Just Chill Out, Just My Luck

Margarette Woodlock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 8 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Margarette Lipayon had finally decided upon a break from her work at the Makutu Mall. It had only been barely half a month since she had gotten herself the position of shopkeeper in Vibez and she could certainly say that she was currently happy with her profession. The woman had decided to take a break from her modelling career and instead try to take on the challenge of shopkeeping. After all, she knew it would be a tedious task and should she neglect the shop, she was sure that she was going to be in deep trouble. Though, she had figured that she had already been working hard the past few days and right now, she needed a one-day break. It was a chilly Wednesday and with less people hanging about the Mall at the time, she closed the shop for the day and made her way instantly to the Obsidian Harbour.

Of course, being the witch she was, she knew easy ways of transportation that managed to get her to the Obsidian Harbour within mere moments. She dressed herself up in a pair of jeans, a pair of four-inched heels, a plain white shirt and a scarf and sunglasses to hide her face. She was quite known in the wizarding world too after all, and she really wanted this day to be one of relaxation and so she was taking no chances this time around. The former Ravenclaw held on to her purse as she walked through the streets with grace and easily maneuvered through the streets, coming in to one shop and afterwards transferring to another as slowly, she had been gaining baggage. She loved clothes and she loved to shop after all, so it was no wonder that she was being like this on her day off. Soon enough, she had three bags on each of her hand, making a decision on just carrying them instead of using magic, she continued her way through the streets of the Obsidian Harbour. The walk and the day was going too well, and of course luck would change. As she walked, her gaze shifting from signs to signs, she had not noticed someone right in front of her and as result she bumped into said person, causing her to lose balance. Terra flopped to the ground with a squeal as her bags now lay on the floor and much to her irritation, the heel of her right footwear had broke. Now what to do? she thought to herself quite irritatingly though she tried to hide it.
Being off tour was never an easy time for Vrael. He loved being on the road. It was something that he thrived on. Something he lived for. And yet, whilst he was off of tour, he found himself about as bored as a child with no toys to play with. Moving around in the muggle world was becoming harder and harder for the man. As his bands fame grew, so did his own fame, and with that fame brought recognition from fans everywhere. Just walking down the street nowadays, he was steadily becoming more and more recognised by people and fans. Dont get him wrong, Vrael always enjoyed having a chat or hanging out with his fans. But when he longed for some time by himself to relax, it became exhausting constantly having people approach you. So, after much debate, and a bit of an argument with himself inside of his head, Vrael had decided to come to the one place that he was practically non existent in. The wizarding world. As he walked down the not so busy street of Obsidian Harbour, he wondered to himself how life might have turned out had he stayed in touch with the wizarding world, and had he followed a magical career. The thought of changing anything about his life made Vrael laugh, as he enjoyed his life and would have changed it for anything in the world. But the wonder of what might have been always lingered. And lingering thoughts were always the most dangerous, as they tended to seep into ones mind at times and consume everything, making life confusing. He often disliked such times.

It was a rather chilly afternoon, and thought the weather had voted against the idea, Vrael had decided to wear a singlet with his denim sleeveless jacket over the top of it, accompanied by his usual black skinny jeans that were tailored to his shape perfectly, and his usual pair of black vans. He quite liked his outfit today. His hair were neatly jelled and his black ray bans sat on his face, protecting his eyes from the sun and adding a nice accessory to his outfit. All in all, he looked nice, neat and attractive. As he made his way down the harbours street, something in the window of a shop caught his eye, and without thinking he suddenly stopped to look at it. Suddenly, he felt something bump into him, and heard the crashing sound of bags hitting the round and someone falling over with a squeal. The noise left Vrael to believe that it was a female who had run into him. As he turned around, his suspicion was confirmed. Kneeling down, he held out a hand, and taking the girls, assisted her to her feet. Bending down, he scooped up the woman's bags and stood up, viewing the girl properly. She was attractive. Very attractive. "My apologies. I didn't see you behind me." he apologised, noting the broken heel. "Please allow me to replace your shoes. I can be a bit silly at times. I shouldn't have just stopped in the middle of the street." he said, holding her bags out to her. He felt it was the curteous thing to do, replacing her shoes. Plus, she could hardly continue her day bare foot, and he was sure that there would be a clothing store around somewhere. "I'm Vrael, by the way." he added as he let go off her hand finally, realising he still had a hold of it.
Margarette had never thought that she would quite miss the time when she was travelling all the time. After all, it was very stressful to transfer from one country to another, especially considering that she had two contracts signed, though both companies were informed of this arrangement. Well, her muggle company wasn't as informed as the magical company of course, but that didn't change the fact that it was tedious for her. While it was fun, Terra knew that she needed a break from modelling and she was quite thankful that they had both given her a half-year break. They had claimed that it would be better if the people wouldn't see her too much so they wouldn't get tired of her image and Terra readily agreed to the rest time they were giving her, though she knew that after this break was a huge amount of work. She really probably had to hire an assistant. Thoughts ran through the former Ravenclaw's mind though she was quick to dismiss such whilst walking down the streets of the Obsidian Harbour.

