Just Having Fun... What Are You Doing Here?

Sydney Caine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bois d'Arc Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire
Sydney laughed as she walked down the street with Markov. They had gotten close now they were both in the same school, he was her best guy friend, not that she actually had a best girl friend. They had tried dating but quickly discovered they were only meant to be friends. She wrapped her hoodie around her waist and bounced along next to the taller boy. She liked the new fashion she was trying out and, luckily for her, so did Markov.

Sydney poked Markov in the face and began to run away. He was quite a fun guy and, as expected, he began to chase her. She laughed and swerved around a bench, not caring who saw or commented on them. They were friends who could have fun in a childish manner if they wanted to and, to be honest, both of them liked being childish. Sydney didn't believe anyone wanted to be a grown up. Everyone had to love being childish.
Markov laughed as he chased his best friend, not including his sister, around a bench. The new Sydney was playful and happy, a big improvement in his eyes. He could see why a lot of people thought they were dating, they acted like it usually but without the kissing part, but they only saw each other as friends. "Get your skinny little @rse over here right now young lady!" He jokingly yelled after her.

Markov was faster than Sydney and they both knew it. He usually didn't put all of his effort in though, if he did then he would've already caught her. The game of cat and mouse went on for a while, around five minutes, before Markov gave up and caught her. He threw her over his shoulder and began to walk away.

Markov could feel the movement from her stomach on his shoulder as she laughed and screamed to be put down. He was about to place her on the floor when he saw a familiar face in the crowd watching him. The smile dropped off of his face and was replaced by a scowl. He put Sydney down and nodded towards the girl watching them. He couldn't see her face but he guessed it mirrored his own. Standing there was Shaylah Rouge. He didn't know how long she had been there and, to be honest, he didn't want her to be there at all. "Come on, let's go." He took Sydneys hand and began to walk away from the girl he had once known so well.
Shaylah walked down the busy street of Brightstone with an air of power in her stride. She knew that people didn't mess with her and it was for a reason. She never tolerated it when people tried to mess with her so she showed them who's boss. It was the way things had been since she started at the school and it was how things were going to stay. No one was going to change the hierarchy in the school.

Shaylah rolled her eyes at some kids messing around. They were so childish and pathetic. She couldn't understand what was so fun about running around till you're out of breathe. It was idiotic. Not slytherin behaviour at all. Slytherins were full of pride. No one would ever see a true slytherin acting like that.

Shay stopped in her tracks when her eyes caught sight of two people making a lot of noise. At first, she wished they'd just shut up. The she realised who they were. Her eyes widened with shock. Her own sister was with her ex boyfriend. She knew that Sydney hated her and she hated Sydney but that was no reason to betray her like that. She felt her stomach tighten as she walked towards the pair. "You're a backstabbing b!tch!! How could you?!" She didn't know what she was doing. She was overwhelmed by the whole thing.
Sydney began to walk off with Markov when she heard the yelling of her sister. She growled under her breath before turning around and facing the brat. "How could I what exactly?" She didn't understand was she was being yelled at for this time and she was getting bored of Shaylah's games. The girl thought she ruled everything and no one could mess with her. Sydney remembered times of weakness when it was her who had to rescue the 'Slytherin Princess'.

Sydney was taller than her sister by quite a bit and she stood over her with authority. Shaylah was acting worse than Marcus did when he first met Jay and that was quite an achievement. She turned to Markov, not wanting him to get involved. "Should I meet you back at school later?" Sydney failed to notice her hand was still in his.
Markov shook his head and rolled his eyes at his ex girlfriends behavior. Merlin only knew why he had liked a girl like that in the beginning. He had to stop his mind going over her redeeming qualities. He knew he still found her attractive and he hated it. "What, you think I can't handle her? You're forgetting I used to go out with it." He knew referring to Shaylah as 'it' would annoy her a lot and, right now, he couldn't be happier.

Unlike Sydney, Markov was well aware their hands were connected and he wanted to keep it that was as long as he could. He enjoyed knowing that Shaylah was jealous of Sydney. Her reaction couldn't mean anything else apart from that. If she had no feelings for him then she wouldn't care so much and she blatantly cared a lot.
Shaylah shook her head in disgust. "You know exactly what. I thought that the one person I'd be able to trust not to get with my ex would be my own sister." She exhaled and looked at the two of them. "Turns out I was wrong." Shaylah felt her entire body fill with rage of her sister's betrayal. She still liked Markov, she just refused to admit it to anyone - including herself. She wanted to move on from him but it was hard. She'd enjoyed being with him so much.

