Just Another Day

Chrysanthemum Xanthe Tollin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The noisy, obnoxious "unpacking" days were finished and done with. Xanthe's mother was satisfied with her statue's locations and her father was content with the whereabouts of his most famous paintings. The house was at peace now, just like Xanthe's previous home in Portland, Maine. Nothing could keep Xanthe from her quiet activities, which seemed to trouble her. Tiffany Tollin resumed her peaceful work in her newly painted "tranquil" room, as well as Richard Tollin in his workshop on the second floor. Xanthe felt that the silence throughout the house was uncomfortable so she often went outside and took pictures.

Xanthe woke up feeling groggy from the humidity of the outside. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, then threw on a stylish layered outfit. Xanthe pushed her "blinding" white door open to reveal a foggy beach through the wall of windows in her hallway. A groan slipped past her frowning lips as she trudged through her gigantic house to the enormous dining table located in the dining room. Her parents were already waiting for her. Her father was sipping his morning coffee cheerfully, while her mother cooked up yet another under-cooked breakfast. "Oh! Wonderful! You're up!!! We have exciting news to tell you!" Her father said with his face glowing brilliantly, glancing up and over towards her mother. Xanthe's mother raised her head to verify her assuptions of it being her daughter that her husband was exclaiming towards, "That's a gorgeous outfit, darling! And yes, we do indeed have exciting news as your father says," She set down her terrible looking meal to the family and took her seat then continued, "Xymonah Hazzelle, your cousin, is going to come and visit us! She'll be arriving tomorrow in the early afternoon. We've already set up a few things in the room next to yours! She's ecstatic to be staying here with us!" Xanthe nearly spit up her food at hearing the outrageous news. She carefully swallowed and asked to be excused. She snatched up her camera off the other end of the table and turned to explain to her parents that she "wasn't hungry".

She sprinted to the front door and threw it open. She stomped down the neverending flight of stairs, outraged that her bratty cousin was going to come stay with her. Xanthe reached the foggy beach and fell to her knees on the cool sand. She let her eyelids sag and allowed her head to drop. A few tears formed at the corners of her eyes but Xanthe refused to wipe them away. They fell down her exhausted face like raindrops on your car window. She's going to treat me like Aschenputtel!!! I'm always her little Cinderella! Her hands flew to her face and covered her watery eyes.

Xanthe feared that someone would see her and call her a crybaby like they always did, so she took one long sleeve and swiped it across her bright-red face. She felt like her nose was as red as Rudolf's but knew there was no cure for a "Christmas nose". She wiped off the lens to her camera which was wet from the moist air, then lifted it to her face. She scanned the area for strange shells through her camera. After a few minutes, Xanthe grew bored and sat on the bottom step to her house, which layed only a few inches away from the first bit of sand, and simply began to long for a new friend to start a happy conversation with.

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