Closed Just For Tonight

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Vivian Brackenstall

📜poet | quiet | tall | flirty📜 indie musician
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Tristan) (Gay
Curly 12 Inch Rigid Hawthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
7/2031 (32)
There was something... victorious about being at the Yule Ball by himself. Vivian felt as though he had become a new person in the last couple of weeks, and he was still figuring out who that person was. It had been years since he had lived his life without dictating his decisions by what Tristan would want, and it was thrilling to just... decide to do things for himself. Vivian had dressed up nicely, robes draped elegantly around his shoulders, and now he was looking around the ball, trying to decide what to do first, no trace of his old, timid self. Vivian didn't know if Tristan was going to show his face tonight, and he didn't much care. Tonight was all about... having fun, finally, free from the shadow he had lived his life under, and if Tristan happened to see him while he was doing so, that was Tristan's problem, not Vivian's.

Casting his eyes around the room, Vivian's gaze fell on a familiar face. Other than the one time he had walked in on the boy kissing Tristan in the common room, Vivian only knew Shane Ackley by reputation. It was a reputation that interested Vivian though. He was through with love, that was for sure, but there was an appeal in casual flings that Vivian had grown to appreciate over the last few years. A relationship like he had had with Tristan or Hudson wasn't in Vivian's future anymore, but he was quite interested in pursuing something more casual with someone with similar interests. So when he noticed the younger boy, Vivian made his way over to him, not bothering to keep the interest off his face. "Having a good evening?" He asked, looking Shane over slowly.
Shane wasn’t sure where Charlotte had gone, but he didn’t mind. It was a little mind numbing being at the event with someone. He wasn’t the sort who had ever liked being tied down, but even in this loose capacity he wasn’t sure it was for him. At the very least she wasn’t interested in pushing him to answer questions about his life before. Though he’d claimed to be an open book and the only thing he’d been truly honest about was his sexuality. Shane knew he was a means to an end with Charlotte - not something he minded - but even that was beginning to bore him. He’d already ventured off once this evening, and without her about then he moved away from where she’d left and stood a little to the side, where she might have to really look to find him, just letting his gaze linger around the room, looking for someone who was sufficiently alone and old enough for him to speak to. However, as the ball would have it, he didn’t have to do much looking, an older student was suddenly in front of him. He was older than Shane, a seventh year or something, his name escaped him, there had been some drama but Shane didn’t care at all, neither about the drama or the boy's name. Instead he let a flirty little smile grace his features as he visibly looked the boy over, letting his gaze linger a little on the boy’s lips, ”Not yet. I’m a little bored honestly, looking for…..something to do,” he tilted his head slightly, let the flirty tone take over his words and holding the other boy’s gaze. ”Are you?” Shane easily returned the question to him. He knew that he was gaining perhaps a bit of a reputation at the school, but even without that on his mind for why this guy was talking to him, he’d just flirt with him regardless.
Though he was approaching things with confidence now, Vivian still knew there was no way to predict how his remark would actually be recieved by the younger boy. So it was a relief when Shane responded with a smile that was undeniably flirtatious. It was clear that his advances were quite welcome, so Vivian returned the flirty smile with one of his own, leaning slightly closer. "What a coincidence." He murmured, surprised at how much he was enjoying the feeling of simply flirting without consequence, without meaning, with no goal or purpose other than to both have fun. "I was having the exact same predicament. Maybe we should keep each other company..."
Shane was pretty pleased when the boy in front of him began returning the flirty smile, and leaning into him slightly closer. Shane raised his gaze a little, needing to since this guy was taller than him. But, he kept the light and flirty look on his face, he kept the easy flirty smile, this could be fun, if this boy was definitely interested. Shane was definitely keen since the guy suggested they keep each other company, ”I”d like that,” he added with an appreciative flirty tone. ”I’m unfortunately not much of a dancer though, so we’ll have to find something else to do,” Shane wasn’t interested in anything even remotely serious with this boy. Not at all. He wanted to flirt and maybe kiss, dancing was a whole other thing that he wasn’t keen on. He let a hand reach out and lightly touch the older boy’s arm, tracing up towards his face. The older boy was hot, someone that Shane would have no problems kissing and was definitely all in to flirt and mess around. ”Are you much of a dancer?” he let his gaze flit between where his hand was slowly tracing the older boy’s arm to his lips and then finally once again meeting the boy’s gaze.
Flirting like this was definitely something Vivian could get used to. When he had been younger he hadn't known how to react when Vincent had flirted with him like this, but now that he felt more confident and knew what he wanted, it was easy to fall into the playful, flirty banter. It was clear he and Shane were both thinking the same thing, and Vivian chuckled lightly when the younger boy said he wasn't a good dancer. "Well, that's a shame." Vivian smirked, trying to ignore the twist in his stomach as he was reminded of dancing with Hudson at the ball last year. There was no point in focusing on the past, when things were interesting in the present. "I'm not much of a dancer either." Vivian murmured, leaning into the touch on his arm slightly. "I don't suppose you can think of anything else we could do..." He breathed, leaning down slightly.
Shane was pretty pleased that his flirting was working in his favour, this older boy was definitely interested. He let the light flirty smile remain and the keen look in his expression as the other boy leaned into his touch and said he was also not much of a dancer. Shane let his eyes search the boy’s face for any indication at all that he didn’t want this before he replied, ”I can think of something” he let his hand find the back of this boy’s neck a light and flirty touch and he guided the boy’s face towards his own. He kept his gaze on him, letting him search the other boy for any indication that he didn’t want this, looking for permission in there to kiss him, before he leaned up and met the boy half way. Kissing him on the lips lightly and looking for the permission to kiss more deeply. He could tell that this boy was interested in flirting but didn’t want push too hard into a kiss he might not want, even though it was very clear that Shane wanted it, and felt like this boy definitely did want it.
Though the signals had seemed relatively clear from the beginning of the exchange, Vivian had held a slight concern that he was misinterpreting things. It certainly didn't seem likely, with Shane's hand gliding up his shoulder, but Vivian still felt a small rush of relief when the shorter boy began guiding his face closer. Vivian tilted his face down slightly, glad when Shane met him in the middle. It was a thrill to kiss someone new, and even more so to kiss them simply because he wanted to. Vivan allowed one of his hands to come up and cup Shane's jaw, parting his lips slightly to deepen the kiss. Even if he had been conscious of the eyes on them in that moment, Vivian wouldn't have cared, entirely focused on kissing Shane.
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