Her eyes stared at Markov. "For your information, I am not an it. I am much more worthy than you." An evil smirk grew across Shay's face. "At least I'm pureblood. Your blood is full of muck and filth." Then Shay shrugged. "Thinking about it, you'd make a good couple. You have muck and filth run through your veins," She pointed at Markov then at Sydney. "And you just look like muck and filth.
Sydney was confused before she realised that their hands were connected. She wanted nothing more than to get along with Shaylah but that didn't seem like it was about to happen. Instead she was just trying to keep out of her way and be civil when they met. " You're joking right? I'm not getting with him. He's a friend." She scoffed, surprised that Shaylah would even think that. Sure, they had gone out but that was beside the point and she didn't need to know that.

Sydney shook her head at her sister. "I thought you knew me better than that." She turned away from her sister and gestured for Markov to follow. When he shook his head she simply shrugged. "Meet you back at school then?" She began to walk away with her hands in her pockets.
Markov scoffed at her denial. "Yeah, that was ages ago." He smirked. This could be fun, getting under Shaylah's skin. He always had a talent for it, one of the few people who could. Now he could finally use that talent for something. Markov shook his head when Sydney gestured to him and kept his eyes on the younger girl instead, a perfect smirk on his face. "I think I'll stay here with it." The cruel smirk got bigger and he raised his eyebrows in a challenge to her to say something.

Markov waited to see what Shaylah did about Sydney leaving before he spoke. He was curious to see if she would call her back or not. He knew she liked to believe she hated her sister and, if it were true, she would just let her go, then again, no one ever walked away from Shaylah Rouge until she was finished with them. Sydney was one of the few who had the guts to do it and she had a good reason. Markov knew Sydney could take Shaylah, only because they had lived together and she knew all her weak points, as did Markov but he wasn't likely to get into a fight with her. Not a proper one anyway.
Shay was relieved to hear that they weren't going out but she didn't know whether to believe them or not. Sydney seemed genuine when she said it but they also seemed genuine when they ran around playing with each other and holding hands.

Shaylah stared at the back of her sister's head as the blonde walked away. In a way, she was upset to see the blonde walk away but she was also glad to get rid of her. For starters, she hated the girl and also she wanted to be with Markov. But why did she miss her sister already?? Why did she have the urge to shout after her and bring her back??

Shay turned and looked up to Markov when he spoke. "Why don't you follow her?? You obviously want to." Shaylah had to look away from Markov. She couldn't help but like him but she didn't want to. He was scum from a sewer and she deserved better.
Markov smirked at the girl and shrugged. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a smoke. "She doesn't approve." He gestured towards it before using his wad to light it. "Besides, why wouldn't I want to spend time with you?" He took a step towards her, cigarette in his mouth. His eyes were mischievous as he tried to ignore the part of him that wanted her back. Markov was focussing on the part that wanted to torture and humiliate her today.
Shaylah frowned when she saw Markov take a cigarette out and start smoking it. She was disgusted by his behaviour. It was revolting. She rolled her eyes and replied. "I wonder why. It's so gross." When Markov stepped towards her, she stepped backwards. She didn't want the horrible smell on her and she was going to make sure she didn't. She laughed at what he said before knocking the cigarette out of his mouth. She ignored the burning on her hand. If it was anything serious then she could deal with it later.
Markov laughed at her behaviour and blew the smoke into her face. "They're like your dear sister. They may look trashy and common on the outside but once you get close to them well..." He smirked, knowing this would aggravate her more than anything else he had over her. "They provide hours of fun." He took another step towards her, smirking quite evilly. He chuckled when she walked away from him, there had always been a part of him that loved scaring her or, at least, thinking he scared her.
Shay felt her anger for him build up inside her. She hated him right now but at the same time she loved him. It made her wish she had never met him. "What is wrong with you?! First you treat me like cr@p and then you do the same to my sister behind her back. You're a selfish tw@t." Her fists were clenched beside her and she was struggling not to hit him. Markov was one of the few people who really knew how to get to her and it made her feel small and pathetic.
Markov laughed at Shaylah's outbursts, while he was one of the few people who could get under her skin he was also one of the few who wasn't scared of her anger. That just made him more annoying her he guessed. "Please, I only treat you like cr@p when you did it first. Besides, Sydney's fine with me talking like that, it makes her laugh." He noticed her clenched fists and made sure he was ready to move or, if there was time, catch her fist if she swung at him.

"We're not going out you know, me and Syd." His voice was suddenly soft, as were his eyes, just for the second it took to say that sentance. Then he changed back to how he was before. He didn't like that he needed her to know that, he was happy not caring what anyone thought and then Shaylah came along and ruined it. That's why she had to pay for it.
Shaylah couldn't cope with this. She needed to get her thoughts straight. Did she like him or not?? If she did then what was she doing?? If she didn't then why was she wasting her time on him. It made no sense to her. She needed someone to tell so they could help her work it out.