Though it seemed that it was not only her that had wandering thoughts in their minds for a man was partly the reason that she had fallen to a heap on the ground. Whilst her gaze was wandering it seemed that the man had stopped out of nowhere and since the man's built was in no wonder bigger than her own, she had lost her balance, fallen to the ground and broke her shoes in the process. The woman sighed inaudibly and let the man help her stand. "Thanks," she said gently as she removed her shoes from her feet. It would do her much damage to walk in broken heels than bare foot after all. "It's alright, I should have paid attention to where I was going," Margarette replied as she had carried the rest of the bags that the man had not yet picked up. It would be embarrassing to let him pick up all of her baggage after all. "That would be a big help and don't fret. This happens all the time," she smiled sheepishly as she knew that she indeed had tendencies of being clumsy. The former Ravenclaw couldn't help but be surprised that the man whom introduced himself as Vrael still had a hold on her hand as she as well had not noticed that little fact. Nevertheless, she used both hands to carry her bags and her broken heels. "I'm Margarette. And your name sounds really familiar," the woman introduced herself before realizing that they had stopped in the middle of the street. "We should start walking," she chuckled upon knowing that they were probably causing disturbance in the middle of the street because they had just stood there without moving.
Grinning at the girl, Vrael studied her a little more as they stood chatting. She was slightly shorter than he was, and the lack of her broken heel emphasised that further. She had a nice complexion, and a very pretty face. As he finished studying her, he noted that she had quite alot of shopping, and figured to himself that she had had a bit of a shopping spree. "It probably didn't help, me stopping in the middle of the street. I apologise for that, truly. I need to start paying attention to my surroundings. I'm luck you weren't hurt." he said, relieved that she seemed fine. He was glad that she hadn't noticed that he had been holding her hand longer than he probably should have. He could be more than idiotic at times, and he berated himself silently for it. It was days like today, where his mind was off in the world without him, that he dreaded being social. People always found him weird when he was in this state, and it made him feel more than slightly embarrassed. "I insist, its only the fair thing to do." he said in reply, insisting on replacing the shoes for her. He felt terrible, and one couldn't simply walk around Obsidian Harbour in bare feel. "You can't exactly finish your shopping trip without shoes." he said with a bit of a chuckle, trying to make a joke of the situation. He scanned around for a shoe or clothes shop. He had never quite understood the need women seemed to have in wearing high heeled shoes. They had always seemed so uncomfortable and impractical to Vrael. His vans on the other hand, were practical and comfortable. And they lasted through alot of wear and tear.

'Margarette.' he thought to himself. It was a nice name, and an easy one to remember. "It's lovely to meet you Margarette." he said, flashing one of his dashing smiles at her. She had a gentle voice, and one that made him feel more comfortable chatting to her, even though they were complete strangers. Her next comment threw him off a little bit. He had no idea where she would have heard his name, as they were in the wizarding word and very few wizards and witches listened to muggle music. Especially of the heavy design. And his name was exactly a common one, and he had his father to thank for that. "Oh? And why is it that my name is familiar?" he asked curiously, the tone of his voice playful. Finally noticing that they were holding up the line of people walking by, he nodded an agreement to Margarette's suggestion of walking. They needed to find a show shop anyways. "Of course. Where would you like to head?" he asked curiously. When she stated their destination, he nodded again, and began down the street after her. Falling into step by her side, he studied her again as he walked, his eyes studying her. As the sun continued its descent, its rays became a little painful to bare, and Vrael reached into the pocket of his jacket and withdrew his ray ban sun glasses, and placed them on his face. Grinning to himself, he looked back to Margarette as they continued down the street. "What brings you to Obsidian today?" he asked curiously.

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