Just Can't Help Ourselves

Sumner turned toward her, brushing her hair back from her face and returning her gentle kiss. The kiss was not passionate, nor heated. It was a new beginning for them. As friends. Pulling back, he let his thumb trail across her cheek then he pulled away completely, gaining his feet. Looking down, he offered his hand. "So," he smirked, feeling more at ease with himself, "any time you need an audience," he trailed off, winking.
Kat took his hand and stood up, dusting herself off, not that it did any good she had grass from head to toe and knew she was going to need a good long soak in the tub to get it all off of her. "I got the undies if you got the cash to take a peek at them," she quirked up, nudging him with her elbow. She walked along beside him before stopping dead in front of him. "Hmm, speaking of undies...for old time sake let's say that last one to the castle has to prance around the pitch in nothing but my knickers after the next match," she said before catching him off guard and pushing him backwards lightly, but enough to cause him to land flat on his rump. With that Kat turned and hauled ass as fast as she could to the castle, praying that his little mishap would give her some sort of advantage.
Sumner glanced down at her short shorts and wished he had some coins right then. They had been pretty. Shaking out of that thought, he pursed his lips. "You know I don't back down from a bet." The words had no sooner left his mouth than he found himself on his arse, watching hers move interestingly as she ran away. "Buggery hell!" Jumping to his feet, he pushed his legs, thankful they were longer. Within moments he was neck and neck with her.
Ah sh1t Kat thought to herself as she saw him catch up with her. This was not a good sign as his legs were much longer than hers were and he'd always been faster. She pushed harder and then it happened, her leg started cramping like crazy when they were only a few yards from the school. "Crap, crap, crap, crap," she whimpered as he passed her easily and there it was...she now had to march around the quidditch pitch after the next match in only her underclothes. Kat was a sore loser and always had been, as she limped up to Sumner she smirked and said, "Well this won't really come as a big thrill to anyone. Half the damned school's already seen the stupid things."
Sumner laughed and jumped about from leg to leg in victory. "At least your undies will hold all of you in." Smirking, he came up and draped an arm over her shoulder. "C'mon, I'll treat you to a pumpkin juice." Oh yeah, he would so be on that pitch, injury or no injury. It'd be worth a bludger to the head to catch a flash of her red panties streaking by. It amazed him for a moment how they could have been at each other's throats one day then the next be friends once more. This must be that adult thing they were talking about, he thought, brushing a kiss on the top of her head. As they entered the castle, he knew he wouldn't want to ever quarrel with her again.
"Think mighty 'big' of yourself there don't you," Kat asked with a sly grin on her face. She snaked one arm around his waist as he draped one over her shoulders. "Pumpkin juice sounds perfect," she said grinning up at him. For now everything, at least in her small little world, was right the way it was supposed to be and she was going to try her damndest to make sure that nothing ever ruined the balance they had regained ever again.

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