Shay suddenly felt her hands start to unclench. Why did he act so kindly towards her?? He was acting like he hated her only 2 seconds ago. "If you're not going out then why do you act so much like you are?? You're acting like you used..." Shay's voice faded when she realised what she was saying. Like he used to with me she thought to herself.
Markov scoffed, he knew what she was about to say. "Because she's my friend. Slirting between friends isn't a crime." He saw her in ball her fists slightly and had to suppress a smile. He was getting to her. He didn't want to be doing this, he wanted to go and have a drink, flirt with some people he had never met before, and forget Shaylah. That seemed impossible right now though so he would do what he did best, confuse her and use it against her.
Shaylah shook her head. "No friend I've ever seen you with." Her voice had softened without her even realising it and she didn't like it. She wanted to punch Markov and walk off rather than standing here acting like he's an ex friend. She hated him more than most people.
Markov laughed in a way that had hardly any cruelty in it. Hardly but not none. "Well let's count the mates you've seen me with. Jake and Ken are blokes and the girls you've seen me around have been the guys sisters. I ain't allowed to flirt with them. I hear you've been flirting with Ryker enough to cover my share and that's everyone you've seen me with."

That was the main reason Markov wanted to hate Shaylah so much. When he left he stayed faithful, they hadn't actually broken up yet and no matter how much he wanted to stray he was actually a loyal guy. Then he came home to hear she had been getting cosy with one of his best mates.
Shaylah scowled at what he said. She shook her head in denial when she answered. "I haven't been flirting with anyone. I became friends with Ryker. Nothing more. I barely ever saw him. I probably had three meetings with him at tops and the first I hated him." Shay didn't even know how to flirt. She kept most of her emotions to herself so flirting wasn't an option for her. She didn't know she had ever flirted with anyone, let alone Ryker.
Markovs' heart missed a beat as he believed she didn't. Then common sense hit him. He knew Ryker and if she wasn't flirting then he was and she wasn't denying it. Whatever happened he knew he couldn't trust her. "Right, okay." He rolled his eyes just so she could see how much he believed her. It would annoy her more and it meant he didn't have to say it out loud.
Shay shook her head. "Fine. Don't believe me. It's your loss not mine." She lied. Shay felt upset that Markov didn't believe her but she wasn't going to admit it to him or to herself. It was bad enough that she still liked him at all. She also didn't like the fact that Markov thought Shay would flirt with Markov's friend. She thought Markov knew her more than most people but turned out he didn't.
Markov laughed harshly enough that it didn't sound real. He walked forward, taking her with him, until she was backed against a wall. "How is it my loss? I can sit at school and know no one will want something like you. You don't play nicely and you can't flirt for sh!t while you go back to yours and think of how many girls I've worked my way through since coming home."

A cruel smirk entered Markov's face, one she hadn't seen before. Not many people had. "And yes, that might even include your sister once I wear her down." He knew Shaylah, he knew she still liked Sydney even if she was too proud to admit it. At least the older of the two wasn't afraid to admit she missed her sibling. He also knew that sentence would probably hurt Shaylah more than anything else he had said. He had no real intention of getting with Sydney, or any other girl for that matter, but she wouldn't know that.
Shaylah felt the cold wall on her back and felt trapped. She didn't know many spells as she was only in her forth year and Markov was much bigger than her so he would be hard to fight and she was unlikely to beat him. Shaylah felt herself hating Markov more and more with every word he said but it hurt her because she liked him so much. By the time Markov finished, Shay felt her hate for him bubble over and she aimed a slap at the side of his face. She didn't even realise she was doing it until her hand was already half way there, by which time it was too late to stop.
Markov smirked when he felt her slap him. He grabbed both her wrists and pinned them against the wall, his body against hers. "Now, now. Good girls don't slap." He whispered in aharsh tone in her ear. "Girls who slapped get consequences." He grinned with a malicious hint in his eye. Anyone could tell he was probably going to do something nasty towards her, some people in the street stopped to watch or comment but none intervened. It was obvious this was just between them.
Shaylah gasped when her back hit the wall. She hadn't expected Markov to react like that. She'd always known him to be very violent but she'd never seen him use it on her. Only other people. She'd never thought she would be his victim, no matter how much he hated her. She looked up at him feeling nothing but anger and hate. "Go on then. Do your worst." She couldn't hide the grin when she felt she would have to face whatever he was going to throw at her. She wanted to toughen up. She'd felt herself going soft over the past few weeks and she needed to get back the evil that made so many people hate her so much.

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