultimate reason why Nerissa had come to the surface, for adventure. She didn't see any students near by but that didn't matter she had a feeling in her gills that something was going to happen. Finding a flat rock near shore she splayed out on it leaving everything under her torso submerged into the murky lake water. Nerissa hummed and picked some lily pad flowers and carefully began to braid them into her dark wet locks to wait out what adventure the day was promised to bring.

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