Just Follow Me

Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Charlotte had been waiting for this moment for a long time. She was about to teach a first year how to fly on a broom and she couldn't be more excited. When she first came up with the idea of a tutor program, she hadn't expected many people to sign up, and it was all because of the program that she was now able to express her love of flying with someone younger who was hopefully as eager as her about the sport. The prefect had the box of equipment sitting on the grass with her broom beside it as she waited for the Hufflepuff girl to arrive. She had also retrieved one of the brooms from the broom shed for the first year to use, and so the Slytherin was more than ready to get started. Charlotte stood there patiently, despite her excited jitters, and waited for the girl to arrive.
Minerva knew she was over dressed for the occasion, she had managed to borrow a helmet from one of the Hufflepuff squad and using small pads that she had made herself with a pillow case and its stuffing. She had cut the pillow case into small rectangular pieces that would cover her knees and elbows and stitched the stuffing inside before then stitching two pieces of ribboned material so that they could tie together. She wore a thick jumper and if she could have, she would have secured a full pillow to her backside in case she fell on that too. All in all she thought she was pretty much covered for the tutoring session that she was going to have.

Sara a first year Slytherin had already helped her to fly straight without capsizing but she was certain for her exam she would have to speed up a considerable amount and speed was just something that Minerva had never done in anything! She took her time at everything and she got what she needed to done and almost always to perfection but flying was not supposed to be slow.

She arrived on the pitch and found a blond older girl waiting for her and approached her with what she hoped was an eager expression and not something akin to pure terror, it was really difficult to tell.
"Hello ... I'm Minerva. Are you my tutor for today?" it seemed like a silly question especially as the girl had two brooms with her. Minerva's stomach nose dived ... as she saw the box near the girl, please don't let that be what I think it is, she groaned to herself.
Charlotte raised an eyebrow as she watched a smaller student approach her. The girl seemed a bit too ready for their flying lesson with all of her protective equipment and Charlotte chuckled slightly, giving the Hufflepuff a friendly smile when she asked if she was her tutor. "Yes, I am!" Charlotte exclaimed, glad that they had found each other so easily. "I'm not sure if you're going to need all that protection, but it's good that you came so prepared because we are definitely going to get into the air today." she began. "I'm Charlotte." She put her hand out for the girl to shake, hoping that she would be able to make a friend, or at least acquaintance with the younger student.

"I've collected a broom for you from the broom shed. Next year you'll be able to buy your own if you join the Quidditch Team, which I really recommend you do if you like it." To begin the lesson, Charlotte stood beside her broom and ushered the first year to stand beside hers. "Now, you've probably had to do this in your flying lesson some time this year, but what we're going to do is summon our brooms from the ground, like so." Charlotte raised her right arm above her broom. "Up!" she said, and the broom had moved straight to her hand almost as if it were magnetic. The prefect clutched it tightly, excited to see the girl try herself. "Now you try!"
The girl was really nice, social and polite and set Minerva at ease almost immediately ... almost. Minerva extended her hand to shake Charlotte's, "Hi Charlotte, I'm Minerva" it was only as she said it this time that she realised that the spelling to her name sounded almost like Me nerve or I'm nervous which she absolutely was. She glanced at the broom and gave Charlotte a weak smile of thanks but she highly doubted that the Hufflepuff team would want, need or ever consider her just as much as she would not want to, need to or ever consider playing quidditch. It just wasn't her thing and that was alright, she knew her skill scope, always had and knew when something flummoxed her, always had.

"To tell you the truth Charlotte, I am a terrible person on a broom. I couldn't even say flier because that is insulting anyone that flies" she told her as she bent down to take hold of the broom that she was to use. It was only Charlotte telling her that they'd be summoning the brooms that made Minerva stand up looking slightly abashed and nodding her head in confirmation of what she was to do.

"Up" her opened palm waved over the broom, enticing it to move upwards. The broom wiggled and Minerva shook her head ... no! This she could do, this she had done successfully a few times now, so why all of a sudden ...bam! The broom whacked directly up into ther hand as if it had been considering the act for a split second. Not impressed Minerva looked to Charlotte.
"I don't think brooms like me ... is that even possible?"
Charlotte frowned at Minerva's self deprecation. "I'm sure you're better than you think!" she said encouragingly, wishing the Hufflepuff was more optimistic. "After all, you're only a first year and you've probably only flown once or twice before. Professional quidditch players don't start out as professionals." Charlotte winked at Minerva, hoping she had at least made her feel better. The prefect watched as the hufflepuff tried to get the broom to fly up into her hand. She chuckled slightly as it aggressively whacked her palm and Charlotte placed her broom back onto the grass, ready to demonstrate again. "You must keep your arm still," she began, hovering her arm steadily over the top of her broom. "And you need to be more clear and authoritative. You are in charge of the broom and the broom isn't in charge of you... Up!" The broom moved upwards into her palm and she gripped it tightly. "Forming a relationship with your broom is always a good idea. Once you get your own broom, and if you get your own broom, it will most likely work better after a few practices so there's no need to be worried that this isn't working for you now." Charlotte smiled at her again. "Did you want to try again?"
The girl was patient and kind and Minerva felt more at ease with her with every passing moment. She did want to believe that she was better at flying than she thought she was but everything proved contrary to that, she was shocking but perhaps putting herself under so much pressure to do good at it was what was blocking her from actually doing good at it! She nodded her head slightly, she had only flown briefly before coming to Hogwarts and that was the most ridiculous toy broom imaginable and when she had been about three or so. She'd flown with her mother on hers and with her father on his, clutching on for dear life each time while her brothers, both younger than her enjoyed it all like it was some super thrill ride.

Minerva stood beside the broom again and followed Charlotte's lead, placing her hand straight and controlled over the broom. She took a few deep breaths and felt her insides quaking, clear and authoritative ... got it! She seemed to be mentally ticking off boxes in her head as the girl spoke as if making sure she was doing every thing exactly as the girl said. Minerva nodded her head, she didn't want to let this girl down. Everything she was telling her made perfect sense really and Minerva thrived on factual and practical not airy fairy stuff like on are one with your broom, it will happen if it is meant to! Hard work and perseverance should make it ruddy well work!

She exhaled a deep breath and then said 'up' as clearly and as confidently as she possibly could. As if the broom on the ground knew better than to fool around it shot up into her hand, not too hard to hurt her and not to feebly as to allow her to drop it. It was just right! With a beaming smile, Minerva looked to Charlotte.
"I did it! First time perfect execution! Thank you" she felt now that if the girl insisted she do speed tests through hoops Minerva would no longer shrink back and shake her head violently but would actually give it a go!

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