Just as bright as the girl

Ilija Olaf

New Dad | UL Editor 📚 Psychologist (in training)
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 inch Larch wand with Hippogryff Feather
4/2035 (28)
Ilija was looking for one of the last few people on his list, but finding @Sierra Woodlock was harder than he thought it would be. After not being able to find her in the Great Hall, nor while hanging outside the common room, Ilija had opted to save the rose until he did find her. The chance came later in the day, when he was headed across the lawn towards his classes and he heard the girl before he saw her. Glancing across the grass he spotted the brunette, cheery as ever. "Are you Sierra?" he asked when he was close enough, hoping her reputation of being loud was enough that he'd found her from it.
Sierra turned as she heard someone approaching, grinning when they asked if she was Sierra. "I am Sierra! Who are you?"
Ilija smiled, glad it was her. “I’m Ilija. I have this for you,” he said, holding out the rose with the note attached.

Jasper (Lucas)
Sierra grinned when the boy held out a rose for her, she was thoroughly confused by rose colours at this point, but it was exciting to just have a rose nonetheless. "Thank you!" Sierra exclaimed taking the rose and reading the note, her smile growing when she saw who it was from, before looking back at the boy. " Have you gotten a lot of roses?!" She assumed that the boy with the roses had also gotten a lot.

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