Just For About a Week

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Heyy folks,

I've been a little absent as of late, and that's mainly due to cousins running around and me attempting to keep them under control. Therefore It's been difficult to get online and reply to topics.

So, as some of you may know, I'm currently in the South of France right now visiting family. And unfortunately, I leave at 5am on Sunday morning. Now, we are travelling back to bonnie Scotland, by car which means I'll get to spend 3 days sitting in a car.

This basically means that I will have no internet what so ever until about Tuesday. So yeah. This means no HNZ.

I should be back properly This Wednesday coming.
I miss you all!

Emzies :emzies:
Blah, car rides are icky. :(
I hope you have a decent and safe trip though! :hug:

♥ Jessye
Have a good time! See you when you get back :)

Cool.Hope you have a nice time.I know what you mean about car journeys had to travel the whole length of Sweden! That whole day including the flight over there from Ireland took a total of 20hrs!!! I'm usinga computer in a hotel we are staying in for the night and I might be able to use the one we will be staying in Stockholm but if I don't I should be back by Tuesday too...

Okay, So That's me back. Maybe not RPing as much until I get settled back into
normal everyday life. but, that is me back, so this topic can now be archived.

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