Just a walked

LeighAnn McClay

Well-Known Member
LeighAnn needed fresh arm.. She wanted to walk around... She missed James... She was really worried about him... She didn't know where in the world he went... She hasn't seen him since there "date"... She was walking with her head down... When... SLAM... She hit the ground.. She looked up to see a girl on the ground infront of her... " I am so sorry." LeighAnn jumped to her feet to help the girl up... "Are you ok?" She extended her hand.
Toni was standing in her Slytherin uniform looking out over the lake. Her thoughts consumed her. She thought nothing of what had happened and what Jenna had said. God how had one Hufflepuff girl caused her so much trouble. How could Toni be gulity? Toni shouldn't be gulity. Well maybe a bit. As all the thoughts rushed through her head she was about to think about what she should do in this matter before wham! She found herself on the ground.

Something or more likely someone had bumped into her. Pushing her blonde hair out of her face Toni looked at the girl who had knocked her down. "What the H..." Toni began as the girl jumped up saying sorry. Scoffing at the extended hand, Toni pushed herself up. "Watch where you are going before you actually end up killing someone" Toni said a bit angerly. This was the last thing she needed at a time like this.

"Who are you anyway?" Toni asked her voice anything but kind. Brushing her uniform off and fixing her hair she waited for the girl's answer.
"Whatever" Toni said not caring for this girl's sorrys. It didn't matter at all if the girl was sorry for knocking Toni down it was just the fact that she had. Maybe it wouldn't have been such a big deal if Toni's mind was totally bogged down with everything. Yet her mind was full and her anger was at a full.

She looked up at the girl as she stated she was a puff. That was the term Sam used all the time. Pushing Sam out of her mind, a small smirk appeared on Toni's lips. "Of coarse you are a Hufflepuff" Toni said as if it was obvious. She crossed her arms over her chest. "And yes it is unfortunate" She added as Toni ran her fingers through her hair.

"But I'm Toni Addison" Toni said saying her name as if the girl should have already heard of her. "First year Slytherin" Toni added pride in every word. Running her fingers through her hair once more before turning towards the lake to view the water shining. "So what brings a clumsy puff like yourself out to a view like this?" Toni asked trying to keep her thoughts away from everything else. Even if it meant talking like the like's of this girl.
Toni rolled her eyes. "Of coarse you hate being a hufflepuff. Who wouldn't" Toni said her voice still cold though a bit softer as to the fact that LeighAnn did not like being in Hufflepuff. That always made things better. "Fresh Air" Toni repeated absentmindedly not knowing what else to say. It was a boring reason in Toni's opinion. Besides the Hufflepuff didn't seem like she wanted to talk. This wasn't helping Toni keep her mind off anything at all. Not if there was no conversation going on.

"Well you might as well remember to watch where you're going next time you want some fresh air. The next person you nearly trample may not be as nice" Toni said as she sat down upon the grass making sure her skirt was nicely laid over her legs which were straightened out. "You can sit if you want" Toni said not bothering to look at LeighAnn.
Toni didn't bother to answer. She noticed the girl sit down anyway. "Well you're sitting aren't you" Toni said smirking a bit as she looked out over the lake seeing the water ripple a bit. "And I heard your sorry" Toni said not bothering to say whether or not she even accepting it. It didn't really matter.

"So if you didn't want to be a hufflepuff what did you want to be?" Toni asked all curiousity out of her voice. She was just making conversation, keeping her thoughts busy.
Toni couldn't help but let out a laugh when the girl said Slytherin. She wanted to be in Slytherin Toni thought rolling her eyes. "Well obviously that was not where you belonged" Toni said not even picturing ever sharing a dorm room with this girl. Though she couldn't picture sharing a dorm room with Hoshi either and still Hoshi was in Slytherin.

Toni didn't quite know what to say. As her thoughts difted from Hoshi to Slytherin to Beau to Sam to everything she was trying to not think about. "Must have been a shock when that stupid hat said Hufflepuff then" Toni said thinking about how she would react if the hat had said anything put Slytherin. Toni would probably drop out of school.
"You have no idea... My mom... Before she died... Wanted me to be in Slytherin... That's my heart... That's where I belong..." LeighAnn was almost in tears." I bet she is flipping in her grave..."

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