🌹 Rose Giving Just a wee little break from deliveries

Benicio Matos

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Too Young to Care
Benicio had ben on quite the mission in searching for the people he needed to deliver to, and he wasn't sure if he'd find anyone here but figured he could take a short break and enjoy the view if it didn't pan out. There were a few people on the cliffs enjoying the view and the scene below of people running to and fro delivering roses. Benicio took a seat and decided to enjoy it as well, and then he would get right back to delivering. The next delivery was going to be a tough one. He'd already asked a few people and no one had been able to help him with any suggestions. If he could at least figure out what house she was in, he'd have something more to go off of.

@Aroha Blenheim
Aroha thought the cliffs were unjustifiably out of bounds. Sure it was a bit dangerous, but as she knew from her conversations with Helios, so was just about everything about Hogwarts. Nothing that different about it. She was enjoying the scenery and the brisk wind when she noticed another student out of the corner of her eye. He looked maybe lost? He had roses with him, so maybe he was delivering. Aroha paused for a moment, shrugged, and then approached him. "Hey, you looking for someone?" she asked. She'd been raised to always try and help others out, so she thought she'd give it a go. It wasn't like she knew everyone at Hogwarts but maybe she could help.
"I should be, but...I decided to take a break" the third year admitted. "Do you know any of these people?" He nodded to the roses he was meant to be delivering, the name tags easy to read.

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